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Posts posted by bickando

  1. Bitazity walks by a notice board and sees the note. Walking closer, he sees the prices and laughs. He sends a bird to Nectar Island with a letter in clear words, "Those iron ingot prices are outrageous, but I am interested in buying a few Pearls of the Man of End. How many do you have? -Bitazity Dracaena"

  2. +-OOC-+

    ((I never did make one of these. Guess I'll make one right now then.))

    MC Name: bickando

    Timezone: PST

    Skill Levels:






    Others= <20

    Link to a VA? If applicable:


    Name: Bitazity Dracaena

    Simple but Sweet Biography: Bitazity has been under the banner of Vallark for as long as anyone can remember. Before that, he was a Vigil. Bitazity has lived quite a warrior-hunter lifestyle since coming to Asulon.

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Swords, Bows, Farming, and -Alchohol-.

    Past jobs and/or experiences: Vigil. Azar Guard. Seventis Guard. Seventis Soldier. Renati's Knight. Seventis Magnate. Vallark Bannerman.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: Because...*no answer* I've been with Vallark for a while?

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here):I, Bitazity Dracaena, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

  3. *Bitazity sits on a wine chest on the top floor of his and Fionn's winery and watches streams of Bannerman and Recruits come into the Castle* "So many people~" he says, delighted. Then a thought hits him. "Why were we all called here?"

  4. Why not, and this is just a suggestion, have the big kingdom, and, inside that, there are race factions that are constantly overpowering and/or attacking each other? there would still be a racial conflict and these would be in the county kind of thing that Oren has. That way its easier to find rp. Each race would have a section in the big country and have a minigovernment. The map that was drawn up looked a LOT like lord of the rings, which is why its called lord of the craft. Huh. Anyways, charters should have to have more people, like villages=10, towns=20, cities=30 kind of thing. A reason to move to another continent, would be because of the earlier-mentioned flooding, or, with the extra races, they form an alliance like Original vs. New. This way the new country could be established, but each race still retains its own attributes. The Spawn could be in a new cloud temple somewhat offset from the center, and the center would be the capital everyone fights for to establish dominance. Yeh?

  5. *Walks into Lillith's office.* "I'm back!" Hadiogold declares, glad to have finished his long journey into the wilds to talk to an old friend. He sees the note, and gasps. "I forgot about the tasks..." Hadiogold tacks on a note that reads: I'm ready for another task ~Hadiogold

  6. Soldier App

    Name: Sethilia


    Race:Human ((even tho my char card suggests elf))




    How You think you can better our guild: I think I can help it defend against enemies and hope to be able to contribute to the guild's facilities,a long with helping it expand and attack/defend.

  7. Bitazity had been doing well. While he had been in the wilds, he found a lonely elf girl. Sethilia, she was named. He took her in as his apprentice, and continued back to his house in Sarun. After a few months, however, the plague struck. The capital was in havoc, and he had to guard his house day and night. One day, A large amount of the crazed infected attacked. As Bitazity fought, he told Sethilia to run. And so she did. The next day, she came back to find his dead body, surrounded by the bodies of infected peasants, their faces still twisted in the madness, their hands still clutching the rusty swords, hoes, and assorted items they had fought him with. She gave him the warrior funeral pyre, and left, tears pouring down her cheeks.

  8. Name: Hadiogold_Englaist

    Truename ((MCName)): bickando

    Race: Elf

    Origin: Hadiogold is a wanderer, was a wanderer, will be a wanderer. He has always been a wanderer, and finally completed his task of visiting every nation but that of the orcs. Now, he wishes to settle down and live a normal life.

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor: I wish to become a regular citizen, and maybe be a farmer.

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: Yes, I do.

    Skills: Farming((79)) Swords((68)) Archery ((40))

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