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Everything posted by Drelik

  1. (( +1 to Malanar, im aslo going to grind to axes from swords, lucky you youre vip and get to just use a command ; ( ))
  2. (( in thinking either like skyrim just a scary door leading into it or ruins with a hidden button))
  4. Since my guys lika badass indiana jones explorer type dude, i'd love to take part in going into some preset place to find the source and destroy it!
  5. (( Whatt you guys up to? Noticed none of you have been on everytime i have ))
  6. ((I'll be on in an hour, hopefully some of you will be))
  7. (( on iPhone can't edit excuse double post. People who keep saying we have to cause problems for dwarves, reread what I said! I will relay it ICly.))
  8. (( pallino our downfall wasn't killing that guy, it was letting him get away with meta.))
  9. (( no one likes my revenge on dwarves idea? I'll bring it up again after we are settled.))
  10. Pallino, ooc wise im glad it happend, chance to start over and get new ambitions... I think we should be in either the human nation, or monk turf.
  11. Props to you pallino , you've been hard at work.... I think natoin lands will get us into another shitstorm down the road... But wilds will take forever to get to and leave from... I say we hide ourselves very well with another front, or well hidden base in nation lands.
  12. ((I think the new sanctuary should be like from tes, traditional big scary door in the side of a hill. Also, if anyone's on later kill some dwarves with me :). Another idea to get back at them Is to kill in this town I found on border of dwarf lands and monk lands, blame them, and as we cause trouble talk in dwarves accents... And sit back and watch everyone hate the dwarves. Alras already hates them for screwing the market value of diamond up ;P ))
  13. (( I say before we pack up, we commit massive hate crimes agianst the dwarves like, beat them, kill them, trap them for John to eat )) EDIT: +1 to brent and i got 4 stacks of redstone for ya
  14. (( Slight error in this statement :P I kept saying Don't do it or we will have an army up our asses but they were insistant, i only helped so they didn't die. Though, i take full credit for abusing the poor guy we caught in the trap :DD ))
  15. (( someone tell me whats been going with the Guild, last thing was i got stalked by Jexdane and turned into an initiate, but nothing new since. Keep me posted :D ))
  16. Im hunting you down from Alras to Malinor lol! Someone told me you moved to Malinor after being kicked out of Alras.. can i get your ingame name so i contact you? If not, this is fun
  17. Name ((MC)): csalz96 Name ((IG)): Letholdus Real Life Age: 16 (sub)Race: Human Combat experience: I've fought, and went undercover several times and have much experience in both. I've been in the Knight's Legacy, was told to spy on the Silverblades, did that very well and reported back good information. I also fought many siege battles with the Knight's Legacy and there andromeda allies. More recently, i've been acting as a freelance Mercenary for Hanseti, taking advantage of Hanseti/Orc - Renatus War. Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum) (( ill just tell about his adventurers, and deeds in Asulon so far, if thats alright? )) Upon arriving to Ausulon, Letholdus expected to start new, fresh, after leaving a life of pain, misery, revenge, and corruption. However, once he settled in Ausulon, things went downhill for him once more. What set off Letholdus' wrath was when his best friend, even from Aegis, Zelphar Autumfire betrayed him, resulting in Letholdus being beaten within an inch of life. The first real act leading to his breakdown Letholdus commited in Auslon, was sneaking to the High Elf capital, to murder his old friend Zelphar. In the dead of night, Letholdus swam from his staging point, not far off the High Elf island, to the castle, creeped around the housing districts and broke in Zelphars windows. As Zelphar investigated, Letholdus caught him off guard, and thrust his sword through his back. Since then, Letholdus' has been having visions, created by grief of his old friend Zelphar, the visions are of his corpse, always walking towards him, smiling... Another outbreak of insanity Letholdus displayed, is when he was living in Alras. One night, Letholdus instanity drove him to make himself a black costume, and torment the people of Alras. Convincing the one man that caught him that he was actually a vigiliante, Letholdus resumed his reign of insanity. (( he dosen't murder people when he goes crazy, otherwise id have applied for that evil )) Today, Letholdus plays a game of disloyalty to the kingdoms of renatus, and hanseti, exploiting there hospitality so he can enjoy the spoils of war, Letholdus acts as a freelance Mercenary, fighting for both sides, in certain conflicts of the Orc/Hanseti-Renatus war. Would you consider being a spy?: As i stated above, I spyed for the KL and thorougly enjoyed it. I was never caught, never had my idenity revealed, and never stepped out of line or did something stupid, agianst the orders of my General. So yes, I would consider being a spy. Past military experience: Knight's Legacy, Fighting freelance for Both sides during current Hanseti-Renatus war. Past criminal experience: Murdering his bestfriend, haunting the streets of Alras, and fooling both kingdoms of Hanseti and Renatus into hiring him. Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc): Freelance Mercenary, Lumberjack. Useful, Non-military Skills: Lumberjacking, ((somewhat mining, though id prefer not to)) What have you heard of us IC? I witnessed several hooded men talking in secret in Aegis, i spoke to them, and they told me if i ever needed a "job" done, to send them a bird. What have you heard of us OOC? Forums. What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Initiate a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields. Swords: 42 Axemastery: 20 Archery: 14 Wrestling: 11 Preferred weapon: Swords. Screening Questions ACCEPTED villain app link (Required): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38947-unread-letholdus-villain-application/#entry270650 Are you wanted in any countries?: I am wanted in a few regions, not any major kingdoms. I am wanted in the High Elf capital, and Dovaskjor Why do you want to join?: I want to join the Dark Brotherhood because i feel it provides an amazing experiance on LOTC that very few, if any guilds can bring to the table. I also feel i can contribute my skills to the guild. Define powergaming thoroughly: Trying to maximize towards a specific goal, in Minecraft or Lotc's case, powergaming would be spending all your time searching for diamond armor, and golden weapons, golden apples, etc. Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC? I will not mention nor hint the name or exsistence of this organization ICly. "Legal" stuff Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary. I promise, If im accepted i will not speak a word, OOCly, or ICly about the dark brotherhood. One of the best things i see about this guild is the secrecy. Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion? Yes, i completely understand and i already know the server rules. Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath. Yes, i understand that i will be killed by the best assassins in Ausulon if i spill the beans about anything to do with the Dark Brotherhood. Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? I will only take screenshots of people im about to kill for a contract, i wont take pictures of the sanctuaray, or anything else. The only time id ever show a picture is if i had a ban report out for someone mad they were killed.
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