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Everything posted by Do'Mojnir

  1. [size="5"]Do'Mojnir[/size] Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Kharajyr Status: Alive [size="3"]Description[/size] Height: 5'11 Weight: 180 lbs. Body Type: Athletic lithe build, a little on the light side for aPantera. Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin: Black, with jet black fur. Markings/Tattoos: Health: Physcially fit. Personality: Calm and collective most of the time. He is observant of the situation around him but is usually indifferent. Inventory: Further Details: [size="3"]Life Style[/size] Alignment*: Metzli and the Tla' Deity*: Metzli Religion: Worships Metzli Alliance/Nation/Home: None, former home island destroyed by Metzli. Job/Class: Warrior, freelancer. Title(s): Do Profession(s): None at the moment, formerly protected his homeland as a Do’Kuta (Kharajyr Scout/Skirmisher) Now he is a freelancer, awaiting the return of a proper Kharajyr homeland. Special Skill(s): Hand-to-Hand combat, knife-fighting, and stealth. Flaw(s): Not much brute force strength, and he loses most of his advantages after the element of surprise is broken against most opponents. [size="3"]Magic*[/size] Current Status: None Arch-type: None Sub-Type: None Rank: None Weakness(es): None Strength(s): None Current Spell(s): None [size="3"]Weaponry[/size] Fighting Style: He tries to avoid a fair fight as much as possible when fighting his enemies. Using every advantage he has. Trained Weapon[s]: Favored Weapon: Archery: [size="3"]Biography[/size] Parents: Deceased Siblings: No siblings Children: No Children Extended Family: No Pet(s): No [size="3"]History[/size] [size="3"]Artwork[/size] [spoiler][img]http:// (WIP)
  2. Well it is true that it won't really matter if no one believes him. I am afraid others will believe the random hobo screaming something ic then it actuallys has an impact IC. While the Druids believe that they are apart from all the other magic still, their word would have no more credibility because everyone already believes what the hobo is saying. But, I think for this to happen there would actually have to be proof, which I don't really know you could prove there is a main magic source in character... My question is now, is there any possibilities of this lore surfacing IC? I have already read that you guys plan on not having this known in character. Does that mean anyone who mentions this IC we can just assume is power gaming?
  3. THOSE FOXES, TOO CUTE. AND THE PHOTO IS TOO BIG. I like the lore, but hopefully, this won't entitle mages to be like, "Wel Droodz you can't say r magik is bad bcuz you haz came from same placez as us." Hopefully nobody even knows about this lore IC, or finds out. Even if you are some awesome 1000 year old philosopher who knows everything, no one should learn about it.
  4. Time for a nice cuppa tea i think :D

  5. 7/10 I have seen you around the forums a bit.
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