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Posts posted by Supremacy

  1. The Smile of Larihei Heals the Mind Like Milk Heals the Body


    The Lifting— Sacrifice


    The Ritual of the Lifting is different from that of Untempered Fi, for it is the stringent conditions which make for the true, Tempered Fi's creation. The ritual of the Elibar'acal follows, and yet it is sufficient but not necessary to create a Tempered soul.


    The sacrifice is tied to the Altar, imbued with the magic of Fi. The room is lit only by the light of a Fi' orb in a specially made lamp. Gold dust is scattered upon the sacrifice as the following is read. Each in attendance may bless themselves as they so desire.


    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.



    The smile of Larihei heals the mind like milk heals the body,

    liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe,


    Milk is passed between those in attendance in a Silver Chalice. It is drunk by each in turn, symbolising they are worthy of the Milk of Larihei, and therefore her smile.


    Your body unfit for the milk, Your mind unfit for the smile of Larihei,

    Your very essence forefeit.


    The Milk is refused to the sacrifice, symbolising they are unworthy of it. A blade imbued with Fi' energy (read: Fi'chant, just as the altar is) is used to cut the sacrifice's throat and as this is done droplets of blue will pool on the blade's tip. Blood is collected in a clay pot. The droplets will spin and form an orb of blue light which will become stable (PK) or will explode in a flash of light (no PK, soul escapes). It is required an orb be present to power both the altar and the blade.


    The Ritual of the Lifting requires merely the gold dust, altar, blade and orb. Everything else is merely a detail. It is the soul which is destroyed used to forge a second connection to the void. It is then channeled into the orb. It is this orb which contains that which remains of the destroyed soul is a vessel to fuel the magic, and unlike in Untempered Fi, as established in the Fi' rebirth lore, must be fuelled by spectral or soul energy. It is as a consequence they often find themselves upon hunts for spectrals. Though, strictly speaking— a true soul can be used if one is inclined towards the immoral inclination of Fi'. The magic can not be used in absence of these orbs, which will not shatter like glass since they're— you know... made of soul and not glass. The precise orb can be changed. It is merely the fuel which is contained in the orb which is so required. The orb itself is the seat of the soul. No orb no soul, no soul no magic. Thusly, it is possible that a Fi' mage could be disabled by the orb being brought a distance from him (40 metres or more). The orb can be taken away, or simply left behind. Furthermore.... they can just put it in a zipped pocket. However, the orb itself is immune to magic acting upon it directly, given the soul bridges mana to the void. Anything which does act upon it dissipates if it is magic. Furthermore— a soul orb not in an essence library, or similar device to prevent dissipation, it will dissipate after it is out of "range" of a Fi' mage for more than an hour, ceasing to be entirely. In this way you can "disable" a Fi' mage for quite some time, until they find a new orb or sacrifice to make one.


    Other Notes Established in LM/MAT:

    • Enchanted Fi' implements will not be in use until further lore is written, with the exception of the sacrificial blades and altars— as they are not anti-magic as required for the ritual.
    • If a warrior is strength 1, a mage is strength 0.5 and a Fi' user is physical strength 0.75.
    • The soul still whispers to you— though it is destroyed— its likeness still lingers akin to a soul-shadow. There you go Bird.
  2. .~-The Order of the Golden Owl-~.






    It was the child who was cursed. The child who was born in ice, snow and amongst the wicked Dragon's Brood was condemned. Such creatures have no home in this realm, for they are destined to corrupt it— by nature of the taint which infects their very essence. It was this child whose soul was to be cleansed by the Golden Owl.




    A fire to corruption.


    Just as it is the Father who disciplines the child, so too must those who pervert the nature of the world be disciplined. And so, plucked from darkness one was so found. And so into the shadows he was drawn, to illuminate the path for the Golden Owl. The path which was to come.

    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.


    YnaXIwd.png    DmGm5LM.png


    An elaborately embellished blade lifted, rusted from centuries of disuse.


    The smile of Larihei heals the mind like milk heals the body,

    liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe,

    Your body unfit for the milk, Your mind unfit for the smile of Larihei,

    Your very essence forefeit.



    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.



    And from the Child's sacrifice. From the purging of corruption and ending of its darkness which had plagued our realm... Came light.

    ((This post is a recount of events, not a poster.))

  3. "The Golden King and the Murderer show their faces, and not just alone but two by two. What a curious occasion— though, in truth, perhaps I should not be surprised. After all, it is only sensical that the servant would try to avenge his master with his little attempt at becoming a "Golden King". 


    Taeleh would draw his golden blade, moving to inspect it. Pacing along the ground.



    "Curse me, you may, for holding this blade of Brightsteel and Aurum. Curse me for daring defile myself with Gold. And yet... I do so by choice. For it represents that which must be done. It represents the cursed act of having to cleanse Haelun'or of the impure which cover the halls as dung cakes the grass in a cow's wake. "


    "It is you! You who would dare slaughter your opponent simply for power! You who would attempt to slay me for merely opposing your corrupt regime."


    Taeleh would suddenly raise his voice:


    "The blood of the pure lies upon your hands!"


