11th of The Amber Cold, 2011 of Krug’s Age
Harken, Sons and Daughters of Krug,
Today, the fate of our nation has been decided. At today’s klamor, the Blue Spirits spoke directly to Rex Skalvor. According to the Spirits, Krugistan was a name that would not be respected! They dared to say that the name we, the Urukim, had chosen was ridiculous! Thus, a loud discussion was launched and two camps began to form. Those who wished to keep the name of Krugistan, and those who wished to decide upon a new name.
It soon became clear that simple debate was not going to settle this issue. Thus I, Grugmak, called for a klomp between the two groups to decide the matter. The room split with the Pro-Krugistan and Anti-Krugistan factions taking their positions. After a brief countdown, both factions rushed at each other and collided into one another. Punches, bites, and kicks were thrown. After several minutes of fighting, the dust settled and the Spirits had made their decisions known…
Krugistan had prevailed, as had the sovereignty of the Urukim against the dreaded Blue Spirits!