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Status Updates posted by Αμφίονας

  1. We need something epic. BRING ME DRAGONS!

  2. Gone until Friday. See ya people.

  3. Speaking of votes.. What the hell happened to captoz?

  4. java.ioe exception. Just when I thought I would roleplay

  5. Does anyone know the song they played on the feast? The gaming-joyous one.

  6. Y U NO READ "I urge all to reconsider."?

  7. No problem :p. Just being honest/awesome

  8. Added another part to the oath. Editted in the message.

  9. Congrats. Just found out.

  10. Is there any chance you might make art about a character, with some confidential details, for some time? Tell me if you want me to explain more.

  11. Great event. My character has lots of stories to tell!

  12. Horses on 1.6. I can die happily now

  13. I am with Telanir on this one. And even if I was not I would be because he provided valid reasoning and did not dismiss arguments.

  14. http://goo.gl/uHur92 Added both an intro and a summary. You are welcome.
  15. It took some time, effort and lots of bodies but it's done.

  16. #TelanirforIntergalacticPresident

  17. http://goo.gl/uHur92 Contrary to popular belief, the act of linking links has no connection to Link,unless said link, links to Link unlike the above link. Link.
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