    "The Mali'aheral of Haelun'or cast aside your corrupt regime and your puppets! They cast aside your vile ways and your endorsements of the ice maidens who devoured our own! They cast aside your impurity so great that your own relative would scorn you!"



    "The Children of Silver shall not deign their halls with your presence, vile elf— if so you are even worth such a title. It is Larihei who would spit upon you, and it is you who shall answer for your crimes." 

  4. .~-Into the Snow-~.





    The warning signs grew, and yet they fell on deaf ears. A messenger who never did make his way from Haelun'or to Oren. A band of merry travelers who found their lives cut short hours before they were meant to arrive. Something had so settled in the snow on the path to the Blessed Walls.


    It was only after the deaths of many did it strike one by the name of Taeleh, and it was only then that the mali'aheral and those of the Golden Owl were rallied to the walls.


    Four Owls and Four Sillumir were to set out. Little did they know, only seven would return.





    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.




    In the ensuing clash steel bit at spectral flesh, sending both elf and man flying as the wild creature did claw at the flesh of both those of Silver and those of Gold. Before finally the blade of the Tilruir'tir did meet its mark, impaling the creature and shattering it— banishing it from whence it came and back into oblivion. And yet the blade struck true not once but twice... For the Tilruir had cut through, into the flesh of his own Sillumir.


    Larihei, kae'len cruan sulier, ay'kae vallumer'ehya.
    Elihnsil, Elberr, kina'ehya, laean kae wynne myumiereyae.
    ay'nae'leh sirame k' taliiyhe, ay'elcihil k' cruare
    il'iylkarim, mirueln thill'ehya ito kae'leh

    Larihei, behold my pain, and weep for me.
    The spear, the bow and death, these bring me no joy
    for your honour I bleed, for the city I suffer
    with this day, I am silver and red.




    In sorrow they returned, for when Aurum bites flesh... Death is sure to follow. The only words uttered to Almecki in a mutter as they so marched through the snowstorm


    nae uvul'thrur Bortu illera...


  5. .~-The Order of the Golden Owl-~.






    It is the souls of the Wretched who are forfeit to their cause. It is the soul of the wicked sow who dabbles in witchcraft, it is the soul of the elf who falls to Necromancy, it is the soul of the Shade who assaults children in the night. All such creatures are lost to the Realm, and claimed by the Golden Owl— their purpose bound to expel that which they very are.




    A torch to darkness.


    Just as it is the Father who disciplines the child, so too must those who pervert the nature of the world be disciplined. And so, plucked from darkness one was so found. And so into the shadows he was drawn, to illuminate the path for the Golden Owl. The path which was to come.

    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.


    YnaXIwd.png    DmGm5LM.png


    An elaborately embellished blade lifted, rusted from centuries of disuse.


    The smile of Larihei heals the mind like milk heals the body,

    liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe,

    Your body unfit for the milk, Your mind unfit for the smile of Larihei,

    Your very essence forefeit.



    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.


    ((This post is a recount of events, not a poster.))

  6. .~-The Order of the Golden Owl-~.






    It was not by the night which they came— for their Radiant purpose, Blessed by the ancient teachings of Larihei held no need for shadows. Nor was it by whispers for their cries echoed as they made their way from their gathering in the High Tower of Fi'ceru— their masks covering the tears of the Cursed Act.




    YnaXIwd.png    DmGm5LM.png


    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.





     Reveal hidden contents


    And so they ventured forth across the lands of Haelun'or— seeking out that which was twice cursed. The corrupted, the beings of Frost, the wretched creatures of the darkness which hid amongst the bushes and trees would not find safety. The hunt was upon them. And the Harvest of those who corrupted Haelun'or was sure to follow.





  7. smaug_by_jonhodgson-d3fec01.jpg(JonHodsgon)


    With time comes change, and with change comes a shift in the Mysterious realm of Vailor. Thusly, dear Friends of Malinor, I come today with sad— or perhaps... not-so-unexpected news. The LT, and to an extent, the MAT have been for a while looking at the removal of magic subtypes which have not served their purpose. The following magic types are now "removed".

    • Contract Magic
    • Arcane Puppetry
    • Ascended

    In regards to the final one, this is perhaps to some a curious move. After all, how would one's patron cease to be. The answer? Your magic has not vanished, yet. An event will be completed in which all shall make sense, and everything shall have its place. 

    Have fun, sorry folks, and... Er... Good luck!?


    — The LT

  8. Taeleh would plainly pull a scroll from his coat, extending it to Kelthran "This would be the council-passed laws and regulations of Fi'ceru. Read it if you will, or continue to live in ignorance. As for your attempted coup, such has been verified by the Court of Oren and by the curious mage who did observe your attempt— to deny it is a curious matter. For it can be proven without absurd difficulty. Would you, perhaps, like me to procure all the evidence? I could if you so wish."


    Taeleh scowls "One would think the elf who was forgiven for trying to ruin Haelun'or would be a little more grateful. How disturbing. It is you who accuses me of failure. Despite the fact I have forged a second home for the mali'aheral— which prospers. And yet, you, yourself, have no legs to stand upon. For the state you have done nothing but attempt to destroy it, Golden King".

