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Arthur Norwich

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About Arthur Norwich

  • Birthday 10/11/1993

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  1. υλο This is a work-in progress. I plan on tying to Lore more, you could help me with this! Name 'crudus pullus' means "raw chicken" in Latin and Old English. Why the symbols υλο?: υλο are the last three symbols in the Greek translation of the word "Chicken", symbolizing the three men in the lore of the fraternity. The Chicken: Raw Chicken has 30% chance of poison, which why raw chickenery is frowned upon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who do we look for?: Young men off all creeds are our primary pledge targets. But we pledge all who want in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why join?: 1 in 6 noblemen are in a fraternity. ((Not real stats, just a satire of RL frat stats)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What υλο is about: υλο are said to emphasis and praise "Raw Chicken." Although widely unknown to the general public, the rituals of υλο are said to consist of eating and emphasizing raw chicken. The fraternity is known, but their practices are not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief Beliefs: It is said that υλο founders were left stranded and barren in the desert wild. They were without food or drink for days. When they came across a chicken. They could not believe it. A chicken in the desert? They were starving so they chased the chicken. The chicken led them to an oasis. The oasis was filled with water and greenery. The chicken jumped into the oasis pond. As the men came to the pond where the chicken had jumped into, they saw a stone. The stone had ontop of it three raw chicken carcasses. The men, filled with hunger, ate the raw chicken without cooking it. The men did not get sick, but instead gained the strength and direction. They found themselves with new rejuvenating energy, and made it out the desert. From on the men praised the chicken, and attributed their lives to the raw chicken. The Crudus Pullus Fraternity was born. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Disposition: Society frowns HEAVILY on the "sickening" practice of raw chickenery, and therefore the rituals and practices of υλο, are arcane and unknown to the public. Some towns and villages have even undergone investigations of the fraternity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Influence: υλο is said to have influence in many noble families. Although raw chickenery is frowned upon, and not a legal practice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leader?: There is no said "leader" of the fraternity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pledging: υλο pledging occurs all over Aegis. The process is merely an initiation ceremony, where it has been said chicken is evolved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: υλο has no purpose, and is merely a way to meet other people who share the same desire and love of raw chicken ((This is not proven Ingame)). The fraternity boasts diplomacy, and cleansing. - It said that the occasional raw chicken eating cleanses the soul. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Religion: Unknown ((Probable Lore ties)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quotes "They are blasphemous! I think we shuld' investigate em' bastards!" - Farmer "Me? I see no problem wit' da' fraternity, they never bother me none.." - Miner "Ah? υλο! Splendid lil' fraternity! I was a fraternity man myself in my younger days! Did we perform raw chickenery? Ah...erm....no comment my good fellow..." - Real Estate Agent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Well I would like to be a runner and/or a sailor for your company, Sir!
  3. ((Are boats like those able to be that big and drivable in minecraft? Or would just be for show? I've always wondered if the big boats I see can actually navigate.))
  4. ((We spoke in game, I am the southerner Arthur Norwich)) I'm in search for work, and will be willing to be an employee aslong as I am paid.
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