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Everything posted by ALMOSTunseen

  1. 9/10 I didn't even have to think, I just saw your name and went, Legend!
  2. ((MC Name)):ALMOSTunseen Character Name:Eodai Race:Dark Elf ((RL)) Age:((13)) 32 Current Occupation:None If any, preferred positions: Security Team Particular skills can be written here: 25 swordsmanship 10 cooking 15 blacksmithing
  3. Out of Character: MC name:ALMOSTunseen RP name:Eodai Race:Dark Elf Do you meet the basic Initiate requirements? Yes In Character: You read the Oath of the Guard: Quote -I swear to abide by all the rules of Normandor and the Kingdom of Malinor. -I swear to uphold the peace, justice and sanctity of the Elder Tree. -I swear not to abuse my powers, to assist my brothers in arms and to conduct myself professionally. -I swear to follow the chain of command and strive to prove myself to them. “As brothers in arms we strive to ensure the security and prosperity of our city. Harbingers of death to all who would oppose Her, paragons of justice to all who defy Her, protector of Her sanctity.” Signed:Eodai *The Sentinel asks you questions so he may ponder over your request to join the Guard, he beckons you to keep it brief* Question 1: What can you contribute to the Guard of Normandor? I am eager to learn and participate no matter how much effort, or sacrifices it takes. As a dark elf, I have lived in poverty, in the darkest corners of Asulon my whole life. Now, I think, it is time to give back, while still killing things. I am quite handy with my sword. From living in the slums for many, my ability to cook my own food, and repair my weapons is adequate. Question 2: Armoured persons approach our gates, they are open. You don’t know why they are here. What do you do? I look around hastily, the watchtowers and walls are deserted. An armoured patrol makes its way to the gates, you do not know if they are here on treaty, or to destroy. I run hastily to gates, seeing them jammed open, a small rock lies in the corner of the gate, leaving it wedged open. Drawing my sword, a precise blow to the rock, knocks it out. The gates come tumbling down, narrowly avoiding my face. I run towards the barracks, screaming out for assistance. The guards come tumbling out of the barracks, their faces showing heavy boredom. I just remember, That today is the day of the guard meeting, and I am one of the few meant to be guarding the city while the senior guards converse. Question 3: Where do you wish to progress in the Guard? I wish to improve my teamwork skills, and progress through the ranks. I would like to help other people as much as possible. I would also like to improve my fighting and battling skills.
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