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Posts posted by ĔṀĔŔĨĨČĶ

  1. Kaelys gets off his bed calmly in the Chapter of the Lion's keep. He frowns, knowing today is the day of the festival. He pauses a moment, remembering to bring an extra dagger in case the white roses attempt to kidnap him again. He looks over his squire uniform, dusting any dirt off of it from Vaerhaven and yawns lightly as he leaves the bunk room. He looks down at his left hand, missing a finger. He raises his right hand to his ears, now clipped to the form of a humans. His eye twitches as he walks out of the keep, prepared for an annoying assassin filled day in the capital.

  2. It's common sense you don't steal from the monks - they revive you, so maybe they'll just decide not to revive you if you steal from them. The problem is people emptying entire chests of bread just for their own use. It's for everyone to use to get to a city without starving so they can buy their own food, not for your personal escapade.


    Sounds like a RP problem to me.  :ohplz:

  3. Hears of the news, shaking his head. "This must be a mistake, the Roses do not kill Halflings," he mutters to himself.


    Kaelys Is standing in the general area of Ascher as he overhears him, he thinks back to the time Ascher said:


    "This must be a mistake, the roses don't kill innocents."


    He shakes his head, clearly this one doesn't get out much.

  4. Character Name: Kaelys Kaden Horen-Hightower

    Nicknames: Kaykay
    Age: 11
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Elf
    Status: Alive and Well

    Weight: 70 lbs
    Body Type: Short and Slim
    Eyes: Emerald Green
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: White, with a slight greyish tint
    Tattoos: N/A
    Health: Physically good, mentally decent
    Personality: Kaelys has had a difficult childhood, because of this he has a very harsh personality. He can be very rude and bossy, and all together bratty. However this is because of how he was treated and raised. His sister thinks people's opinions of them can be changed from the inside, however kaelys believes they can only be changed through force, from the outside.

    Inventory: As a child Kaelys carries around a small stick, what he calls his War-stick. It was his first weapon and it can't really do any real damage. 


    As Kaelys grew older, at age 10 he held and used his first sword. He still has this short sword with him now, it is light but sharp.

    Further DetailsKaelys and his twin sister are Half Dark Elf, they are debated by many to be bastard born of Prince Garth Horen-Hightower and Princess Laila Horen-Hightower. Depending on who you ask, you will be told he is either a Devil-spawn half darkie royal bastard, or a Royal Prince. 


    He has yet to be crowned, and Godfrey hasn't declared if he is legitimized or not.



    Life Style
    The Creator
    Religion: Oren Reformed
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Oren, House Horen-Hightower, Red Keep of Salvus
    Royal Prince/Royal Bastard
    Title(s): His Royal Highness, Royal Prince.
    Special Skill(s):

    Current Status:
    Current Spell(s):

    Fighting Style:
    Trained Weapon:
    Favored Weapon:

    Extended Family:






    ((I will finish this later.))

  5. Kaelys rides by on horseback, he is holding onto a knight in front of him as he hasn't learned how to ride alone yet, and looks at the keep. 



    "Mister bronte has a new home? I'm going to miss him being around the keep so often..."


    Kaelys frowns slightly but shrugs it off. He pats the knight on his armored back to signal to him to move on.

  6. You don't hold the title of prince or princess I don't think as you're technically B*stards. You're just his children. 


    Actually, we do hold the title.


    We aren't bastards, and no one has said anything RPly to officially declare it otherwise. 


    Prince Garth, and King James have both declared us Legitimized. If you have a problem with it, bring it up in RP.

  7. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0

    Name: Marek the Edgy
    Surname/House: I do not have one.
    Age: 75
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dark Elf 
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 6'10"
    Weight: 150 Pounds
    Eye Color: Purple
    Hair Color: White/Silver
    Skin Color/Shade: Grey
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: A few scars on his chest, and a scar across his left cheek.
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): I do not own a home, yet.
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Salvus
    Profession/Occupation: Being Edgy.
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Marek, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  8. As you walk the streets of Salvus you begin to hear whispering, word of several murders in the past few days. The people claim they've seen a large monster with black fur and Blood red war paint. 


    As you continue to walk you hear more, word that several half-eaten bodies have been found in the side streets.



    Suddenly the Town Crier walks up and begins to speak to the people in a booming voice.



    "Hear ye, hear ye! A creature has been stalking the Nights these past few days! This monster is not to be approached if ye see him! Report any signs of a large black Kharajyr with red tattoos to guard near by! Do not Confront it! The creature is said to both kill without warning and rip the throats of those he kills in the name of a heresy god, known only as Metztli.


    If ye have any information on this beast to report, speak up!"


    As the man stands, waiting for responses, you are handed a flier by several guards who seem to be handing them out to everyone, it shows the picture of the beast and his crimes.





    Dead or Alive!






    For Murder, Cannibalism, and High Hersey! 




    ((Feel free to state any past experiences or sightings of the killer to the town crier.))

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