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Posts posted by Birdwhisperer

  1. Denied.

    • You have to actually fill out the entire format, which includes listing your characters age and race. ??? is not an accepted race.
    • If you are playing some kind of undead being you will need to make a Creature App for that first.
    • If FactCore taught you he will need to post here to confirm. You have not listed a teacher for Arcane Shielding, which is also required.
    • Your definitions are inadequate and poorly written, and the shielding definition especially does not say much about the magic in any amount of detail.
    • Your mc account does not even show up as having ever logged into the server. If you have another account that you use to play on LotC you will need to apply with that one.

    You are correct, paladins can use both voidal and holy magic. HOWEVER, a paladin who is connected to both the void and Xan will find themselves extremely weakened to the point of absolute uselessness. To my knowledge (This will need to be confirmed by Tsu or an LM), if they have a dual connection, they are only capable of T1-T2 in both magics. This limits them severely, and makes it so useless it is practically pointless. (So basically, if you use voidal magic you're so useless there is literally no point.)  Paladin healing is, however it is not made clear anywhere on the forums have very very weak healing in comparison to Clerics. However, on the matter of our capabilities and nothing being defined,you are correct, I don't believe we have anywhere on the forums where people can actually judge that. Though I'll assure you we have entirely stopped recruiting at the time being mainly for that reason. A guide is being worked on to be released so people can understand it fully.

    This is true.

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