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Posts posted by Supremacy

  1. Taeleh would continue hours later, to those visitors who made their way to him

    "I do believe, but a few short hours ago, I had a visitor. Illuna by name? I do forget precisely. Illina Isil? Isla? Alluna? Sharp teeth that one had. Stated she had been sent by the Medi'ir to "keep me company". Simultaneously asserting that I was no fun, while Laethis had been".

    The elf frowns.

    "It is a desolate state of affairs when one political candidate must send a sharp toothed maiden to remove their opponent. It is by providence alone I survived such an encounter of the maiden who so stated she was sent to kill me— A Sillumir eventually sending her away with threat of action, after I did request her to be assessed as a true high elf— for razor teeth are not quite a natural trait. I will assert rather plainly— I did not expect an assassin to be so brazen in their announcement they intended to kill me. But of course, what more does one expect from a council which rules by fear."


    "And yet, so far I remain. The Will of the Children of Silver still yet to be enacted. Let us see what the corruption inherent in the system brings us next."

    "ay'Larihei'leh sirame k' taliihye, ay'elcihi k' cruare."


  2. From within his cell, to those who managed to find their way into the gatehouse, Taeleh would continue to preach.

    "And so I stand here shackled. Not for reason of crime or criminal act. Not as a convicted elf who has committed a crime, but one accused of... "inciting violent rebellion". When citing the reason why I was so accused of such a crime, the Medi'ir, in his infinite wisdom cited that which I have exclaimed many a time before. I believe he said, precisely, "You shout about suffering and blood". I will not deny this... I do shout such. Though perhaps, if the Medi'ir were less inclined to spend his time intimidating citizens and instead studied our culture what this is might be more clear".


    "ay'Larihei'leh sirame k' taliihye, ay'elcihi k' cruare."


    Taeleh lets out a quiet laugh.

    "Perhaps, mali'aheral, you have heard this before. Particularly those who dare call themselves Sillumir— Blades Who Weep— ought know this. Though, they have not done much weeping as of late. This phrase? Lifted from their sacred oath taken at initiation of their duties

    "For Larihei's honour I bleed, for the City I suffer"


    "Perhaps this will convince the unconvinced of that which the council perpetrates. The corruption inherent within the system, as you would".

    Taeleh paces to the back of his cell, spinning around once more.


    "But then again, to many I am but a mad-man... And yet I state resolutely what I have said before— for the voice of the Children of Silver will not be silenced".


    "ay'Larihei'leh sirame k' taliihye, ay'elcihi k' cruare."


    "A spectre is haunting Haelun'or— the spectre of freedom from eluthrir. All the powers that be upon the council who aspire to preserve it, have entered into an alliance to purge this spectre. To purge this from the minds of the mali'aheral— for it is their return to enlightenment that they so dread."

    Taeleh would spin to face the city once more, glancing out upon it.

    "Let us face tyranny not with blade, bow or magical might. Let us face it with the same face which the Blessed Elves of Silver have always faced such despicable challenges. We must rise up with the power of the combined will of our people— for those who dare tread upon their fellow Silver Kindred dare not defy their united will.


    Taeleh pauses before stating resolutely

    "It is clear and apparent. The hour approaches. Their will shall be great. Their resistance shall be strong. But time shall yield our salvation. A return to our glorious Republican ways and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya".


    ay'Larihei'leh sirame k' taliihye, ay'elcihi k' cruare.


    Taeleh, now evidently having to preach outside the city continues as he is forced to flee. Brushing his coat off and frowning lightly as he does begin anew.

    "This council which sits in their chambers does refuse to yield to the will of the mali'aheral. We live in an Autocracy mali'aheral. A self perpetuating autocracy which rules by fear and not the will of the mali'aheral. It is evident that they too, have found something to dread— Children of Silver. The Council which rules by fear, and blades, so does fear your will. They attempt to silence it, branding me a criminal so as to avoid, in desperation, an election".


