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Everything posted by Pnoynoy

  1. Im glad someone steps up to do this, been thinking of this for some time. Awesome that you put it together!
  2. What...did i just stumble upon? Joy...happiness...POWERPUFF lasses!? What vodoo is this!?
  3. I like applications, it shows dedication and effort. Someone who got a good app is (most) likely to deliver some good Role-Play!
  4. A few...notes Traveling merchants that carry valuable reagants and potions? I am not sure that is an good idea, what if they get robbed or killed? Then baam there is potions on the black market. Negative potions-Let only nation leader be able to purchase them? Im also thinking that there should not be harm or poison ones
  5. Just a question, even if there is 2 from each nation will the guild still have a neutral standing?
  6. I will +1 this for the fun that Erik is going to be forever alone! ^^
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