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Posts posted by osumanduas

  1. Frowns as he hears the news from a brother at the tavern.


    "Bei Lanz, orders are orders."


    He would then finish off his mead and continue over to his forge to start his work once more, the clanging of steel would once again resonate through the town.



    **** u talkin bout bae?

    Merek Cross lets out a heavy sigh, accepting the truth. The order was no more. 





  2. Loud clanging noises emanate from the town smithy. Jarvik would wipe the sweat from his brow and look to his brudda Vulf. 


    "Ehh aye, lets niet let down teh Hochmeister, Bei Lanz Hanseti!"


    He would raise his hammer skywards, continuing on with his work the loud crashing and smashing would resume once more. 

  3. Jarvik overhears the news from a comrade in the mess hall, as his brothers converse he mutters a few words to himself in gratitude or disappointment he could not be sure. "He served long and made earn o my respect, but leaving such a small note nae even going to the dirt with a comrade by his side, in service to the order." he says, continuing his meal. 


    "Beliae doe Orden brudda, may you find Celestia's light in the darkness." 



  4. Remember when it was supposed to come out in February


    I don't recall anything being said about 4.0 being supposed to be released in Feb. On top of that 3.0 go the same treatment in terms of delays, don't know why it should surprise anyone or be a reason to cry. :concentrate:  

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