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Everything posted by Cresaran

  1. Accepted, I will get you trained up with an axe so you can start using an iron one.
  2. Accepted, meet me in the Seventis camp for your gear.
  3. Accepted, welcome to the Blades Kimarai, meetme in Ascella so I can give you some gear
  4. Accepted, we are still designing our new fort town so at the moment we are in Ascella. We have 1 problem though, our tailor has stopped making clothes and uniforms so I am looking for a new supplier.
  5. We're still discussing it, at the moment the proposed plans are a town named Endell in the mountain archway region around the map area x: -295 z: 919 Basically, trading town and military outpost. The Bahr Clan and the Crimson Blades will have ownership but ultimately it wil be my property. It will be part of Seventis so don't worry about that. Once I have stablished it then it will be expanded into the city to cover some nearby forest and plains.
  6. I agree Ursulon, the CB will act as the main force in my new town but we should garrison some Seventisians in the area too.
  7. Yes, go ahead recruiting Sorrok, also we need lumber or the new town. I might be able to spare some stock from the Basilia Trading Company but That would decrease my profit margins thus bringing in less income to buy supplies and equipment for the guild.
  8. We were, but I thought that we have less men than we actuallly do.
  9. The courier was just asking about the prospect, the terms were to be discussed in a meeting.
  10. Check the old notice, it says that all members must re-apply. The others contacted me personally. I just need to know who is and isn't with us because we are thinking strongly about disbanding.
  11. ((Yep thanks, you're artistic work is very good and I would pay you to make a logo for the Crimson Blades but we just disbanded))
  12. ((Also, how did you get that logo? and how did you get 2 massive forts?))
  13. *A courier approaches you* Lord Demivar Basilia would like to forge an alliance between the Crimson Blades and the Emerald Knights, what say you?
  14. I see that you are learning from the best, the Crimson Blades. Our ranking system that was there before yours had those 4 ranks too.
  15. News: We are planning our new Fort town, Endell
  16. List of members: Grandmaster Demivar Basilia Harbinger Drog'Bahr Champion Sorrok Marshall Amroth Elensar Knight Alex Johnson Knight Borus Lenblade Hoplite Chris Hoplite Crow Hoplite Aerilyn Warden Pashatil Warden Balaero Herald Sam Delumir Squire Aaron Epiphano (Under Sorrok) Squire Kimarai (Under Demivar) Apprentice Talias (Under Demivar) Apprentice Richard Lancaster (Under Deimvar) Apprentice Lia Silvershine (Under Demivar) Apprentice Elfalcon Icesword (Under Sorrok) Initiate Anir Kah
  17. *Lore* After the collapse of the Mirach and the remaking of Ascella, Jullius and Cresaran had a bet, Cresaran had to get eleven new members for the Crimson Blades in one elven week. If he succeeded, then he would get a free guild house, however if he faied then they would be forced to leave Ascella forever. Cresaran went to work to get new members but his first three already resided in Ascella so Jullius refused to let them count. He scoured the roads and went across the land and now we need more people to join our order. Cresaran left Asulon and made Demivar Basilia the new Grandmaster and now we still fight for what is right. Ranks: Recruit: A new member that needs training and experience Apprentice: A trainee who is studying and training under a specific officer Squire: A member of the Blades that serves under a Knight or higher rank and goes to war alongside them. Herald: A Squire that has finished their training for the Crimson Blades Warden: The Midway rank in the army, where the role of a Crimson Blade truly starts Hoplite: A Veteran in the army that has been battle tested and proven Knight: For all Blades with exceptional combat skills but do not want an officierial role. Armsmaster: A high rank in the Crimson Blades, only great individuals can reach this rank. Harbinger: The best Officers that advise Grandmaster Demivar and lead the troops into battle. Grandmaster: The Leader of the Crimson Blades who is in charge of everything. Payment: All members will be paid after battles and given rewards for doing good things. There is no official pay as if you are lazy you get little but if you work hard you get lots. We have shipments of leather armour, bows and arrows and we also sometimes hve spare iron swords. These will be handed out as necessary. Training: Soldiers will be trained whenever possible and are advised to practice fighting in the courtyard and training room whenever they can. Tactics will be taught to groups and excercises wlll be done to help the soldiers work well as a unit. Uniform: Strongly recommended and encouraged and it gives a good impresssion to people our supplier is Here just ask for a Crimson Blades Uniform ((And add a link to your skin)) Application: Name: Mc Name: Timezone: Race: Combat skills: Experience: Short Bio: Crimson Blades Grandmaster Demivar Basilia
  18. Congratulations, I ust made you have a 5 start rating

  19. Sorrok, Akutare and Lan are dead so I am appointing you to the Champion of the Crimson Blades, I will make it official at the funeral. Five blades are K.I.A and we are going to find a location and bury them.
  20. No, don't look at Alex's app. He got in on a fluke

  21. I know, even when he makes a valid point some people just -1 it

  22. Definately, I have already started making defensive plans for the most efficient layout ((Can you come on now I need to speak to you))
  23. Not going to happen I'm afraid, you killed Twieg and that can NEVER be forgiven under any circumstances. You're hated by those loyaal to the Guild and are still in it and I'd suggest joining the Emerald Knights or someone like that. I like your skill, but your attitude, I don't. I'm sorry but this just can't happen and I am backing down from this and you should too or it will be the end for both of us.
  24. Bad news, he quit to join Seventis because he was worried about all of the "civil war" against Jester etc.
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