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Status Updates posted by Tadiera

  1. Ahhh! Then you understand, good sir! :P

  2. Almost done the "hard part" of work. Then I can chill in-game for a bit. Gotta go to bed early tho. Sellin' at the jockey lot tomorrow, ooh yeah.

  3. Booo. Been gone all day, wanna chill on LotC, but of course it's down. D:

    1. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      Welcome to our misery

    2. Volutional


      Just join the Trolls of the Teamspeak server.


    3. Serah


      Misery? Or utter bliss? O.O

  4. Catching up with work so I can login for a while...

  5. Haven't been on the user side of a forum in a while. It's weird....

  6. Is the server down currently? Can't connect...

  7. Lots of Christmas items in-game, but I'm having trouble finding a place to buy/rent. Bah! :D

  8. Maybe I'll just hang out on the forums since I keep getting lost on the map...

  9. Of course when I'm ready to play, the game is down. D:

  10. So tired, but the flea market was fun. Now to power through my workday!

  11. Sooooo sick of the damn memory leak crashes. :( :( :(

  12. Well, y'know, beards can be intimidating! Maybe some dude out there is sad because he can only grow a few whiskers. :P

  13. Wine is making me sleepy.

  14. Wish there was a way to hang out in OOC chat without being in the game... Then I could participate during work! :D

    1. Volutional


      I agree, because I want to chat, without being hassled in Krugmar!

    2. Tadiera


      Mebbe we should petition for the IRC plugin... Then I could chat ALL TEH TIME. Wait. That might restrict me actually playing... >.>

    3. Nero


      Get TeamSpeak ^.^ The LotC channel IP is TS.lordofthecraft.net

  15. Yaa! Thanks. :D I love LotC so far, so that drives me to be active. :D

  16. Yearning for midnight so I'm done with work for the week...

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