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Posts posted by osumanduas

  1. The Elven OrdenMarschall has one of his plebs bring one of the fliers to him, he reads it over to himself before walking over to the Human OrdenMarschall and Hochmeister. Stand between both thrones he nudges at them.


    "We should totally attend, mates."


    Venric quietly sneaks up behind Edric, raising his gauntlet-clad hand and whacking the back of his head. "NOPE!he shouts repeatedly as he scurries back into Kreuzburg.

  2. I'm quite grateful this plugin has come out, but I have a few questions.


    1. How would it effect Dwarven Rune Smithing?


    2. How would this effect Alteration magic?


    3. Will the plugin be available to everyone, or will people who have discovered it and started to work with it in RP be the ones using it?

  3. When are we getting the Professions and Magic plugins? those have been mentioned for awhile now. All I've been seeing are smaller plugins, some fun, others mediocre. Is the Tech team focusing on Nexus? Or are they split on other plugins. If they're split why not put off some others and focus completely on finishing Nexus?

  4. MCName: Jackster0


    RP Name: Vander Haumel


    Familial Relation: Cousin, related on the father's side.


    ​Short Description: Vander is the son of Bemnat's brother [name here] and his mate [name here]. Vander is around 5ft tall and has a wiry frame much like his Wood Elven brethren. he is around 80 years old, making him little more then a child Elf wise.  He shares many of his family's physical traits: Cinnamon skin, his frame mentioned above, and his traditional clothing. He has an unusual interest in blacksmithing. He shares in his families hard working and passionate attitude, pouring most of his time into his tasks. Although Vander considers his love of labor a strength he can sometimes come across as antisocial.         










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