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Posts posted by osumanduas

  1. Real Name: Jack J


    Ingame Name: Jackster0


    RP Name: Alder Wilars, Yagak’Azog, Jroth Ireheart, and Stanimir Vladovic


    Time Zone: Eastern Standard, EST.


    How Long will you be on per week? I am usually on for four to three hours everyday, so probably in the 25-14 hour range.


    Experience: I unfortunately have no previous forum managing experience. But from what I’ve seen as examples on the Forum itself, or from tidbits from friends who do have experience themselves I do have an idea of what to expect.  


    Why I should be an FM: I believe I should be an FM because I feel like I have an obligation to contribute to the server in some way, and to be more productive on the forum. I have a level head when dealing with problems so I won’t blow a gasket or anything while handling any of the necessary tasks. I am aware of the what I believe are the duties of an FM, such as handling trolls, giving out warning points, removing flame and maintaining the forum in general. I also pick things up quick quickly and would be dedicated and determined to do the job once I've committed to it. 


    At the end of the day if I can help contribute something to the server in the long run then I’m more then willing to step up to the plate.


    Other Info: I was banned for griefing during my first couple of weeks on the server in Asulon due to being unfamiliar with how things swung. I figured If I took something or broke a block in MC then it was RP and didn’t realize that you needed to leave signs. Other than that I’ve gotten a few warning points off of talking on ban reports I shouldn’t have a place in. I've also been banned for a week due to being added to the Undead plugin, not my choice but It was dealt with respectfully by the GMs who handled it.

  2. Yagak stops in his tracks, the wind blowing sand in his face as he trudges through the desert.


    "Mi feyl dyzturbunz.." He states randomly.


    Yagak would shake his head a couple of times and push further through the sands with his kin. He would latter attribute this odd feeling to the pound of green he had smoked prior to the storm.

  3. Dalek.. I'm usually not easy to make angry or to get pissed off easily.. But seriously.. Stop being a ***** about everything!

    Thank you ~



    Please your scaring the children!!




    Good Trailer by the way, but for a trailer about a new map it does not give very much info on it. More of an lotc history lesson. the shots at the end were nice tho, if I was a noob I would be very pumped for 4.0 

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