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Posts posted by youlovesocks

  1. On 10/26/2020 at 10:06 AM, nickrocky213 said:

    This was already taken into consideration for our next map, there is a plugin that is currently in development (though it isn't on the tech discord yet because I’ve been busy) that will allow nations to have a form of fast travel. Though, I don’t think I can say much more than that at this time.


    Sorry i've been away from this thread. I've had some things going on in my personal life. LOVE to hear this -- As to the initial questions as far as how I would justify fast travel irp, the short answer would be: I wouldn't. I understand the drive to make LoTC as RP oriented and realistic as possible, and much of that is a major upside as to why this server has worked well over the years with a generally active playerbase. That being said, I think a good majority of the playerbase that has stuck around for multiple years, is getting older. We (I) don't have as much time to dedicate to the server, and have to realize while it may not make sense to have everyone teleporting around the world willy nilly, we're still playing a game to have fun - and running around not rp'ing looking for people isn't all that fun. 


    This is especially true in new players. I have been gone for what seems like an entire year, so I have no clue what the map layout really is - and when roadsigns to nations seem never ending, when I eventually reach my destination, i'm left with the thought of "Wow. This place looks so dope....where the f*ck is everybody." and the 20 minute hike to the next place begins. Which is what I imagine a new player seeing the map for the first time is thinking as well. Anyways, thats my thought. I'm confident in the tech team or whoever it is to make things run a little smoother. 


  2. Topic is the title.


    I just spent 2 hours online – an hour and a half of that was spent running to 4 different cities, finding not a soul (150 ppl online), with exception to the 4 people RP’ing in Haense and 7 others running around. 


    Start respecting people’s time. Lets get fast travel back in this.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Dumbrarere said:

    If you want an example of what I am talking about, many people have witnessed a bunch of PVP goons attack the Global Assembly meeting at Dragur Library and pop people without rp yesterday, which not only robs people of their fun, but is also against the server rules. I personally won't BR them, because it's not worth it, but this kind of stuff is what makes the server not fun.

    I didn't know about that and I 100% agree with you there that's dumb and ruins the fun. It's difficult to split apart the majority vs. the minority as a lot of times bad behavior is recognized more often than good behavior. If it's worth anything, I wouldn't go through the BR process either. I mean we're all playing a game after all. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Dumbrarere said:

    Lately, I have begun to see more and more pvp goons getting a piece of the server, and looking for reasons to force people to pvp and interrupting rp, even going as far as baiting them, to try to force their will on others while still being within the rules set up by the staff. these people are all over, no doubt, but exist more apparently within Renatus-Marna and Norland. As for what was posted, I can say with some degree that, yes, it is true. One such person who fits in the confines of the OP is one who is extremely toxic, and attacks players based on gender or simply for being a so-called 'gender bender' (playing the role of the opposite gender inrp). I often question why I rp on this server, but I still do because of wonderful friends I have made, but given the circumstances, I personally might end up leaving soon, as I am tired of the toxicity and don't want it rubbing off on me.


    Many players within Renatus-Marna that you probably consider as "more PvP goons" have been around the server since 2011-2013. They've done their fair share of good RP'ing and conquest is a very legitimate form of it. Just so happens that sometimes you've gotta be good at PvP too to do it. It is the people that don't take conquest and battles seriously that are the toxic players. That's kind of far fetched but not accepting/dismissing RP related to conquest/war because it doesn't match your personal play style and consider it as not RP at all, but rather just a toxic attitude, is just silly. 


    Obviously I am wrong in some cases. Some players DO just want to PvP, but the majority isn't playing a ******* minecraft fantasy roleplay server just to rob players of their fun.

