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Posts posted by Pnoynoy

  1. *Dura strolls through the city carrying a small basket of dyes as she suddenly stops, noticing a large shadow before her. Looking up as she gets slightly blinded by the sun she slowly begins to notice who it is, dropping her basket as well as her jaw when she finally realizes who it is. With no hesitation she yells out his name, proud and honored to have him back in the uzg they begin to talk, discuss and share some of their past as well as the present as they take walk around the city.*

  2. ((Urasept knows the language legitimately as he lived with the Mori for years and also was taught for a long time. My character is learning the language Legitimately. I think you might have it wrong and perhaps it's only you with the problem. You have no right to say Charles is the only legit one in this thread because even he is saying others legitimately know it. Your facts and source is 1) biased if it's coming from yourself and 2) incorrect. 


    Perhaps you should discuss with the others and get it clarified before kicking up a fuss. ))

    ((He hasen't lived with the mori for years or was i blind and never saw him guess i was. And even if he did it was lore breaking cause the lower "Non-mori" lived in another district they were also attacked if they spoke the tongue so..yeah and i will add again..the ones who learnt it was considered as Metagamers and the RP voided. You do not know what problems we had with this. To add i said there are three who knows the language as of now who are alive cause i said in this thread its only Charles.))

  3. ((Perhaps instead of assuming that you're the only ones left who speak it, you should get your facts together. I am willing to bet that you and charles were not the only two who taught Mori out of the whole race and as far as I am aware, not one person in this thread has claimed that they are in fact, Mori. The one elf in this thread that is mainly speaking in Mori was legitimately taught, so can therefore use it. You have no right to say that they can't and perhaps your list needs updating.


    As for the term drow, there really is no need to bring it up as it has already been raised before. ))

    ((I know for a fact who the ones that survived were and there were no one teaching mori infact ever cause it was lore breaking and therefore voided. Sorry! Mori is a forgotten language that currently three beings know of. Charles is the only legit in the thread and server currently.

    Source - Myself as a mori))


  4. ((No no no and more no, you do not know the mori language cause we did not teach mori to people and those who learnt it are dead or still there cause they were slaves and died in the cave in. There are a few mori that are alive but you do not know of them. Those who claim they know it does not and haven't learnt it legitimately i can give you the names of those who knows it even... And stop saying you are drow cause you are not and will never be. You are dark elves not drow..Charles and myself are one of those Mori alive but we would still not teach people the speech..stop.))

  5. It matters.

    In Campbell we treat woman like the Nords treated their woman. Like warriors!

    Join meh Clan Pillan.



    Haha sounds good enough :P Silly boy :)


    [Most Adunian clans and organisations are pretty sexist, and very rarely are they allowed important positions. Apart from this, woman are allowed to serve as lower ranked warriors, and of course the usual around-the-house type of things]


    Well what makes up for the sexism and that they are looked down upon in general?

    There has to be something that attracts females? D:

  6. Alright i will address the female matter.

    Basically and everybody can mostly agree, the female species "often" appears to be a fragile, elegant and very beautiful.

    Here's an example; A common tale about the princess and the brave knight were as the brave knight saves the helpless and beautiful princess who is trapped in the tower.


    Everybody knows the story.


    And this is the problem for us, there's a generic template that tells us that females are supposed to be fragile and vulnerable and that this "brave knight" needs to save us.


    If this was an orcish tale it would be more of a X/Y was a brave warrior that saved X/Y from the great beast, as were the knight could be either female or male it doesn't matter.


    Everyone wants to be appreciated and as a female when someone tells you that you are beautiful it makes you feel good, no question about that and it goes both ways of course.


    This applies in lotc as well, a human female is treated well and same goes for the elves.

    As for the orcs tho that is not the case, a female orc is just as strong and equal as a male and are not treated better just because she is a female(even tho sometimes *cough*).


    Might this be a problem as to why we have so few females?



    I would also like to talk a little bit about the spirituality and intelligence of the orc race.


    Orcs..are not even close to be stupid.

    In fact the orcish race in general are wise beyond the average human yet we are treated and we play like we cant even remember what we ate this morning, it is almost like we are some kind of ogre who lives under a bridge. This has to change.

    We aren't (excuse me) dumbfucks.

    I don't know what this originates from and what made the community give orcs the "retard" stamp but it is something that we need to focus work on.


    And that brings me to the next subject




    I remember back in aegis when there were a lot of shamans and the were also a lot of activity and events that were based around shamanism. They had their own place and and other sorts of facilities that related to shamanism.

    We HAVE to raise the standards here, shamans need to show themselves more and be a lot more active in the daily RP that we orcs have and not just pop up for events or wars.

    Those who are inactive, get them active or simply remove them. Might seem harsh but if you have an important role then tend to it.


    For me to be a shaman does not mean you will be spending your time casting lightning and fire, but rather having shamans to be a center for orcish RP were spirits, religion and orcish beliefs becomes more important than it currently is.




    As a former mori i am not a stranger to having a group of the same people to RP with on a daily basis.

    While it would be fun to have more orcish players we cannot lock ourselves on just that goal, when you have a steady flow of the same players then it opens up a lot of role-play opportunities. To thrive then we must not only be good ICly but also OOCly, and communicate, discuss and plan things!


    One more thing...Ranks and such in my opinion should not only be rewarded by who someone is and the RP but also the activity. You don't try to take a leadership role if you are never on or rarely can be on when the majority is...


    Use teamspeak in a better way.


    I might add more later on but this is all for now. Sorry for any grammatical errors!

  7. Draka returns from the battle greatly exhausted and scarred as she rubs her bruised skin with various herbs.


    "The dwarven war machines have really gotten improved, no matter how many times our ballista hit them they still were as new"


    She stands up slightly confused as she could not quite understand what exactly made their machines so exceptional. 

  8. #1: Annunaki, FTW :lol: (Decide if I am kidding or not)

    Man im totally with the Annunaki! Totally! :D

    As for the topic, i´d would say that the religious way of being created seems rather extreme and i would prefer not to originate from a species that comes from two specimens alone for the entire kin, but i guess that´s just me. But until anything is proven i feel it would be best if we never found out, the day we do id imagine the chaos that would follow. Religions falling apart, entire societies cause of that. Gotta love the unknown sometimes.

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