    Taeleh would spin to face the city once more, glancing out upon it.

    "Elves of Haelun'or, let us not permit strange elves sitting in their lofty towers determine who shall rule us. Let us rely on our Republican traditions for tarnished they shall no longer be. They shall glimmer Silver, as they must."


    Taeleh pauses before stating resolutely

    "It is thus one nominates himself for the position of Sohaer."


    Eluthrir chul ne'ito Haelun'or.

  5. nJQPSVu.png


    Taeleh stands in the centre of the Grand Citadel, turning to each elf before him. The crowd is thinner than he would desire, but such would have to suffice for a large din might summon undesired attendees— those who do praise the virtue of the blade above the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.


    None the less, the elf did stand, his eyes flicking once more over the Children of Silver who gathered.

    "It is indisputable fact that this Grand State of Silver does cycle between extremes. Between Blessed Progressive thought and vile regression to demagogic tendencies and the pity of the lesser. Between war and peace... and perhaps most pertinent to Haelun'or's current predicament; between fear and reason. State ye' who know who stands before you?


    Some in the crowd did reply, albeit not with vigour or passion;


    "Taeleh Elibar'acal"

    "This council which sits in their chambers, plotting the course of Blessed Haelun'or stands without leader. The Sohaer slain by unknown assailants. But with each passing second, the Silver evident in all mali'aheral grows more clear. The industrious Children of Larihei prepare themselves for the dawn of a new age, just as the last chapter of Laethis has drawn to an end. The time has come, dear mali'aheral, to find for ourselves as new Sohaer— by means of election as has been our way for centuries."

    Taeleh pauses, clearing his throat, before continuing;


    "Glance then to this council of ours. One which has expanded and prioritised the defence of our proud people— and yet one too who has stepped beyond protection and into the realm of fear.

    "Larihei, kae'len cruan sulier, ay'kae vallumer'ehya"

    "Elihnsil, Elberr, kina'ehya, laean kae wynne myumiereyae.
    ay'nae'leh sirame k' taliiyhe, ay'elcihil k' cruare
    il'iylkarim, mirueln thill'ehya ito kae'leh"
    "Larihei, behold my pain, and weep for me
    The spear, the bow and death, these bring me no joy
    for your honor I bleed, for the city I suffer
    with this day, I am silver and red"


    Mali'aheral banished upon a whim and the stability of ages past thrown to ashes and replaced with only conformity out of fear. Does this reveal regret in the art of blade and bow? Does this reveal restraint in the protection of our kind with the cursed art of war? Nae, for our kind have slipped beyond our blessed Republican ways and into that of madness. The Elves of Silver must not be Silenced. The philosophies of Larihei must once again return to Blessed Haelun'or".


    Taeleh pauses before stating plainly

    "It is thus one nominates himself for the position of Sohaer."


    ay'nae'leh sirame k' taliiyhe, ay'elcihil k' cruare

  6. oEOLyGA.png


    Sohaer: The Leader by Teaching. He who guides our kin under the watch of the Maheral, Most Blessed of Haelun'or.

    kaean'leh evareh.




    The owl rose, first Leader

    The deer devoured the lion

    The owl left for the worm


    The worm left for the butterfly

    The butterfly left for the swan

    The swan left for the butterfly reborn


    The butterfly gave rise to the moth

    The moth was devoured by the butterfly

    The butterfly yielded to the lynx


    The butterfly departed for each mole in turn

    The turtle rose for a time

    The spider rose anew


    The butterfly made his return, only to offer to the Mantis

    The butterfly and the Silver Children so did curse the Mantis, and so rose the Platypus


    Mali'aheral of Haelun'or,

    It is as it has been before, and it is as it must be. Elsohaer has fallen, and another must rise to take his place. It is thus nominations must be had. It is to you, fellow mali'aheral— that I so speak to. Should you dare find yourself willing to take upon the post of Sohaer, step forth in the town square. Speak that which you will and why you seek to lead our kindred.

    Thilln ito nae'leh!

