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Cethis Vincrute

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Everything posted by Cethis Vincrute

  1. *You see a note posted on the board* I would like to apply for the position of temporary Head Guard until Nathan returns. If there is someone more able for the position I will gladly withdraw my requisition. -Cethis
  2. *You see a note posted above Cethis' house* I have left on a journey of great importance to me. I have heard of an alchemist who can tell me where a orc who I have a qualm with is.I will be gone till i find this alchemist and see if his information is any good. If it is not I will return with haste, if it is good information then i will follow it. I do not know when i will be back. Goodbye my friends. ((OOC Reason: I updated my minecraft without thinking about it, so when the server updates i will be back))
  3. MC name:Cethis Ingame Name:WR_Guard_Cethis Which permissions do you need?Aliquam3
  4. This would also increase the need for doctors and those rping as doctors on the serever
  5. I used to live in Seventis, but i have no problem attacking it. I'll report to the battle immediately.((When is it?))
  6. I have a few tons of stone bricks we can use for the city.
  7. MC name:Cethis IC name:WR_Guard_Cethis Forum name:Cethis Current Rank:Guard Race:Human
  8. Name:Cethis Race:Human Gender:Male Which division of the Freedom Fighters do you wish to join?: The Liberators, or infiltrators, whichever is needed most. Why do you dislike the slave trade?: I have had several friends thrust into slavery and kept there for years. I dislike the thought of people being forced to work for nothing, and being owned as property.
  9. Mc name-Cethis Ic name-Cethis Do you have a villain application-No i do not What will you contribute to the guild- I will bring my sword arm and be loyal to the guild. Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?-Yes i do. What previous Experience do you have?-I have no previous experience What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- I have helped those that i can, whenever i can Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?-light infantry What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) -33 in swords Have you signed our charter?- No
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