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Posts posted by gabriel101x1

  1. Wait it'll be 4:30 P.M. in EST but 1:30 A.M. in PST?


    Yea, it is pm, I just fixed it :P


    I dont really think a fake battle is a good way to show new possible players that this is what wars are like. I would think a generic battle would be better but then again most battles today are turtling

    Well normal battles on the server just look boring from a filming perspective. People sitting there firing arrows at each other from across a bridge for 40 minutes :P

    And this battle isn't what the trailer is about, in fact it is just a short scene at the end of the trailer, which is why I wanted to get the most epic shots possibly for that short time.


    The superbowl is on this exact date. I don't know how many people would show up seeing as it is only a few hours before the game and usually we are all partying before hand anyways. I know I won't likely show up.

    Darn 'Mericans and your football!

  2. pls use trailer to show what the server really is which is an RP server where you can genuinely socialize as a character and the like


    I see more than enough battles on the server channel but not one wedding, or party, etc.


    Don't worry, I've got something else planned along those lines which I will be working on after this ;)

  3. Is is it possible to push is forward to say, 3 est? Poor GMTs gotta go to school the day after


    Not really :(  the current time is already earlier than the original time I had planned.


    No I don't know the trailer itself, but I quote:



    More details on that. If the rest of the trailer looks good, the battle scenes should look good too. And in my opinion a proper landscape is part of such. Unless you film so closely that the players are actually hitting the cameraman.


    When I say in the flatworld I mean a set has been constructed there.... :P

    Did you really think I would have people battling on a flat plain...?

  4. Big scale battle is nice and fine, but I believe people actually want to know who is fighting who. As for that, two armies just don't march up somewhere and beat the lives out of them, they encamp before and prepare for battle accordingly. This would give you additional nice scenes, to have the men preparing for the big event. Furthermore, I doubt they will just fight in an open flat area, I would suggest maybe a valley with a rive in the middle, light hills or cliffs where archers are positioned, et cetera.


    Get me there? A battle should look good, but it only does if the surroundings look good.


    EDIT: As someone who has been an active player in LotC politics (primarily Human) and as someone who plays a lot of games which include warfare this is a must.


    EDIT2: I believe I dropped a line in reading the OP. The faction thing is cleared up, but settings and scene is still as important as ever.


    You obviously don't know what the trailer is :P

    Without going into detail explaining how the scene will work for the trailer: who the factions are is irrelevant and as for the setting I've got something set up.

  5. Hmm. Supplies will be able to be given given, and everyone will have their inventories wiped after the event.
    Also Sky, it is a small scene at the end of the trailer :P

    I really hope this isn't just put on for ooc. Meh oh well

    Since there are certain scenes and shots I need to get, I need to to orchestrate the battle (ie these players go here and fire arrows now). So if it was a proper RP battle it would just be weird.

  6. Hello LoTC players!
    A few of you may know that I have been working on a trailer for the server for a while if you've seen my youtube videos. Well it is now 95% done, but it is missing one scene. That scene is a large scale battle!
    So I've been talking to nation leaders and have decided to organize a large battle between the dwarves and their allies and the humans and their allies which I will orchestrate and film, however anyone can come and participate as this won't be an actual RP battle and is simply for filming purposes and we'll need as many people as possible (hopefully 150+ at least). So come one and come all! *stops for breath after long sentence*
    Time: 4:30pm EST, 9:30pm GMT, 1:30pm PST; Sunday the 2nd of February.
    Where: Multiverse set, broadcasts will be made at the start time and all those involved will be teleported there.


    What to bring: Nothing! Armour and weapons will be supplied and your inventories will be wiped after the event.


    If you have any questions post them here.

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