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Posts posted by Pnoynoy

  1. Just for reference guys, one of the most powerful ic characters of three seperate races was someone with shitty internet. I believe he went by the name;




    Yeah, that guy who didn't complain about anything? That guy who, instead of saying "I cant", simply did things. He lead the orcs. He brought the Humans from from nothing to something. He was also a badass Mori. Three races that, at the time, revolved around pvp. And he lead them.


    If this doesn't show you always have a "Fair chance" nothing does. Don't complain, just do. Please inform me if I am mistaken about his internet, for back in Aegis I was told he was not too good at pvp due to internet.

    How much PVP battles have he done? Please clarify this. And who cares what he did in this thread? He have nothing with this subject to do, he does not PvP, he does not do conflict RP, he did rarely PvP when he was an orc and i was there so i know. THe mori was not revolved about PvP says the me that were a Mori herself.

  2. Indeed it is!

    But I do believe it has been addressed already, I would also hope that it would be easy to see the solution to said problem, seeing as hunger for power and material possession is a very real and expectable thing in life and RP and therefore it has very obvious solutions of a less out-of-game nature. Would it not be expectable to react accordingly? Hire a guard, carry a sword, travel off the beaten track? This is the essence of roleplay and is what provided the majority of my fun here on this server, I think it's about time these (not calling you out here buddy, it's a general statement) self proclaimed 'good' roleplayers realised this.

    Going to quote myself.


    with the stupid rule of /damage 20 i do not blame people for trying to win, since most villains do want the loot but walks away with more than what they should have. I think i mentioned this in another post, one gets robbed and killed he should perhaps give up one armor piece, the sword and a small pouch of minas. Not like i said three stacks of cobblestone, ten stacks of logs and two yummy bundles of bread. It should not work like that, that is what i call discouraging and i will sure as in the nether make sure that if someone forces me to /damage 20 see to it that the person grabs the items RPly.

  3. Let's face it, everyone has a different opinion of what is more likely to happen in a given scenario - especially in combat.


    Text-based combat is argued about constantly and the ban/strike reports often harbor 10+ screenshots of full chat-log emotes, where GM's are expected to read every line to decipher just what was happening, who was where, and who's at fault.


    Players end up voiding each-others role-play, argue in local OOC and even grow resentment for one another OOC'ly.

    Even with what blind said, with the stupid rule of /damage 20 i do not blame people for trying to win, since most villains do want the loot but walks away with more than what they should have. I think i mentioned this in another post, one gets robbed and killed he should perhaps give up one armor piece, the sword and a small pouch of minas. Not like i said three stacks of cobblestone, ten stacks of logs and two yummy bundles of bread. It should not work like that, that is what i call discouraging and i will sure as in the nether make sure that if someone forces me to /damage 20 see to it that the person grabs the items RPly. And yes i'm gonna sound like a coldhearted b*tch but that's just me, it is a burden for the staff, a burden they signed up for with a team of 20 ish GM's. Yes it is not fun but once again what they voluntarily signed up for, to be support.


    Combat via text can be incredibly vivid and unique but in the end it draws a lot of romanticism toward combat and struggle when we could spend our energy having banquets, festivals, tournaments, races, dances, competitions, great hunts and more with the time spent both in these combat scenarios and arguing about them.

    Well, what stops players from doing "banquets, festivals, tournaments, races, dances, competitions, great hunts" now then? This i do not fully agree with because anyone can host these things at any time and has nothing to do with fighting. Doing things depends on if the player is ready to do something about it. How easy is it really for a guy in lets say..Oren to host a tournament or a festival? Pretty easy, just make a  forum post, gather some people from TS, it all depends on you as a player. Blaming villainy for the lack of events are in my opinion..wrong. Besides, those that do combat "RP" and those that do the kinds of RP that you mentioned are mostly two different types of players. One example is Role-Players that does a lot of poetry, singing etc, i rarely notice them being serial killers or bandits, of course there are cases but i would say in general no so they do not really get bothered with by villains. One other thing is also that this is (Please correct me if i am wrong everyone) a problem for the human race, the Elves do not have this problem in their capital, the Dwarves do not have this and absolutely not the orcs with bad combat Role-play and that to me says something of where the spotlight should be directed towards.(Of course i might be wrong and i want someone to correct me if i am)


    I like PvP because my OOC fear translates well into IC fear which is exhilarating and I see Minecraft as more of a LARP than a text-based game.

    This i can agree with to an extent, but fear should be applied through other means than OOC.



    Please don't hurt me native :'(

  4. This is another issue.


    Not everyone feels they are a good enough roleplayer to properly roleplay combat. They feel pressured to continuously spit out emotes. If they take time to think out their emotes, people accuse them of metagaming and yell at them. 

