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Thorin Ironfist

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Everything posted by Thorin Ironfist

  1. In Character Name: Thorin Age: 153 Race: Dwarf Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs): When Thorin was but a wee’ lad, he experienced the murder of his parents first hand and was scarred by this for the rest of his life. Thorin had tried to find his own way in the world and become involved in dwarven society, but could never find a foothold. One day, when Thorin was scavenging for food, he came across a another dwarf that looked nothing like the others. This dwarf had a skull upon his head and a fierce look in his eye’s, the dwarf said his name was “The Skull” but as a fellow dwarf, Thorin could call him “Skull”. Skull saw that Thorin was a little on the skinny side and offered him some bread and watched Thorin scarf down the morsels. Thorin was curious about this dwarf and could sense that Skull was curious about him, Skull asked him if he would like to accompany him on his journey to the syndicate fort and perhaps he could find some room and board for Thorin. So Thorin (with nothing else worthwhile) decided to go with Skull, when they came upon the fort many men in red bandanas came upon them with swords drawn. They questioned Skull about Thorin and why he had brought him here, Skull seemed to be confident about the situation and answered each question logically. From what Thorin had heard, he was to be loyal to Skull only and take orders from him as well, from then on the group of men around them huddled together and talked in whispers and occasionally one would peek over the others and examine Thorin for a few seconds and then pop back into the group. Thorin was not sure what they were talking about... What are your professions and talents? Building and FIghting What morals do you adhere to, if any? Whatever ye tell me to do Do you agree to remain loyal to the Syndicate? Aye Out of Character MC Name: SGTBRAVO Do you have the following (Not Required): Skype (Y/N) Y TeamSpeak (Y/N) Y Which evils do you have an accepted villain application for? (Include a link to your VA): All the ones in a minor VA
  2. MC NAME: SGTBRAVO RP NAME: thorin GENDER: male JOB/STATS: I be a dwarf still searching for a career, but I do love lumberjacking (( Level:24)) and hunting (( axeman: 100)) but is flexible with any career. CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under): Over ( I finally decided) SMALL DESCRIPTION: I have been looking for a place to live and have been wondering from place to place. Up till I discovered that I be an Irongut, so I have been making me way to Overholm. I hope to someday be an honored and respected dwarf of the community. ((sorry for all the apps, couldn't make up my mind.))
  3. I need a way to Overholm. I am fully capable of traveling alone if it is was beside the fact that I do not know the way. I have asked many people, but none seem to know. ((if I could get the cords that would be great))
  4. I be applying again for Underholm, because I would like to go between the two cities freely. MC NAME: SGTBRAVO RP NAME: Thorin GENDER: Male JOB/STATS: Help construct Underholm CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under): Underholm SMALL DESCRIPTION: I have been very interested in the construction of Underholm and have decided that I would like to be part of it. Trying to get this Citizenship mostly to go between Over and Underholm without a problem.
  5. I have a Overholm citizenship and i be a dwarf, I would like to help with the construction of Underholm even if it is minor jobs such as tool build'en.
  6. MC NAME: SGTBRAVO RP NAME: Thorin GENDER: Male JOB/STATS: I be a dwarf still searching for a career, but I do love lumberjacking (( Level:24)) and hunting (( axeman: 31)) but is flexible with any career. CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under): Over, for trees and hunting SMALL DESCRIPTION: I have been looking for a place to live and have been wondering from place to place. Up till I discovered that I be an Irongut, so I have been making me way to Overholm. I hope to someday be an honored and respected dwarf of the community.
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