  5. I posted this guide a few years back, and thought it should get some more light with the server gaining newer players
    How to Roleplay Personal Plots
    A Comprehensive Guide
    I. An Introduction to Personal Plots
    So, you ask. What is a personal plot? What is, in essence, the purpose of this guide? The answer is simple - a personal plot is a plot that is personal to you.
    What I mean by that is that a personal plot (usually) isn't a GM coordinated or server wide event. It's created by you and maybe two or three other people. It focuses on your character and is important to them. Common personal plots include avenging a fallen friend, seeking out a master to train you in the way of the sword, or something of that sort. Therefore, this guide is how to set up and run your personal plots so that it's fun not only for you, but the people who find themselves included in your plot.
    II. Setting up Your Personal Plot
    Ideally, your personal plot should evolve organically, as a result of somebody else's plot or RP. It isn't hard - when something happens to your character, sit back for a moment and ask yourself "What would my character do?". If the answer is anything other than "do nothing and walk away" then congratulations, you have a personal plot!
    For example, meet John and Jane. John is an ex Oren Guard whose friend was killed by a group of bandits. Jane is an innocent farm girl who's saving up to buy a house in the big city.
    Now, John is on his merry way. He's got a personal plot - a driving motivation for his character. His friend was killed by bandits. What does he want to do? Avenge his friend. So he left the guard and set out. Along the way, he chases the bandits to a farm they've recently raided.
    Lo and behold, it's Jane's farm! The bandits came through earlier and ransacked her house, beating her and taking her life savings. What does she want to do? Travel with John of course! Hunt down the bandits and get her money back!
    See what John and Jane have done? They've merged their plots! Now they can play off each other's plots, and both will get a more satisfying RP experience out of it. They have successfully set up their personal RPs, and now we can move on.
    III. Other's Personal Plots and You. 
    So. For the purpose of this section, let's introduce a third character to the previously introduced John and Jane duo. His name is Frank. Frank is a mercenary, a Ranger for hire, and happens to be travelling along the same path as John and Jane. He overhears their trouble and offers his services - for a fee of course.
    John and Jane talk it over and accept his offer. Frank is now a Hanger, as we'll call them. His personal plot is not in the picture, but he is now a part of John and Jane's personal plot.
    The majority of the time, you will be a Hanger, a Frank. You need to learn to deal with not being the center of attention. 
    Because that's the first lesson: It's not all about you. 
    Really. It's not. It's not even mostly about you. It's a little about you, yes. And if the person who's personal plot you're hanging onto is a good rper, they'll include you. But this isn't your fight. You are not going to strike the killing blow. You are not going to be the star. You'll be at best the second man. You'll probably only have a bit part. But learn to live with it, because it isn't your plot and nobody likes a spotlight hog. In the final battle, graciously step back and let the hero of this particular story, the John, fight the bad guy. EVEN IF IT MAY NOT FIT WITH YOUR CHARACTER. If your character just HAS to be involved somehow, find a reason to keep them out of it. Have them break their leg, or get trapped in a cage. 
    Finally, never be afraid to be the sidekick. Even a bumbling one. Being the comic relief every once and a while is fun. Sure, it might be "cool" to be the antihero badass with the tortured past, but honestly, it's more fun to be the sidekick. People will respect you for it. 
    IV. Other People in Your Personal Plot and You
    So. Back to John. It's the big climactic battle. Jane is there, doing her thing. Frank and him are plowing through bandits side by side. It's glorious. 
    He needs to learn this lesson: It's not all about you.
    Ok, so it's mostly about you. This is your plot after all. You've worked hard on it. But like it or not, others have gotten involved now. It isn't just your thing anymore.
    And I know I said earlier that in the final battle, the Hanger, the Frank should step down. And for the most part, that's true. But John should always be trying to include him in some way. Doesn't have to be a big way. But it should be enough so Frank feels like he's making a difference - so that Frank is having fun.
    Let me tell you a little story. It was a bright sunny morning in Ageis. I was sitting in one of my usual hangout spots with a couple other people, discussing a mutual friend, eating, relaxing. Eventually it was just me and two other guys we met before.
    Me and the other guy started having an IC argument over his personal plot, when he launched into a big battle scene that was part of his personal thing. I was excited - it wasn't a real battle, but it was a chance for some fun RP. So me, the main plot guy, and the other guy suited up for battle.
    The main guy charges in and of course, is super awesome. Alright, I get that. As I said, it's his plot. This is his shining moment. I'm not criticizing him for that.
    Then my character charges in. And nothing happens.
    Absolutely nothing.
    Basically, I emote charging in, failing with my sword. The main guy (for he is controlling both the main guy and the enemy) emotes me flying back, my attack totally ineffective.
    No roll. But I'm cool with that. Remember, never be afraid to play the bumbling sidekick. I pick myself up, dust myself off, and warily circle the main guy (who is still being awesome).
    The second guy attacks. His attack is also completely ineffective. Main guy continues to be awesome.
    I attack again. I fly back again. At this point I'm kind of getting annoyed. The other guy attacks. It fails. Main guy is still awesome.
    See why this is bad? It doesn't give me or the second guy anything to do. We just sat there and watched the main guy be awesome. It was boring.
    Don't do that to the people in your plot. Let them have their moments. As long as you give them their fair share and they don't ask for anything more, everyone should have a good time.
  6. *Letters sealed with the Renatian cross are hand delivered to Haense, Norland, Santegia, and Marna, reaching the hands of the four Kings to distribute among their people*




    My Lords… My ladies.. and everyone else NOT inside the palace! It is time for the Tournament of Kings! The Renatian Rumble!


    It is my privilege, nay.. my pleasure, to extend an invitation from his Majesty, Aurelius Horen, to you good Kings. An invitation for you and your banners to compete in a hand to hand tournament of beasts among men, and join us in celebrating Divine Godfrey’s birth less than a week from this day. There will be food and festivities. Heralds and Jesters. And the prize…a grand prize like no other. 


    The victor will receive Knightship in a ceremony post tournament, from his grace himself. He will win half a crate of the finest iron ((blocks)) as well as a freshly forged blade, denoting himself as Grand Champion. ((Gm approved named blade))


    So with no more ado, Bring your most formidable champion! Bring your mother! Bring your whole family! Should you hope to prove your worth with the weapons GOD has given and join history among those of Drelik Letholdus, Pertinax Horen, or James Romstun, sign with your name, age, race, and to what Kingdom you serve, if any.


    Sent in the name of his Royal Majesty of that sacred line, Aurelius Horen, King of Renatus, Prince of Horen’s, Suzerain of Orenians and Nords. 





    ((Tournament will be at 3:00 PM EST this Saturday, January 13th at the Renatus tournament grounds. 

    As this is the tournament of Kings, only humans are allowed to compete, but all are encouraged to come and enjoy the festivities!))








  7. Brutus sits lazily on a stump, gritting his teeth frustrated and cold...


    He writes,


    "Dear whoever,


    I hope this letter finds you well. On behalf of the populace of Oren, I demand that consistent and correct road signs be constructed alongside every major roadway within the Crownlands. The constant forks in the road with no indication of where they lead make me think i've seen the same ******* abandoned farmstead 10 times over. Please, make it happen. I'm exhausted. Set off on a journey to I know not where. Aimlessly circling the world. The terrain around me changes, though I feel I've gotten nowhere. This honestly might be your top priority and all it takes is a few fence posts and signs. ****, maybe throw in a few torches to light up the roads.


    Sincerely, lost soul,

    Brutus Letholdus"




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