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Posts posted by Bones

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Edwyn O'Rourke


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Templarism is melee combat-focused magic that manifests in descendants through the blessings of the Archangel Malchediael. It is a melee-focused magic predominantly sought by roleplayers who favor Knights and other warrior-class characters, as the boons provided lend themselves to close-quarters engagements by enhancing said characters' martial skillsets whilst providing temporary or individual buffs to equipment. Templars adhere strictly to the Dogma of Malchediael, seeking those amongst descendants who embody courage and valour in battle; they are the first through a breach in the castle’s wall, and the last from the field if the day is lost.


    The combative abilities granted to a Templar are as follows; At tier 2 there is Fervent Flare, a bright white light manifested from the inner courage of the Templar, then expelled outwards to blind enemies. At tier 3 there is Furious Flame, a passive ability mostly, it allows the Templar’s favoured weapon to ignite with white flame upon being drawn, giving it properties similar to Aurum. Also at tier 3 is Bound Armament, this ability allows the Templar to recall their Furious Flame wreathed blade should it be out of reach up to 8 blocks away. At tier 4 Trophy, Dauntless Charge, and Bulwark become available. A trophy is the purified head of a slain Darkspawn, shrunken and unremarkable in its likeness– it is used to instil great terror in an opponent of the same corruption, curse, or kind. Dauntless charge is the Templar’s way of punishing a cowardly foe who retreats from battle, or believes distance gives them an advantage; The Templar will dash forward up to 10 blocks to deliver a concussive blow empowered by the effects of aurum to their target. Bulwark allows a Templar to protect themselves -and potentially others under the right circumstances- from powerful blows that could otherwise cripple those not blessed by Malchediael. Finally, at Tier 5 there is Vigorous Blow- a powerful strike summoned by the Templar temporarily imbuing their weapon with their weapon with their courageous aura.


    Templarism also contains several other abilities that, whilst still potentially useful in combat, lend themselves more to the flavour and narrative roleplay experience of a Templar player, and those they interact with. At tier 1 there is the basic Blazing Aura, a simple spell that conjures a Templar’s Courageous Aura to use as a light source. Tier 2 enables Enthralling Recount, a flavour-boosting spell that allows a Templar to manipulate flame to provide a visual aid to any heroic deeds or stories they may wish to orate. Upon reaching Tier 3 the Templar can make use of Radiant Rumination, a means of communicating with each other through various sources of flame. Tier 5 allows for the creation of Brazen Bonfires, a means for a Templar to heal their minor wounds as well as warding away Darkspawn by instilling great anxiety in them. Finally, there is Second Chance, an ability that allows a Templar to temporarily overcome mortal injury in pursuit of claiming victory in return for their sacrifice in the form of a PK. All 3 Blessed Banners also become available at this tier; Indomitable, which emboldens those in its vicinity. Valiant, which gives an extra charge to abilities in a combat scenario. Radiant, which creates a border of white flame around the banner, dispelling spell effects that instate darkness. Templars may also invoke Victor’s Justice upon those amongst their ranks whom they deem unworthy, challenging them to a duel in which the victor may disconnect the loser from their blessing, either temporarily or permanently depending on the situation.


    Templars are susceptible to a devastating weakness known as the Touch of Jophiael, derived from the troubled mind of the Archaengul of Courage and the confusion it suffers as a result of his sister’s influence. When a decedent is granted Malchediael’s blessings, they become susceptible to this confusion. Often the touch is inflicted when a Templar experiences great pain via injury, or via attempted mind-invasion with the intent to instill fear in them. When under the influence of the Touch, a Templar is dangerous and unpredictable and they are unable to discern their allies from enemies, causing them to greet those who were once friends with maddening fury meant to kill them. They must be slain or restrained until the effects subside through magic means, a Templar bonfire, or by being knocked unconscious.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Vigorous Blow


    Ser Edwyn stood atop the walls of Numenost, staring the spiked hooks of the siege ladder gripped upon the battlements. The Knight closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, focusing on the courage that burned within him, drawing it outward. His eyes opened wide, burning white with holy fury and white wisps of flame began to flow around the hilt of his weapon. [1/3]


    He staggered forward to the top of the siege ladder and those flaming white eyes bore down upon the ascending soldiers. He lifted the weapon into the air then and its white glow burned furiously as if suddenly doused in oil. [2/3]


    Once the first besieger on the ladder neared the top he would see Edwyn swing his flaming sword down with a great stream of white light. A blow with the the force of a powerful hammer strike impacted the top rung of the ladder, sending out a wave of kinetic energy (3x4). [3/3]



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Fervent Flare


    Edwyn sat upon the steps to Numenost, his forearms over his knees, while he watched [student] toy anxiously with the strap of their cloak.

