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Dr. Ducky-D

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Posts posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. Your application has been set to...


    I see potential for you here, as your application is rather nice! I just would like to see you make one quick

    change before I may accept you:



    -Try adding a bit more of the server's lore to your biography, you can find a good bit of that kinda stuff HERE!


    Also, as a fair and friendly suggestion


    -You should try to be sure to keep your character from being cliche, though still have them be unique. A fantastic blend between simple and special make for a good character, one that you can develop in game once you're accepted.


    Make this quick change to your application within 24 hours if you could please

    and then shoot me a private message over the forums and I'll

    take another gander at it.

    Good luck!

  2. Your application has been set to...


    There is just a little thing you will have to work out before I can accept you.


    -Your powergaming definition is not quite on the dot. I suggest you revise it in an edit.


    -Also as a side note, be sure your lore is from Anthos, the current realm the server is playing in.


    If you can make this quick fix within 24 hours then I will gladly accept your application and we
    can get you started. If you need any help please feel free to contact me

    with a PM over the forums.

    (Don't be afraid of me either)

    Good luck!


    All the proper edits have been made, your application has been...


  3. Hi skippy said I can post this at this time due to it being 24 hours since I posted my last (:

    Minecraft Account Name: aquaticsunnymoss.

    How old are you?: 12 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: central time zone/ U.S

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: yes, I do.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Yes I have played on some roleplaying servers but nothing actually serious.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: yes I have and I agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I heard about you on the minecraft forums.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthe...__1#entry586642 http://www.lordofthe...cs-application/ http://www.lordofthe...-aquas-3rd-app/ http://www.lordofthe...th-application/

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!: I have posted my app there


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: The act of role-playing to me is being somebody who in real life you couldn't be and to discover a world that seems unique and impossible and taking on the role of a person made by you and defined by your actions.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: The act of meta gaming to when you are Rp'ing to get information while out of character for instance I learn about the mountain of Mt. ire by my friend while I’m OOC.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: The act of power emoting is doing an action in game without the other player knowing or even being able to do anything or react. Example: John steals James bread John kills James John griefs James house.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Maletone

    Character Race: Dwarf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: My character is about 4’5” with a yellow pinkish skin tone. He comes from a family of rich miners who live in Mount Ire he was born into the cave family of dwarves his goal when he was little was to find the purple diamond a rare mystical object that he believes to have been formed when the world of Asulon was forming in the lava as the dwarves believe even if the Druids might not agree with the elves etc. A few nights before he turned 25 (dwarf years) I went out hunting for some food as we love our drink and food but back to the story. As I was searching for boar I heard an ear-shattering scream! I turned around to see a fine stream of blood trailing off into the thickening tress crowded together. I followed the trail until I found a human with a hoe. He was dead. I saw a shiny necklace and two names. One was the city of Arethor the other I was perplexed by it was the name Impedia. I believe it is a long lost love or his wife. I kept on going through the cold dwarven mountains. Whoever this was he must be well conditioned for I ran out of breath before I could see him. I climbed back up out of the snow and ran to see the next victim. Once again a necklace was around the victim bearing the name Arethor but this time the woman's name was lkinlad. I tracked down the killer to a cottage far away. The killer was an elf from a guild of assassins. He wouldn't answer my questions about why he killed those innocent people. I turned my back on him for one second and he takes out his knife nearly dicing me! I get up and make a swift move. He stumbles and falls on a table where I stab him. This was the first time I killed. About 5 years later we are at war with the Elves. Many are dead and I am lying on my stomach trying to look dead. I take one breath and an elf spots me. His bow is aimed at my heart. I look up and see another dwarf. The dwarf is shot with the arrow and falls. He sounds like a sack of potatoes hitting the ground! I rush back to the camp but everything is gone. Pots are missing but then I see my friends dead on the ground. I turn to see a dwarf running off with blood splattered on his face. As I turn back I see the King coming towards me and I kneel. But instead of the words “rise”, I feel his hands around my throat closing in. The last words I hear are "why did you do it?". It's been four years and I've been rotting away my life in prison. During the guard’s shift I broke out of jail. I see the light it is time to start anew.

