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Status Updates posted by Blackdragonhole

  1. Life can seem like its a little bit rough but the Tough Ponies Never Give Up!

    1. Korvic


      I C Wut U Did Thar! Moar Ponies! :D

    2. Blackdragonhole
  2. Welcome to the new world ^_^.... Wait a minute war? Again jusssst grrreaaat. -_-.

  3. Gradution party was fun. To bad that I have one more year of HS while he is out and in the world... But Im kinda glad Im still in HS. Not ready for that real world.

  4. You cant outmatch this song. No matter hard you try. You know this song is right.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlbKwIYgpzU Bass Cannon Turned up to the max! Happy Fathers Day!

  7. That was a fun. Did a experiment with randomization of what type of Pony they would be in Equestria... Hehe

  8. Wake up! Wake up! *slaps self around*

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      It turns out mermaids are not really people in fish costumes... Panda has a lot of cleaning to do.

  9. Its so much fun to make-up history in your own way. Writing Writing Writing.

  10. Yay! *very silently*
  11. Starting to think about creating a video game that I've been thinking about for awhile. Hopefully I do it right.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmGt0EhVToE&feature=related Made me laugh when the CMC (Cutie Mark Cursaders) Took a turn for the worst.
  13. Well... Prom was pretty much boring... Now the afterprom was much better. Won a few prizes. Hey at least I won some gas money ^_^

  14. Prom is today. Tonight is gonna a night I'll be up all night. Dancing, Eating, Talking, And Ponies ^_^... Couldn't help but put Ponies in *smiles*.

  15. The Prom is tommorrow so I'm not sure if I'll be on at all tommorrow. Just a heads up I guess to myself.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You don't happen to go to FJR right? If no just delete this useless comment xD

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=didgOt2KDGY Good song for 14minutes long on repeat. All day I listened to this.
    1. Do'Mojnir


      *puts on ear plugs*


    2. Blackdragonhole


      That'll be your opinion though.

  17. So... Got a bit bored. Playing some "My Little Investagations" right now.

  18. Confused in life.

    1. 0000


      If you want to talk, feel free to PM~

    2. Blackdragonhole


      ...Ok. I usually dont talk unless its something important.

  19. Rough week ahead. The Prom is comin' and Im not amused.

  20. Im just sitting here staring at a screen... Staring some more.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Can I stare at you?

  21. Having some trouble with minor things... Then again it sounds Major yet minor. Not sure right. Going through a weird state in my mind.

  22. Dear Princess Celestia- GET ME OUTTA THIS WORLD!

    1. 0000


      Okie Dokie Lokie~

  23. Pause for a Dramatic effect *pause*

  24. *Dubstep music starts playing* louder *Music is turned up* LOUDER *gets turned up higher and pauses* LOUDEEEEEE-EER *Full max boost of the Bass Cannon*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      This sounds better >:D

    3. Blackdragonhole


      Nyan cat is like... So old man. I like it but got old. Moved on to a new beginning. Again Again and Again.

    4. Blackdragonhole


      Nyan cat is like... So old man. I like it but got old. Moved on to a new beginning. Again Again and Again.

  25. I hate having no kitchen in my house... No hot food till its fix D:

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