  9. Taeleh twitches "Though I may summon those who might purge the darkness from my neither fair nor tropical isle, it is at least not I who tolerates their presence. It is at least I who ensures that purity is upheld and my lands are not infected with frost-beasts, as the Citadel so plainly is".


    He then gestures to Kelthran's pocket "I am, however, glad you have accepted my contribution. As for dodging your query— it is no evasion. So read the Law, it shall provide all answers which you so seek. I am an elf of our law, dear Kelthran. I do not kill, unlike some present".

  10. Taeleh glances back to Kelthran, deadpan "My efforts bring life. Perhaps the more appropriate question is if you will cancel your project of couping Haelun'or and installing your filthy little Golden system".


    With this statement, Taeleh would drop a nugget of Gold from his coat upon the ground before Kelthran's feet "Take this, dear elf... It is my contribution to your crown. I would not want you dressed in any metal you find inferior, like Silver".

  11. "While I had so intended to ignore this curious nomination by the Blessed but parted Tilruir'lliran, I can not simply stand idly by and permit the so called and so known 'Golden King' to take power. Such would be undesirable. Such would be unacceptable. And so run I shall."

  12. .~-From the Desk of the Turr'sair of Fi'ceru-~.




    It is the Creature of the Dark which is scorned by all that is Pure. It is the Creature of Dark which, by nature of its very vile existence is forced to flee hither and thither, running from those who seek to purge them and prevent their corruption of the ways of the descendants. Ice maidens, death-weavers and other such creatures seek homes— for they such as the well-minded denizens of this realm need somewhere to rest their head. And yet unlike the well-minded individuals, they do not deserve such a right. It is thus which must, by necessity, be remedied. For the house with its root in darkness is destined to topple in time.


    It is thus the Turr'sair, and by extension the Wrought Council of Fi'ceru do find themselves plainly aware that undesirable elements may have slipped beyond its detection. That, perhaps, the founding of a new settlement has caught the eye of the creatures of the shadow— "A new home, somewhere they may perhaps not check". It is thus the Order of Paladins and Servants of Aeriel find themselves formally invited to Fi'ceru— for a stay of an elven week. To purge such dark beings from its walls. To end any corruption which may have taken root in this innocent town.


    Should you so accept this, your kind shall be put up in empty towers and within the inn. Your service appreciated.


    — Taeleh Elibar'acal

  13. .~-The Order of the Golden Owl-~.




    Elibar’acal, elkhel ito narne

    il’cruan ay’thilln kaean taliiyh

    adri’leh, ullral, ata— narne’ne ito

    kaean evarn’lar.


    The Golden Owl, darkness is upon us,

    With pain and for silver, we bleed,

    Apparitions, beasts and the wretched walk amongst us,

    We are the shield.


    It is the Order of the Golden Owl which sprung forth from the depravity the Elibar’acal did witness on their return to the “Blessed” Halls of Haelun’or. Depravity both without and within, in a realm gone mad— accepting of all manner of twisted and wretched creatures. The land of Vailor itself a host to necromancers, spectres and cursed apparitions. Its members sworn to uphold Order, it currently finds its home in the swamp-isle of Fi’ceru, guided by the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and truth of Larihei.


    To join, fill out this application and send it onwards to Fi’ceru;





    MC Name:




    Do you pledge yourself to the upholding of Order and the safeguarding of its Blessed Ideals?


    Until properly oathed, you are neither representative nor true member of the Order of the Golden Owl.





  14. http://i.imgur.com/Ke5omO0.png

    And so it shall be as so it is necessitated, lliran. An election is upon us, for the Tilruir'tir and Tilruir'indor are no longer amongst us. Thusly, you are left with oem Silvos Sytheraen and oem Mordew Ith'ael as choices for your Indor and Sil respectively. However, it is not in our way to elect the unwanted.


    Each mali'aheral so receives nuit (2) votes per candidate. They may either vote PRO the candidate, or ABSTAIN, indicating no confidence. A majority of abstention shall result, obviously, in the position remaining vacant as the Citizenry has deemed the candidate UNSUITABLE. If the majority votes are PRO the candidate, the candidate shall join the SILVER COUNCIL.



    Silvos: Pro [] Abstain []

    Mordew: Pro [] Abstain []



    Silvos: Pro [] Abstain [2]

    Mordew: Pro [2] Abstain []


    Silvos: Pro [1] Abstain [1]

    Mordew: Pro [2] Abstain []


    Silvos: Pro [1] Abstain [1]

    Mordew: Pro [1] Abstain [1]

  15. MC name: FiatLUx

    Character's name and age: Taeleh Elibar'acal, Age; greater than 125.


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Fi' — Strictly speaking the new version. Though, for MAT record sake it should be recorded simply as such, as alternation is not strictly impossible (as the old version is essentially outmoded).


    Who will be teaching you?: The magic shall be instructed through event-led revealing of the magic and its new form.

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