    What are your characters ambitions?: To find the purple diamond and get revenge

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: sorry very hard from an iPad but here is the link to the skin http://www.planetmin...dwarf-warrior-/

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: He works hard in the day relaxes at night.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in role-play. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shopkeeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human; he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? The shopkeeper is not a Human; he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? I am traveling though the city of Arethor it is not particularly nice for me due to the humans close relations with elves. I see a dwarf shopkeeper in the city yelling, "Fine wares for sale all you need is here!" I approach the stand and scan him over. He's a mountain dwarf I can tell by his fiery red hair and strong arms. I say to him "what are you selling?" He replays "everything!" I reply, "What is your finest sword?" He kneels down and brings out a sword of diamonds with a glowing red blade. I ask, "Where is it from?" He gazes to the mountains and replies "this blade was forged in mount ire the forge where the coal glows with such a heat it has the ability to create mystical weapons! Where they say the world started being created from the heat!" I feel the warm blade on my skin and hand him 200 Minas. He hands me the sword and I walk off into the crowds.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? I am alone with no companions wandering the Oren road what am I thinking?! I keep on walking past trees and mountains and come upon some travelers I listen to what they say, the dwarf says "You orcs think your better than us dwarves eh? Well c'mon take me!" The Orc laughs and says " Ha you think you can take a mighty Orc? I could kick you halfway around the map!" I see this will not end well so I step in and say "You are both evenly matched this would end in a stalemate." The Orc and dwarf look at each other and keep on arguing I talk again but this time with a different approach. "You know master dwarf I saw a gold mine a few miles away!" His eyes light up and he's out of sight running towards the direction I pointed. I wander on my way and leave the Orc to his own doings.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?: I was on my way to Malinor for some trading when along the path I hit a 2-way path. I saw a man walking next to me and came over to see if he knew the way. Before I could say "excuse me" he fell down and the poor mans Mina's fell all over the path. He could not get up so I thought to myself "should I take his coin or not?" I looked upon the old man as I he moaned in pain. I bent down and said "don't worry you'll be alright." I picked up his coin, took out my leather and made him a new satchel. With the woods conveniently nearby I picked up some sticks and made him a new cane. As he stood up he asked "why did you help an old man when you could have taken my money?" I responded, "Because I saw you hurt and knew it was not right." I left him in peace and set off to Malinor.


    Sorry, but your application has been...


    But on a more serious note...


    I think we should add just one ORQ.


    I for one liked the ORQs. They weren't too bad nor were they super long. I think the application process is alright being somewhat easy or simplistic, but adding a ORQ  or two wouldn't be a terrible thing either.


    Oh, and 300 posts! 


  4. Edric throws his hands up, waving them at any others nearby. "Shhhhh...!" He leans in close to the poster before pointing at the picture.


    "Kay... now look at dat beard, dough."


    He nods to himself before slowly backing away, giving the other gatherers the evil eye.

    As he walks off he thinks to himself. "What a pretty lil Dorf, that guy!"

  5. Edric shrugs meekly as he reads the poster, pulling out a note and a quill. "Because why not?" He pins it up and begins to write.


    Name:Edric Altraza

    Race:Impure, horrid, despicable, retched, little treacherous High Elf scum. 

    did I mention impure?  

    Arch type and sub-type: Evocation - Earth Evocation

    Tier: Master, because I do not know what a 'tier' is in the realm of magical arts.


    Edric nods happily to himself before turning and waddling away from the poster.

  6. I'm setting this application as...



    -Your metagaming definition does not seem to quite be there yet. It is not 100% on, a quick tweak should be good.


    -Your roleplaying definition is somewhat brief, just go ahead and explain it a bit more and it should be good.


    You are just about there, but your definitions

    just need a few changes. Once you make

    these changes just contact me over the forums

    via a private message within 24 hours.

    Good luck!

  7. Your application has been set as...



    -You cannot apply as a dead character or a ghost, you must be one of the four main races.


    -Recorded history of the server goes back to around 1500 years ago in lore if  I am not mistaken, so I'd like to see you apply as a bit younger.