    Post here!

  7. dFuqnCT.jpg


    In the centre of that circle is the country of Laos. It is a landlocked country which is essentially a poor and shitty Thailand which exists because when the French established French-Indochina and the British established British-IndochinaLaos was the administrative area owned by the British conquered purely so the French couldn't have it. Or maybe it was the other way around... It then was administered as a separate area and eventually became its own country when the colonial ****-bags left.


    Why am I telling you this? This picture was open in a tab from earlier today when I was browsing the Europa Universalis Reddit and I thought I'd tell you a little about Laos, since I went there in my Senior Year of High School in order to do a service trip.


    Alas, a few of you are wondering why, at this point, I'm making a post. You also might be wondering why its in the lore forum. Well, if you are wondering this... Then you really need to learn to read the title of posts before you start reading the bullshit contained within.


    The LT wants new LM friends.


    Submit an app in the forum and we might... maybe... possibly interview you.


    And then you might become a LM, and could listen to be tell you about all sorts of irrelevant crap all day long.


    Doesn't that sound exciting?

  8. Challenging a Tribune (Secondary)


    A tribune who fails to gain public approval may be removed via referendum and debate.


    Process for Removing Unfit Tribunes:

    The challenger must publicly declare a motion to remove a tribune and replace him/her in the Triumvirate.


    The tribune must either accept or reject this motion.  


    If the motion is accepted, the tribune immediately resigns and is effectively removed from power.  In this case, new elections will be held to refill the position.


    If it is rejected, the challenger must defend their objection by engaging in formal public debate with the tribune. If the challenger can win this debate (by referendum judgement), he/she will replace the tribune on the Triumvirate.


    All citizens are duty-bound to observe, and listen to the debates.


    After a debate, citizens will vote to uphold or dismiss the motion. During the debate, citizens are encouraged to pose questions towards the two contenders. After the affair is complete, and the citizenry have no other questions to pose, they are then obliged to vote between the two.


    Voting for a challenger/incumbent


    All citizens have the right to select one of three votes:


    1) Pro-challenger.

    2) Pro-incumbent.

    3) Abstain.



    Simply, the one with most support is considered to be the victor. However, if the majority of citizenry have chosen to abstain, then it can be concluded that the citizenry has no confidence in either candidate. Should this be so, then an open election of the tribune may commence with any citizens putting themselves up for election in the primary manner.








    It is the mali'aheral who holds governmental rank, and yet fears the vote of the mali'thill, who is no servant of Larihei. A challenge which the Medi'ir refuses to fight is one which evidences his incapability to hold office.


    The law stands so plainly. If Jupiter is one who upholds such, then such shall be accepted.

  9. Were the Maheral present in society, as opposed to one who occasionally glances into it from his lethargic post-- it would be plain and obvious that the "anonymous" author who writes exclusively using the pronoun "I" when referring to the life events if Taeleh Elibar'acal-- that the author must be Taeleh Elibar'acal.

    Housing for the entirety of the Elibar'acal family is within Sector E of the City, as approved before his attempt to coerce my family into swaying the election-- before he executed Suliin'thill. This citizenship is plainly present. To deny such would merely be evidence of the Sohaer's will to corrupt the voice of the mali'aheral.

    The Maheral would have also known about the housing if he ever had a gander at the city as well.

  10. oEOLyGA.png


    Impurity: As pervasive as death itself.




    The Medi'ir who must enforce his will through a Sillumir with more regard for the law than the life of pure mali'aheral is no Medi'ir of the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. The Medi'ir who claims to enforce justice while standing idly by while political candidates are executed by the Sohaer and his Orrarir is no Medi'ir of Larihei's word.


    The war within Haelun'or, dividing mali'thill and mali'thill alike is no longer one of Silver and Gold. Nor a conflict of Owl and Fox. Nor any longer one of magic or the lack thereof. It is a question of rooting out the pervasive corruption the Traditionalists have inserted into our Silver Citadel.