    This is the issue, people get VA's too easily. RP will not improve by this change it will only make it easier and have less quality and is that what we should aim for? It will drag down much OOC arguing yes but claiming that the RP will improve is non-sense from those saying so. A lot of villains (which can even be proved) are just playing Cod.

  5. Then don't use it as an arguing point. I have seen people strawman GM's multiple times in the past with little proof to back up their claims, painting them in a bad light that simply isn't an accurate portrayal of reality.


    If you have an issue with a GM, feel free to PM it to an Admin! We're not monsters, you know. (Except Mogroka, he probably eats babies for breakfast and has an oil hoard.)

    I knew this would be said :I And never in my life would i go to an Admin, rarely is it actually dealt with and the best possible outcome is that you are looked down upon for being an idiot to say a staff member is wrong.

    So land gives Oren an advantage because it's "defensible"? Have you ever been to Urguan?


    Numbers do not win MC battles. Organization and skill does. The Dwarves has just as much numbers as Oren, yet lost because of organization. Numbers do not impact war.

    *takes a deep breath* "No they do not have as large numbers. And we are still talking about the Racial traits. i would like you to have 20 Humans VS 10 orcs and see who wins. Tell you what, organize a skirmish, with less men than they have and see what happens. Numbers are a mental barrier, the moral and will to fight lessens as well as creating confusion when hit by two at the same time, it also hurts a lot more.

  6. Give an example on how having staff on one side in RP influences what happens.


    Admins and GMs are everywhere. I fail to see how their presence impacts anything, at all. They're not spawning in waves of crap for us and they don't do anything to give us the edge. How is this relevant, at all?

    Ohh i am not going to go into detail cause it will come back to haunt me later. :I




    How does land impact fighting ability? Also, read my above post for my response to "numbers impacting" fighting.


    Cause it is defensible and gives a large advantage. And no no and more no..numbers win MC battles, even with the DMG buff 2vs1 WILL always win if both have the same equipments. If you want i would happily advice you to try this out.


    1. About a quarter that is populated. - (Note: Land does not impact fighting ability.)
    2. [citation needed] - (Note: Numbers do not impact fighting ability.)
    3. One admin and two GMs, now half the staff? - (Note: Staff does not impact fighting ability.)

    1. It does.. 2 it certainly does.. 3: Mogroka, Seventh, Braxis, Chaq, Freema, Rhia, (Wode?), Zezimus, Gavlan, Viscen.

    7/13 (9/13) Moderators and Mogroka. And staff does have a large impact on what happens.

    (Sorry if the list is wrong then i am badly informed.)

  7. So for you it would be balanced to have 100 humans dealing as much damage as 10 orcs?

    It like a gun in a FPS, the higher the rate of fire the less damage it deals.

    Have a cookie from me ;-;


    I would be fine with benefits so long as all races were balanced with their benefits and de-buffs. They aren't. Giving one race lower damage because they have numbers and are winning a war is simply unjustifiable. 

    Human do not need any benefits, we have half the map, half the playerbase and half the staff pretty much.

  8. Yes but the numbers none the less are there. I do not see the issue for having races with MUCH  smaller player bases to get these benefits, is there an actual problem? Since we have the numbers, the supreme leadership what is the actual problem? War is not fair, that is what people were told that had complaints, so..war is not fair guys.


    Edit: And yes what is said above.

  9. Name: Vilda Oda Stafyr
    Surname/House: Stafyr
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female.
    Race: Human.
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): A
    Physical Description
    Height: 5'4'ft.
    Weight: 113 lbs.
    Eye Color: Grey.
    Hair Color:Brown.
    Skin Color/Shade:Slightly tanned.
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: Always has her hair in a bun.
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): 
    Profession/Occupation: Noblewoman.
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Vilda Stafyr, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."


    "I, Pillan; hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  10. It is a big change because people age their character at their speed and their enjoyment, who is anyone here to decide how I or anyone else role-plays their character.
    This "14 Day" rule completely rules out the human curse as well, and it would take over two years for a character  to age from 0-60 and even then they won't die of age since most of the human populous lives to an amazing 70 or even 80 years in these "Medieval" times.
    Elves are getting sat on again cause this will basically in RP dwindle their population further and OOCly it is not even enjoyable to be forced to age your character as in facing a possible punishment.
    Very disappointing to read what is said here, punished for not following this rule that is only beneficial for one race and one race only.
    Remember that the majority of the players are humans, so how could a public poll like this even be considered.

    If you are going to enforce this rule then enforce the mess that already is with ever young humans or let it be.

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