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Posts posted by ĔṀĔŔĨĨČĶ

  1. Kaelys tilts his head, turning back around. "A Clinic you say? Help the dying, sick, and the weak; all that nonsense?" 


    Gavin Nods. 


    "How disgustingly noble of her. Oh well, lets make sure to pay a visit to my dear sister this Elven Day."  

  2. Song Druid Arik

    Forum Moderator Comment

    Instead of arguing about it, just don't do it at all.  OOC is strictly prohibited in IC threads, period.  Now stop discussing it and get back to rp.


    ((Why are you jumping on people like this? Two OOC Posts isn't the end of the world. Calm down.))


    Kaelys' Eyes Narrow


    "What is with all these rebellions as of late? Half of them aren't even Oren Citizens..."

  3. Q. Are we going to see a rule about roleplaying injuries?


    A. If you OOCly accept the injury (such as the loss of a limb), you must roleplay the injury that your character has received throughout his lifetime. You cannot retreat to the Cloud Temple to be healed, as it would be considered powergaming.




    So if the injury kills you, it won't be permanent?

  4. Because he isn't wanted anywhere else  I keed.


    But for realises now; Surely if you adopt, you still need a legit child to take over land etc. 

    That's how Elendil's do it anyway...I think.


    I really should come to Adunia land more >.>


    ((I hope its Sophia that comes.    :megustacreepy:))

  5.   * A note is pinned below this from Haudenfox *

    "No, I will not remain in contact with anyone from aduania. Consiter myself dead. The only reason you will see me is in war."


    Giggles as he writes his reply


    "Okay... I will miss you."




    He sketches another picture below his reply.



    Kaelys also Raises the reward for Fox's capture to 450 Minas.


    He sighs, walking off as he finishes doing so. He lied, he won't miss Fox.

  6.  * A note is pinned under this *

      "Yes. I am forever moving away from Adunia. You are all little brats who care about nothing but fakes."


    Jots down another reply under his note.


    "Can we still be friends?"




    Kaelys sketches a strange figure under his note, he seems to enjoy doing this. It adds flavor to his reply.

  7.    * A note is seen under this from Haudenfox *

    "I don't care about stupid wanted lists. All of you adunains exept Lachlan are untrustworthy and betraying. I will never return to you again unless it in vain. Goodbye forever, you where terrible."


    Kaelys strolls around to see if anything new was posted by the note, he frowns when he notices Fox's Reply. He quickly jots down a reply to him.


    "Is this a break up?"




    He sketches a face right under his reply.

  8. Eoghan Campbell pins a note under this note.


    Haudenfox Redensed ex-Marsh

    for treason against Adunia and Clan Campbel3l

    3 300  450 minas reward.

    Report to Chieftain Eoghan Campbell III with him alive for reward.




    Kaelys Changes the reward to 300 Minas, which he intends to pay himself.

  9. Kaelys is told of the note by his Adunian friends, eventually shown its location. He looks it over, tilting his head.





    He walks away with a smile on his face, happy to be important enough to have assassins after him.

  10. Kaelys' eyes narrow as he sees Sophia, he sees this as a good time to screw with her and walks over to the man. He quickly moves to stand in front of Sophia, pushing her out of the way if need be and faces Han.



    "Kaelys Kaden Horen-Hightower, Royal Bastard and the best looking Hightower who has ever lived. Also, I make a mean baked potato."


    He looks around his shoulder to make sure some Salvus Guard isn't walking over to chop his head off because, you know, they tend to do that a lot.

  11. Kaelys sits by a fire, located in an unknown location. He picks his head up as someone approaches, one who works for him. He nods to the man, speaking:



    "What do you have for me?"


    The man replies 


    "Zhe Boiendl iz Dead."


    Kaelys Nods once more, allowing the spy to return back to work. Kaelys shrugged, he didn't really hate Boiendl to the point of death but he could not pity him. He likely brought this on himself.




  12. Kaelys sat in the Adunian camp, warmed by a fire. He has started getting used to the cold nights of the wilds, the strange ways of the Adunians, and even their strange gods. His bones are still sore from when the Kha nearly crushed him to death, and he runs over everything that happened in his head.



    He remembers visiting Kaila, something he often did despite the face he was banished from Salvus, and then he remembers Talion showing up. 


    He grits his teeth at the thought of that lowborn Uruk half-breed touching his sister...


    He remembers how Talion had the nerve to dare kiss his sister, and infront of him no less. he remembers how he tackled him and began to beat on his head wildly. Now that he thinks of it his hand was still numb from breaking talion's nose.


    What sticks in his mind however was the pain. He remembered being picked up from behind by the Kharajyr who worked at the Keep's library, and assumed the kha wanted to simply stop the fight.


    Which it did, he bear hugged Kaelys and made him unable to move. Yes.. he used a lot of force, too much force. Kaelys didn't notice at first, no, he was too angry but what he did notice was the sound of snapping. His Arms, both of them, breaking in several places.


    Before he could yell out in pain several of his ribs snapped, one of them entering his lung. All that came out was blood, and a coughing sound of him gasping for air. Before everything wen't black however he remembered seeing his sister run to talion's side, who had but a broken nose. 



    Kaelys' eyes narrow as he goes over everything in his head again. He was saved thanks to several gifted elves with healing magic, but he would never forget how Kaila turned her back on him.

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