    No longer will the candidate be killed at the stand. No longer will the elf be hunted for the Sohaer speaking of his intent to make sure Ms. Izalith won at any length.


    The Medi'ir finds the violence and cursed nature of his administration challenged.


    The Medi'ir finds his methodology questioned.


    The Medi'ir finds himself challenged for his position.


    — Elibar'acal

  11. 393796b87d9b786c4a9d03156c79155a.jpg


    Shoulder to shoulder the mali'aheral of Haelun'or stand.


    Shoulder to shoulder with those who starved them, slaughtered them and attempted to usurp the Blessed Silver Council of Haelun'or.


    The Orrarir, scourge of Haelun'or, who dared draw blades towards the Children of Silver man the gatehouses and kill all who question Elsohaer's word.


    Mali'aheral of Haelun'or, do not permit Durion's brood to infect you any longer. Scorn the Sohaer who has dared let their vile number back into your ranks.


    Haelun'or is no home for Orrarir.


    — Elibar'acal

  12. 393796b87d9b786c4a9d03156c79155a.jpg


    Two candidates enter a room. One supported by Elsohaer, the other despised. Only one exits.


    Curiously, but one short elven day ago the Sohaer did approach me— stating his conscern regarding if Suliin'thill was elected. Stating that he feared for the stability of Haelun'or if anyone other than Elwyn was elected— noting he felt that she would lose the election if I did not sway Elibar'acal to vote for his chosen Okarir.


    But days later, without action on my part, Suliin'thill is dead and the only one who could question his narrative is so conveniently a criminal to the state.


    It is only the guilty who hide the words of the accused with steel and blood.


    Elsohaer has slaughtered his opposition. Disregarded the election of the Okarir'tir. And perhaps most grave of all, has recreated the vile Orrarir, a group so dedicated to their attempts to subvert the democracy of Haelun'or they attempted to starve and slaughter the Children of Silver.


    And now I sit far from Haelun'or proper, penning this quaint note, knowing that if I did dare return I too would be met not with trial but slaughter as Suliin'thill was so met with.


    Elsohaer has much to answer for.


    — Elibar'acal



  13. MC Name: FiatLux
    Type of Skin (Full Skin, Head or Edit): Full Skin
    Character Race: High Elf
    Character Description: Armor for the Elibar'acal
    Character Art (Optional, but it helps):
    Additional Information (Optional): Golden Owl, White and Gold. Inspiration!

    Payment was sent, given I'm standing next to you IC RN.

    This is Treshure's skin. Something similar in colours (but obviously different design) would be cool.








    If you don't want to do armor.


    A matching outfit would also work. Doesn't have rto be armor.

  14. MC name:  FiatLux

    Character's name and age: Talareh Elibar'acal, Greater than 50— Age not yet defined.


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Fi'hiiran'seth


    Who will be teaching you?: Working on reviving the magic— Myself. I wrote the lore. I'm hoping I can start him at like a T2 "Journeyman" stage since the character is new.

  15. 393796b87d9b786c4a9d03156c79155a.jpg


    By firelight a series of figures gathered, some standing and other sitting upon the assortment of rocks and fallen trees which happened to lie nearby to the fire. The flames drew low as the figures continued to speak.


    "Within the walls of this so-called Haelun'or, the void's wretched presence pulsates and shifts, rendering time and time again our kin infected with its destructive presence".


    "And yet what can be done, brother? Decades of observance of their folly has not led them to the proper conclusion yet. It would seem they have grown to appreciate the vile arts."


    The first figure grunts, standing before the fire before tossing a broken spear into the flames.


    "Their ways must be rectified."


    "In time, dear brother, in time".


    New family of Fi'hiiran'tayna related high elves. If you're interested in joining, feel free to post below and we can toss you in our planning chat ;)

  16. Such is attached to the pamphlet. 


    No magic is to be conducted in Oren until licenses have been obtained from the Conclave of Magi.


    The Hearts head the law of all nations when in their territory.

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