    “You are troubled…” He stated, less than impressed judging by his tone. “You need a clear mind for Fervent Flare, ‘lest you lose control and burn out your allies’ eyes…” It was a fib, of course, he simply liked to test [student]’s mettle from time to time.


    [Student] looked up to Edwyn and straightened themselves, standing firm as he had told them on their last attempt. “How am I to hold myself so still in battle though, Ser Edwyn?” They asked, tone curious rather than cowardly. “I’ll be an easy target, I-...” [Student] found themselves cut off as Edwyn rose his hand, shushing them.


    “That is why we focus on the breath first, the meditation– you must calm yourself of the fight that rages around you, and trust in your brothers and sisters-in-arms…” He got up then, walking over to stand beside [student]. “Brace yourself with me.”  Edwyn stiffened himself beside [Student]. “Breathe in… focus upon the courage that burns in your heart, and ease it out– the calmer you are, the less likely t’is to sever easily.”  He led [student] in a deep breath in. [1/3]


    The pair stood side-by-side, looking inwards to find the courage their patron had blessed them both with. [Student] shuffled their feet a little, still not used to the rigidity– Edwyn, however, had done this many times over and knew his posture as if he were reading his favourite book for the hundredth time.

    “Now… draw it out on your exhale.” He said calmly, stilled to the fantasy battle that raged around them. As [student] did so, so did Edwyn, the pair’s glowing white auras beginning to envelop them entirely. [student] found their temperament changed, the patience that Edwyn had instructed seemed to be making a difference! [2/3]

    “Close your eyes!” Edwyn instructed [student]. “Release!” He bellowed and led [student] in the final expulsion of their courageous aura. He shut his eyes tightly and thrust out his chest, arms parting almost involuntarily as a great torrent of holy light spread out from the Knight and [student]; briefly, the walls of Numenost glowed radiant white beneath a blanket of combined holy light. [3/3]


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Learning a new magic and its mechanics can be an adjustment to some, either because they have not roleplayed a magic like this before, or they are used to the mechanics of another; I think it is important not to harshly punish the occasional bit of ignorance, so long as it is not frequent. I believe a verbal warning to the student, followed by an explanation of why what they did was wrong, and how they can improve next time should be a first response. If the behaviour persists, or the student shows continued bad faith and an unwillingness to learn, then I would raise the issue to the Story Team, or if necessary have them removed from my TA.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Edwyn Stafyr-O'Rourke


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Elerrion Seregon


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Otto Rupert Barbanov


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Phantoms are souls denied access to Ebritaes upon their corporeal form's death. This occurs usually as a result of an untimely death, one that is either abrupt or brutal-- the nature of either demise interferes with the soul's ability to join with the Soulstream. When a soul undergoes its transformation to phantom, it must first gather enough ectoplasm to manifest themselves back into the material world, this process can take months or even years, however. Ectoplasm is the substance of which all phantoms are made, easily shaped by them as it adheres to their control; it also allows phantoms to 'physically' interact with one another. Once 'revived', these spirits are blissfully unaware of their phantasmal state and will often try and complete daily tasks or go about their lives as if they were living. They suffer from a wide range of mental disorders such as; schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD, or psycopathy-- some of these traits are more prevalent in certain kinds of ghosts; poltergeists, for example, are prone to multiple. As with many creatures or undead, phantoms are weakened to aurum on account of its lifeforce manipulating properties, which are able to interact with ectoplasm as if it were corporeal. All souls begin their 'lives' as revenants, prone to either route of poltergeist or spectre depending on their journey to realisation of their situation.


    Revenants are grey spirits, neither malicious nor benevolent in nature. They are those souls freshly deposited into the world after their unsuccessful attempt at joining with the Soulstream, and after gathering enough ectoplasm to present their ghostly presence. They are often times confused, if not innocent of their demise, struggling to comprehend how such a thing could even be possible. Unlike poltergiests, they show only minimal tells as to their death-- perhaps some small bruising or scars around a wound that proved fatal. The confusion that plagues them often results in a melancholic disposition as they are unable to understand what is happening to them; objects pass through them or cannot be picked up, proving frustrating, maddening, or saddening. They are driven to discover what their life once was, what happened to them, what they have missed. Upon obtaining this information, it is then determined what kind of phantom the revenant shall be; if they are at peace with their death then they are like to become a spectre, though if not, then they shall turn into a twisted poltergeist. This final stage of the revenant is performed through Geistreach, which occurs when the phantom has discovered the cause of their death. The ghost finds a victim from which they will drain emotions from, and in turn the victim's personality and identity is altered; often times they experience the phantom's memories and suffer from dissociative disorders while they are put through this ordeal. When the ghost has inflicted Geistreach multiple times the process is more or less completed, they shall reflect upon their death and the potential for the new existence, becoming either a spectre or poltergeist.


