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Posts posted by KentuckyFriedCreeper

  1. Was a good run over the years bro, but you’ll move on to better things I know. A whole lotta history to go through lol, at least we got somewhere with the older gangs, near semi succesful criminals if you ask me, but all good things must come to an end, and hopefully the server will improve enough where it gets me excited to play again and you and some of the other oldies will come back, but until then I wish you luck on your journey.


    See ya space cowboy

  2. Less rules for roleplay and more opportunities and diveristy for the little newbies to have fun with I say. And I agree with @iMattyz ‘s thoughts on new player integration into the community through groups and nations, and would like to add on more specifically (if not already specified by mattyz)  on guilds themselves, and that on the first note that more choice, diversity and freedom in the guild/group for the new player means a wider roleplay audience.



    Plus making villain rules and rp examples/scenarios more visible on the forums would be beneficial too as it’d be easier to take reference to, additionally being less lenience on rulebreakers as a whole due to the easy access of the page(s).


    Not much a player anymore but I think this would help.

  3. On 8/5/2018 at 2:29 AM, L0rdLawyer said:

    Heists done in the middle of the night won't pass. I think I forgot to include has to be done in peak times. 


    Would allowing burglary without the need for a heist be viable if it was done this way, lockpicking chests only being allowed at peak times as to increase the risk of getting caught?

  4. As a player that's rp'd with appie for a while now I can say with all honesty he's a helpful player in general, and especially to new players. He is understanding, good at explaining concepts to newbies and oldies alike and I feel is a very dedicated player and person to be relied on. +1

  5. ((IGN)): colaone1

    Name: Samson, sire.

    Age: 16, but I been doing people dirty a lot of my life.

    Chosen Role: Crook, but I don't mind sir, I'd like to get minas without bloodying someone's nose if I can, but if not...

    Race: Human

    ((Do you have discord and/or willing to get it?)): colaone1#8640

  6. Full Name: Theodore Connor.

    Age: 19.

    Residence: Between residencies.

    Prior Experience: Work as an independent cleaner, doing odd jobs here and there for a quick mina, sometimes big jobs that require a little more time and effort but most times end up sparkling clean. Good at working with others and continue to do so as a temporary basis, usually not commiting to a group, though work's been rough for a while now, near dry when it comes to solo work.

  7. A gruff looking, weatherworn clothed bard stumbles upon one of the etchings, then notices some chalk bellow. "Oh, how convinent." Then writes a name bellow the notice.


    "The Idol"


    He then strolls off down the dingy, dark alley, humming a tune as he makes his way to the local inn.

  8. I've played this server for a long time been several different types of characters but the ones that always drew me into the intertwining story of the server most were the villains, being able to drive roleplay in any direction, nothing being off limits, and most of it being fun with the unrestrictiveness and unlimited rp possibilities, I'd like to be able to help make villainy fun and fair again, and not only villainy but many other types of rp.


    Skype: il.sam.il

  9. On 13/04/2016 at 4:48 AM, Tommy Shmurda said:



    oren is a proud conservative state, give us your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door...




    Someone's been playing CIV 5 ;)

  10. I like the idea but I think it'd just be simpler and prove to make a bit more rp if it was a craftable item under tinkering or something, and was also made illegal in every nation to own/make, making it so that if some random character that has no real reason to use lockpicks rply may be a bit less inclined to buy/make/own them.

  11. I was just talking with someone else about this on skype and I do agree, though I do think there should still be a few small villages for those that prefer village rp, and only given to few people, instead of what you see now with what seems like almost whole cities given to small families.

  12. I know this is a bit of a random question but like in Aegis with Al'khazar (capital of Oren back then) is there any chance that the next oren capital will be furthest away from the cloud temple? Only reason I say this is because of how fun it was back in Aegis making your way along the king's road through bandits, undead, zombies, etc taking shelter in a tavern overnight talking to other weary travellers, strolling through a recently destroyed city with potential dangers to finally get to the gates of Al'Khazar was a really fun and slightly rewarding (in a way) feeling, as you walked through the gates of the city and into the town square to see all sorts of RP. (btw there were a load of other human towns along the way so you didn't have nothing to do on your way to the capital)

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