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Posts posted by Birdwhisperer

  1. I'm afraid this application is Denied.

    • Incorrect title.
    • You could not have begun learning magic at 5-9.
    • You cannot have taught yourself magic.

    I suggest you try finding someone in RP who will teach your character magic, then you can make a Student Application. Good luck!

  2. The average player doesn't care or see magic because it's either being done in some remote jerk circle of gms and the other staff  (*cough Paladins and necromancers cough*) I mean it's literally an army of heerozeros who will do anything for magic power and staff power on a minecraft role play server

    As a magic RPer, I rarely if ever see magic RP being done outside my own with random folk. Also tbh the more I read this the more I think it over. Not necessarily what it is or will be doing, but rather the idea of it. I will use druids for example (No hate I like you all) they have like 4 different magic subtypes in all of druidism and each leader is skilled in the majority of them if they know all four (Including Shadeshifting) now I think people are missing what they are saying, atleast from what i've read in that you guys are saying that a druid must be able to teach communion plus other magics to be a teacher. Though why is that? Being a teacher doesn't mean you are a strongest at something, it just means OOCly you're able to teach it. So the idea of atleast in groups of having different members only being able to teach certain things in a group I do like. So instead of having like 4 or 5 druids who are able to teach all types of the magic. Instead why not have 7 or 8 druids that specialize in certain forms of druidism? Also, why is communion even a subtype. Imo druidism should just be considered one magic in itself (Minus shapeshifting) but being like bnk wants Arcanism to be where you can specialize in the different forms of them. As for other groups of magic users just do similar things. Though this is just an opinion I wanted to express don't hate!

    I think you have a misconception on how druidism works. We don't choose 5 people to teach everything, individuals simply learn what they are interested in and some will go on to become teachers in it. Many druids only learn/teach one subtype of healing, but all of them HAVE to be able to teach Communion. The reason Communion is considered a subtype is because we had to force druidism to fit the MAT rules. Normally Communion and Control would be separate subtypes, but for the purposes of the application they're lumped into one (Druidism) so druids aren't screwed over even more. Your suggestion isn't a bad one, however it would require rewriting druidism or the magic rules to fit each other (AGAIN).



    For any small magic group this will be an issue. People who become teachers need to be in the subtype long enough to know the magic inside and out. For druids, that's a significant time investment. Not everyone wants to teach, and of those who do, not all of them have trained up enough to be able to teach any of the magic. What this means is that effectively, magic teaching is restricted to a subset of a subset of members. (This should hold true to all magic, come to think of it.) By restricting the number of subtypes a teacher can teach, it can hamper our ability to teach certain subtypes for people on at certain timezones. (Just having guides to teach dedicants druid culture and stuff during any timezone a dedicant might be in can be challenging at times, and that doesn't even have the restrictions magic teaching does. )

    At times we've had 40 active members, of those maybe 10 want to teach, and of those only less have trained up enough to even get a TA. We need to be able to teach our magic, arbitrary limits on our ability to teach makes no sense, and worse, harms our ability to train up new teachers.

    This is an internal issue still and with this mentality:

    We are not interested in spreading knowledge.  We are interested in containing it.  We don't care what everyone else wants.  It doesn't matter.

    I understand why.

    A druid HAS to be able to teach Communion, meaning they have one more slot for teaching. If my character wanted to pass on shapeshifting, I would have to drop being able to teach Blight Healing because of OOC reasons. That means I won't be able to share the knowledge of Blight Healing with any more people.

    Also, druids have more members than pretty much all of the other holy magic users combined.

    This ruling will not help get rid of cliques, magic-hoarding, or min-maxing, it will make these things more prevalent. For example, ski_king's character right now knows Water Evocation, Voidal Shifting, and Golemancy. Water Evocation is the most useful in combat, but also the most widespread. Voidal Shifting and Golemancy don't have nearly as members, and quite a few less teachers. He'll have to choose between passing on an extremely rare magic that is basically locked to the high elves right now (Voidal Shifting) and another rare magic that is locked to dwarves and high elves (Golemancy). One of those magics is going to remain rare. One of them will remain a clique, a hoarded magic, and something that will be almost impossible for people to find a teacher for.

    Then clearly the DRUID system is a bit flawed if Communion is not included in every type if it now is the fundamentals? What am I not seeing here? 


    About Ski's situation yes it is unfortunate but hence why I proposed the 2 combat/whatever and one support magic and you could teach all of them. Not much to say here other than it's a shame it happened but this change is needed to stop people from having a hundred magics for every situation possible. Make more teachers not the amount of magics you have.

    Sure, druidism is flawed if you attempt to force it to work with a new system that was designed in a way that is incompatible with it.

    Your other suggestion would involve the MAT becoming even more restricting than it already is. I don't feel it should be our job to force people to choose certain types of magic.

  4. Because under this rule a Druid who teaches Communion, Blight Healing and Control and also possesses the secret of Shapeshifting cannot teach a Druid.  Shapeshifting in particular is a very closely guarded secret and those who shapeshift become a teacher of it.


    Is there really a need for a druid to know all these druid magics? Why can you not divide it and once more, not hoard.

    A druid HAS to be able to teach Communion, meaning they have one more slot for teaching. If my character wanted to pass on shapeshifting, I would have to drop being able to teach Blight Healing because of OOC reasons. That means I won't be able to share the knowledge of Blight Healing with any more people.

    Also, druids have more members than pretty much all of the other holy magic users combined.

    This ruling will not help get rid of cliques, magic-hoarding, or min-maxing, it will make these things more prevalent. For example, ski_king's character right now knows Water Evocation, Voidal Shifting, and Golemancy. Water Evocation is the most useful in combat, but also the most widespread. Voidal Shifting and Golemancy don't have nearly as members, and quite a few less teachers. He'll have to choose between passing on an extremely rare magic that is basically locked to the high elves right now (Voidal Shifting) and another rare magic that is locked to dwarves and high elves (Golemancy). One of those magics is going to remain rare. One of them will remain a clique, a hoarded magic, and something that will be almost impossible for people to find a teacher for.

  5. I feel this will result in the magics that aren't as useful in combat (like cognitism, runesmithing, translocation, transfiguration, soul puppetry, and possibly golemancy and some of the shaman sybtypes) dying out because no one will be willing to spend a teaching slot on them. The same goes for the subtypes that already don't have many teachers, like voidal shifting, cognitism, and golemancy. And it's also going to make teaching druidism complicated.

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