    Should the revenant reject the circumstances of their death, or be enraged or extremely saddened by its irreversible nature, they shall transform into a poltergeist. This phantoms are highly deranged and dangerous, appearing physically gruesome and twisted-- nothing like that of their appearance in life. They are tormented constantly by the prospect of their death and as such, shall often times take out their anger - impulsively - on the living or other spirits. Despite the layers of emotional torment that cloak them, vestiges of who the phantom was still remain, though just out of reach-- perhaps adding to their maddening existence. Poltergeists are not inherently evil, they are simply unable to control the conflicting rage and sadness that consumes them, causing them to lash out in particularly malevolent ways. Pain serves only to anger a poltergeist further, and to a degree in which the ghost will not relent-- often attacking or defending itself until it is dispatched, displaying a complete lack of self-preservation. Poltergeists retain a mostly incorporeal form, not able to interact with the world, nor it with them, in most cases-- this grants them the ability to levitate some, or phase through certain objects and people. Despite this, it is possible for a poltergeist to manifest physically for a time in order to enact mischief and misfortune on people or places. They are also able to render themselves invisible to aid their malevolence, or shift their appearance to be more animalistic or gruesome. The phantom possesses minor telekinetic abilities as well, being able to pick up and fling objects with the strength of an arm throw. They project a general aura of unease around those they come into contact with, picking at a victim or passerby's mind with negative thoughts. Should the poltergeist wish, they can possess people, corpses, or objects. Poltergeists are also able to create haunts which act as anchoring points to the phantom. This means that while it is unable to leave the specific area it chooses for a haunt, its powers and influence are greatly increased while in its presence. For example; manifesting corporeally, enhanced telekinetic abilities, greater control when enacting possession, influencing bodies of water to enact dreams or visions on those that consume some, or the creation of cursed items that hold no combative ability.


    Unlike a poltergeist spectres accept the nature of their death and are more or less at peace with it, as a result of this positive reflection on their deaths, spectres are far tamer and kind-hearted. They appear phantasmal still, opaque and loosely transparent, though the markings of their death will no longer be present. Their appearance is ethereal and they are somewhat uncanny, though not terrifying like that of a poltergeist. They present themselves in shades of yellow, white, or blue and speak with a melodic quality to their voice. They are not affected to any great degree by sunlight, save for mild discomfort. The mental state of these phantoms is also far less volatile than that of poltergeists, as they are accepting of their fate-- though they are still likely to experience depressive episodes, albeit calmer, more reflective ones. Whereas phantoms such as revenants and poltergeists are prone to spending great lengths of time in the world, either searching for their past, or tormenting others, spectres are likely to move on at some point-- returning themselves to the Soulstream unless they truly feel the presence required in the world. As spectres are normally adverse to combat, they hold no special relationship with the pain it can inflict. The are likely to flee to preserve themselves and can be dispatched with relative ease through the use of aurum weaponry. As with poltergeists, spectres share the abilities of aesthetic levitation, limited phasing, temporary corporeality, invisibility, form shifting, possession, and creating Sanctuaries (Haunts). These abilities are separated from the poltergeist's as they are used for mainly benevolent reasons or protection. They do not serve to antagonise, but rather sooth or calm-- like in the case of spectre possession, in which pleasant visions or dreams can be conjured for the possessed. 


    The final two sub-species of phantoms are phantom beasts and apparitions, though both are event creatures. The former behaves much like a spectre or poltergeist, taking on appearances similar to either, dependent on their disposition. Aggressive and predatory beasts hold a form akin to that of a poltergeist, while docile and peaceful beasts would look like that of a spectre. Since they likely did not comprehend life differently before, only the nature of their death has the potential to determine their disposition in unlife. Apparitions are extremely powerful phantoms created through sudden feats of great suffering, usually requiring the deaths of many on account of the number of souls needed to create one. The sheer amount of ectoplasm contained within one grants it a unique ability amongst other phantoms, being able to shift its form from incorporeal to corporeal whenever it wishes. Their strength rivals that of an olog's initially, but with the potential to grow far stronger with age and other factors. Like a poltergeist in its haunt, the apparition is bound to the location it was created, though come night they are able to travel further from their 'haunt'. Their behaviour is unpredictable and violent on account of the many tormented souls within them that vie for control of the body. Like poltergeists, they are not prone to self-preservation and will either fight until they are physically stopped, or decide to give up.





    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    There are several sub-species of phantoms, each with their own unique aesthetic-- though they allow for a reasonable amount of player-driven creativity within these bounds.


