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Everything posted by Roric(heroofwinds9)

  1. *a note is posted in the guild building* If anybody knows the whereabouts of Paladin Fengric or anybody who can assign further trials for myself to become a Paladin Trainee as I completed the first one some time ago, please send me a bird or post a note next to this one -signed Roric
  2. ((haven't seen him online recently, and limit the ooc))
  3. You guys could run ACRE, its a mod that links to TS for radio communication although, I'm pretty sure you can't run it without ACE. And there is the squad radio system but theres no way to use that in the DayZ mission
  4. 1)MC Name & RP Name: MC Name: heroofwinds9 RP Name:Roric_Talos 2)Chosen Patron: Arke'ith, the Guardian Patron 3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): Roric has wanted to serve a greater purpose and learned about the order of the clerics from a paladin and his Pupil. Roric has skills with a sword and wants to use his blade to protect the weak ,innocent, and those who cannot protect themselves as well as all beings from dark forces by serving Arke'ith and God. 4)Race: Human/Northerner 5)Flaws in Your Character: Roric has trouble keeping his emotions such as anger and frustration to himself and sometimes gets close to taking out his anger on himself and others 6) How long have you been on the server: Since late january 2012 Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation. 7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] Roric would approach the situation and ask the Shade why he is harassing a citizen and that he must stop immediately. He would ask the apprentice shade why he does such things to one that cannot defend themself and to begone as they have no business harming others who have done nothing wrong . He would then make sure the citizen is not harmed and aid them if needed and send them on their way with any extra supplies he has for the trouble the citizen had to deal with. 8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. Roric would approach the child and offer his cloak to the child, because he would rather to be the one who is exposed to the cold. He would then ask the child where their parents are and help the child find a warm place to stay and help the child find a place to live if they did not have one. 9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Roric would offer the money he has and tell the man that he should consider it a gift and that he forgives him because the bandit probably has nothing and is turning to a life of crime. He would encourage the bandit to confess his wrong doings to servants of god and to stop his life of crime or he would die a meaningless death because of his criminal ways. 10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Roric would approach the man and ask him why he thinks his opinion is better than others. He would encourage the man to not speak of Iblees in public places as it frightens some. He would tell the man that he respects his opinion but he should look towards more pure faith and he reminds the man that Iblees cursed all mortal races and that he should not follow such beings. 11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" Roric would reply "There is suffering for a reason. The reason is that there must be a balance between suffering and happiness. One cannot exist without the other. If there were no suffering, we would not appreciate the good in the world or our gift of life given to us by God."
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