    -There is no server lore in your bio, you can look up the lore HERE. Please be sure to add some.


    -You will need to rework your bio, considering you cannot apply as a dead character. With this, I would like you to expand on the character's life as well.


    -Your character seems a bit cliche. It does not hurt to be somewhat normal, you have plenty of time for character development in-game anywho!


    I see potential! Please try to fix up the problems

    I outlined above within 24 hours, when

    you've got that done be sure to message me

    and I will check in again. Good luck!

  8. Your application has been...



    -Your definitions are a bit brief, you should try expanding on them slightly, maybe use an example of sorts.


    -Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are incorrect. You can look up their meanings online as long as you remember remember, no plagiarizing!


    - I would like to see you make your biography longer. Along with that you will need to add a bit of server lore as well, I suggest using the wiki HERE, you can find a good bit of info there.


    -Sadly I cannot see the screenshot of your skin, next time I suggest trying this site as it is what I personally use to upload images.


    Your application is not bad for a first attempt!

    You may re-apply in 24 hours.

     If you may need any help feel free to contact

    me via a private message!

  9. Eazy-E hobbles inside the azog fort holding his trusty stick in hand. The small goblin eyes the cheering orcs and goblins "Mi cleen?"


    The Witch Doctor, Dre, grabs the smaller goblin and gives him a shake as he shouts. "Wi cleen!" Before releasing him and running off, continuing to cheer along with the others.


    The thudding of war drums are heard from the Azog fortress suddenly one night, the deep booms resounding off the nearby plateaus and ringing through their small valley. Great roars and grunts from Uruk and Gobo alike as logs and rocks are dragged from the main keep. The only light for these workers to go by is the high night moon and the orange glow of the burnings fields.


    The workers continue on as they begin to gather their supplies near the blacksmith- at which there too was endless work. The smith restlessly hammers and molds his steel, forming new blades and sets of armor just for this battle. Without a bit of acknowledgement he continues on with his own work as a few Orcs drag by a crude sled with logs piled atop it.


    Where the Orcs deliver the supplies to there is another two Orcs standing over, one observing the happenings of the bustling war camp whilst the other one calls over his shoulder battle plans and ideas for coming layouts. The tactician cannot seem to help but keep staring forward and over the edge of the hill down at what could be assumed to be their target- the Kaxil Stronghold.


    After a while of this rhythmic cycle of work the sun slowly began to rise above the horizon, peaking over the Kaxil fort. By this time the fires burned low, giving off a large cloud of smoke as nearly only charred embers remained. The two Orcs overlooking the work site turned and observed the work force one last time before the tactician spoke out.


    “Latz dun fur tudeh, gu nuw agh gid rezt! Tumurrow wi ged tu da real wurk!”


    All the Orcs cheered, a weary yet still furious sense about them as they quickly finished up their work. They quickly all dispersed as they went to go back to their business. As the war drums slowly died down to a stop a single goblin ran about the open field, snuffing out the smoldering messes that once were the burning fires serving as the workmen’s light source


    The Rex and head of the Azog clan, Urik Azog, had called earlier that day they would prepare for their final push to remove the corrupted Kaxils from their land. His aim will be to take the Stronghold by force or demolish it to a pile of rubble trying.


    And by the next night, the drums shook and the fires burned once more.




    Date and time:

    -[Negotiable- contact Erik0821] 23th of February

    12:30 PST - 3:30 EST - 8:30 GMT



    -[Defence] Kaxils and Allies

    -[Offense] War Uzg and allies


    Type of Battle:




    -If the defending party is victorious they will be exempt from another claim for their land for three more months and may make a counter attack as they wish.


    -If the attacking party wins they will be entitled to the lands of the Kaxil Stronghold.



    -No one day alts

    -No breaking or placing blocks besides ladders within the battlegrounds

    -No golden apples/potions/or brews

    -No enchanted equipment

    -All server rules are to be followed [No glitches, hacks, returning after death Etc.]



    None of these terms are 100%

    permanent and are susceptible to change upon reasonable request. If you would like to discuss changes contact Erik0821 via MC or a PM on the forums.

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