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Posts posted by Lego XBOX

  1. e9OgcMO.png

    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  2. e9OgcMO.png

    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  3. e9OgcMO.png

    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.


    Your definition of Metagaming was a little off, it is using what you know in OOC, as your character's knowledge (even if he/she doesn't know).

  4. fTaFa4w.png

    You have been denied for reason(s) pointed out below, message me if you have any questions or concerns. You may re-apply after 24 hours have passed.


    I have found this application to contain content that was copied from an outside source. I have discovered that ALL the definitions were plagiarized and thus I am labeling this application as a plagiarized application. We do not take lightly to un-original work and content, I will thus be leaving you off with a warning and will be instantly denying your application.


    Your definition of Metagaming is incorrect, please refer to https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Roleplaying for guidance.


    Your definition of Powergaming is incorrect, please refer to https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Roleplaying for guidance.


    Please lengthen your Biography out to a longer length. I am looking for around the size of two paragraphs. As an idea incorporate some of the causes of your strengths or weaknesses in their with detail or branch off on more information about your character’s development to their current standpoint.


    Please fill in your weaknesses and inabilities to compensate your strengths and skills.


    Please upload or link your skin to the application, use imgur and link it if it won't let you upload it here.


    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM! I will be more than willing to help point you in the correct direction and I highly recommend taking into consideration the advice and issue(s) with your application that I have stated above.

  5. e9OgcMO.png

    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.


    Please concentrate on using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation when you are roleplaying.
  6. 4D2QMjP.png

    Greetings applicant, after reviewing your application I have placed it on Pending for reason(s) pointed out below. You have twenty four (24) hours to make these changes, message me if you have any questions or concerns. Failing to fulfill the requested changes will result in this application being denied. By being denied you will have to wait 12 hours before re-applying with the proper changes in place.


    Your definition of Powergaming is incorrect, please refer to https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Roleplaying for guidance.


    Please include Server Lore into your application. Your racial Sub-Wiki for humans can be found on the Wiki ( https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Humans )! It will help you get started in incorporating Server Lore into your Biography such as certain places, wars or even significant events.


    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM! As a reminder you have 24 hours to respond to me in a PM and fix your application based off the information and request given above. If you do not Private Message me I will review it on my own time around the time of 24 hours from this post. In addition to what was stated above I reserve the right to add or remove requested edits needed for the application. Good luck applicant!

  7. r4GICNf.png

    You have been denied for reason(s) pointed out below, message me if you have any questions or concerns. You may re-apply after 6 hours have passed.


    Applicant failed to use the correct format. Please re-apply using the correct format ( https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/125096-the-lord-of-the-craft-application-format/ ) in 6 hours, good luck!


    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM! I will be more than willing to help point you in the correct direction and I highly recommend taking into consideration the advice and issue(s) with your application that I have stated above.

  8. 4D2QMjP.png

    Greetings applicant, after reviewing your application I have placed it on Pending for reason(s) pointed out below. You have twenty four (24) hours to make these changes, message me if you have any questions or concerns. Failing to fulfill the requested changes will result in this application being denied. By being denied you will have to wait 12 hours before re-applying with the proper changes in place.

    Please include Server Lore into your application. Your racial Sub-Wiki for humans can be found on the Wiki ( https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Humans )! It will help you get started in incorporating Server Lore into your Biography such as certain places, wars or even significant events.


    Please go through and check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.


    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM! As a reminder you have 24 hours to respond to me in a PM and fix your application based off the information and request given above. If you do not Private Message me I will review it on my own time around the time of 24 hours from this post. In addition to what was stated above I reserve the right to add or remove requested edits needed for the application. Good luck applicant!

  9. e9OgcMO.png

    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.


    Be aware that you will need to learn druidism from scratch upon joining the server, as you cannot have any magic beforehand. 

  10. 4D2QMjP.png

    Greetings applicant, after reviewing your application I have placed it on Pending for reason(s) pointed out below. You have twenty four (24) hours to make these changes, message me if you have any questions or concerns. Failing to fulfill the requested changes will result in this application being denied. By being denied you will have to wait 12 hours before re-applying with the proper changes in place.


    Please include Server Lore into your application. Your racial Sub-Wiki for humans can be found on the Wiki ( https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Humans )! It will help you get started in incorporating Server Lore into your Biography such as certain places, wars or even significant events.


    Please fill in your strengths and skills realistically. You magicly powerful boost when being drunk is not realistic, and simply unbalanced anyway.


    Please fill in your weaknesses and inabilities to compensate your strengths and skills.


    Trolling & Memes in roleplay is obviously disallowed as it breaks immersion and doesn't contribute to good roleplay. There should be no need to use memes or troll others when roleplaying.


    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM! As a reminder you have 24 hours to respond to me in a PM and fix your application based off the information and request given above. If you do not Private Message me I will review it on my own time around the time of 24 hours from this post. In addition to what was stated above I reserve the right to add or remove requested edits needed for the application. Good luck applicant!  

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