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Everything posted by Drelik

  1. where u been ?

  2. **Goes onto TS, joins war uzg channel, gets banned by Respiren with no reason**

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bungo


      I dunno, we bitched for a good 5 minutes then forgot about you. :D

    3. Drelik
    4. Eyrev


      Dude get on skype my skype name is Biggles

  3. Drelik

    The War Z ?

    So this multiplayer game centralized around zombie survival, finding gear, getting big backpacks and crouching around to avoid detection, and permadeath is being created, looks good, but very similar to DayZ, at this point, it looks better, but i have no doubt that dayz on the arma 3 engine will be 110x better. Read up on it yourselves if you want http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/07/19/the-war-z-announced-zombie-survival-shooter-mmo-with-strong-parallels-to-day-z/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0
  4. I'll be seeing you guys soon, minus my VA,

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. BannanaToYou


      It might indicate he's getting unbanned, but his VA stripped.

    3. Drelik


      Thats a bingo! Is that what you americans call it?

      ( get the reference? )

  5. anyone have any idea why my mics not picking up my voice? its un-muted, on the right device, no work :(

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Hit it a few times with a hammer. Might fix it.

  6. Killed by a hacker in dayz, SUCH A FUN GAME....

    1. CTap



    2. Kaiser


      Being a Hacker= Fun for about 2 minutes then boredum

      Being Hacked= Ruined game and no fun what so ever


  7. Well, i was feeling pretty Lenny (reference?) stocked up alice pack of beans, 8 clips of m4a1 ammo, m4a1, and i had just found a tractor.. after 10 minuites of crawling around with binos i discovered it was not a trap. Then, i got in the thing, and decided to go pick up my friend, he had some tents we were gunna make our base for our group The Jay Lenos, applications up btw, and i bump this thing into a tree, barley even a bump, instantly, broken arm, blood drops to 1k, and the car changes to a destroyed burnt crisp material, and i fall out of it unconcious, at this point i was infuriated. DAMN :(
  8. Haha yea ik wat your talking about, funny song

  9. Banned without proof, was a good run guys.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      You're not alone on that one.

    3. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Sorry if my comment sounded mean. x-x

      I personally don't want to use PM's or TS after reading the appeal and responses. x-x

      Retry in a few months. :L

    4. Drelik


      Its all good dude, im making a new appeal in a week. and this time i have an idea of what i was banned for (still didnt do it :P )

  10. Banned, private thoughts are not safe any longer i suppose.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Braxis


      So saying your personal opinion in a Ts channel while others invade and then tell on him with no proof since no one was recordin (And if they did they did w/o consent) Is agasint the rules now?

    3. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      -Shakes his head at the corruption-

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      This is kinda getting sad now tbh :/

  11. Drelik

    Nice Server

    yo yo i like your swag, i think we should play together some time, your style is a shining example of how every gamer act, respekt. And +1 for the best profile picture ever.
  12. My human is Letholdus, my Kharayjr is Rajh Rahcatta
  13. [[ sorry I haven't been on, took a break from the game then Made Kharajyr. Lethdus is still alive tho :P and Kharajyr is boring for me so I'll prob come back]]
  14. cant message you for some reason, so im leaving it here.

    I noticed you leave a threat to my legion. I want to set something straight. The Welther'Schaft Legion, the inhabitants of the Hel'Gash island, are a completely benevolent order. We focus mainly on combatting evil, and currently our only enemy is the Mori. We will be able to offer your great nation great military force,...

  15. (( sorry to bring that ooc back up just felt ninja and you guys should see it))
  16. I think thats pretty obvious. I just want to see if DB can justify this guys claims ))
  17. (( You are really getting on my nerves, I'm not posting a BR i put it here to see if DB members can prove what you are saying. Nuff Said. ))
  18. OOC: I think you all need to see this terrible Meta by Soran (MajorBertolli) agianst the Dark Brotherhood. A little background first. The past few days ive been absent from sanctuary because I've been plotting with my friend Paulie2499 or Zelphar to get in powerful positions in Skravia and use the military to take it over completely. Now, after being somehow caught and exiled, he was PM'd by MajorBertolli concering DB stuff. Note, the first time i went to Skravia Angmar1 said (( your in DB ? )) completely unnesscary i might have a screen of that to, but this is the conversation soran and i had. http://imgur.com/ON8Ho http://imgur.com/khUIV http://imgur.com/khUIV http://imgur.com/YlGin http://imgur.com/DrTbP
  19. Sorry I havent been around the sanctuary, I do promise if all goes well In Skravia it will be worth my absence!
  20. *you receive a letter from Letholdus, sent from his office in Skravia* I have a great opportunity for us all, brothers. I may require one of you go get your hands bloody for me. I will stop by in the week and fill you all in.
  21. ((I might kill Letholdus off soon for rp reasons not concerning DB id love for one of you to come to my new guy since he will be letholdus' son ))
  22. ((MC Name)): csalz96 Character Name: Letholdus Race: Human (( khajyr in future )) ((RL)) Age: 16 Current Occupation: Explorers Guild / Archaeologist / Hanseti Mercenary / Future seventis professor If any, preferred positions: Logging, good with an axe. Mining.
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