    Revenants are the least impressive, merely presenting themselves as an - at most - dishevelled version of the descendent they once were. They are an opaque grey and transparent, with some small signs of how they met their end; markings, bruises, etc. They speak in a tone that is distant and hollow, reflective of the phantom's muddled mind as it calls out to be found.


    Poltergeists can assume horrific appearances, nearly nothing like that of who they were before death; they assume twisted, terrifying forms that are reflective of the torment the spirit endures. They are usually shades of black, red, or both, and also appear opaque at times, though are able to briefly manifest. The manner in which they died is also a defining feature of the poltergeist, emphasised for gruesome effect. Perhaps a poltergeist that died by way of hanging would adorn the noose that ended them, along with a neck twisted and snapped, spinal bone protruding from a gaping wound.


    Spectres are ethereal looking entities, albeit slightly unsettling to some. They are adorned by shades of yellow, white, or blue and speak in calm, airy tones-- no doubt ghostly in nature, still. They look similar to how they were in life, though some features such as their eyes and skin appear unnatural-- hollow and blank eyes that show no indication of humanity, or perfect skin that exists without tarnish.


    Phantom beasts can appear either spectre-like or poltergeist-like in appearance, depending on the nature of their death. Calm, quiet beasts would appear much like animalistic versions of spectres, while angry, predatory beasts' appearance would liken to that of a poltergeist's.


    Apparitions are an amalgamation of many souls thrust into one ectoplasmic body. They are capable of assuming any form or shape they wish provided they have experienced the rare event of a cleared mind, though their most common appearance is that of a great shroud of black ectoplasm with red eyes.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:




    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Sade Thelin


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is the study of mundane energy and matter married with philosophical elements. A budding alchemist will learn and then master the material alphabet, through which he or she will use its properties and elements to craft and brew potions or of varying potency. The alchemist will make use of a range of equipment; heat sources, beakers, and tools are all used to identify and extract the necessary signs and symbols needed for the different alchemical concoctions from herbs and reagents.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Alchemy is governed by three core principles; symbols and signs, botany and potioncrafting, each of which an alchemist must become proficient in in order to attain the title of master alchemist.


    As mentioned earlier, the material alphabet plays a huge role in alchemy-- it is where an alchemists understanding of properties of the elements in which they interact and craft with comes from. It is made up of a series of signs and symbols that must be learned like that of a second language,


    Botany, reagents & processing denotes the practice of extracting the aforementioned signs and symbols from various reagents. Herbs are the main source of these elements, from which they are extracted in various quantities or 'counts', depending upon the reagent. There are also other sources of signs and symbols attainable from reagents other than herbs, including bodily fluids such as blood and phlegm or from substances such as redstone.


    Potioncraft combines botany & reagent processing, and signs & symbols to produce potions, salves and other alchemical creations. The alchemist will use their knowledge of the material alphabet to identify signs and symbols for extraction, using the refined substances to brew elixirs. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Auric Oil

    Locked within the confines of her manor's laboratory, Sade lamented quietly to herself-- small curses and mutterings fell from her lips whilst she paced about the room, gathering an armful of equipment. With a clumsy clunk she set down the tools of her trade; a small burner, stand, and beaker-- along with her chemist's tool kit and pestle & mortar. From her stash she acquired saffvil and jailor's moss, setting each in a particular place besides the pestle & mortar-- an unnecessary quirk rooted in her desire for order. First the saffvil was cut into several smaller pieces before being deposited into the mortar along with an equal ratio of processing salts, Sade then proceeded to crush the herb down into a coarse powder. This refined material was then transferred to a sieve, through which the excess salt was removed, leaving behind two separate counts of the desired symbols; impediment and death, which were then set to one side. 


    Sade then cleared out the pestle & mortar, placing it to the side for a moment. The jailor's moss was then set upon a drying rack and left for a few hours, turning from a sticky, moist herb to a delicate, dried shrub. The dried moss was then deposited into the pestle & mortar to be crushed to a a thick powder and transferred to a compression chamber. Sade applied air into the chamber using its bellows, gradually beginning to shift the powder to a finer consistency from which she spent the next hour or so extracting two counts of instability. The extracted symbol was then set beside the others, awaiting use.


    From a secured safe, Sade acquired a thin vial of a some reddened liquid mana whilst setting a small amount of lard to heat atop her burner. As the lard melted to a viscous consistency, she removed it from the heat-- the liquid mana and extracted symbols; 2x instability, 1x impediment, and 1x death were then combined with it. Sade made sure to combine them well before pouring the freshly made auric oil into a vial to cool.  



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Sade stood impatiently within the door to the lab, feverishly scratching 'pon one wrist whilst she tapped her foot impatiently. Soon after came the sounds of hurried footsteps, belonging to her prospective student-- a timid girl, though one with an eager eye for detail and a desire to learn all she could. "You're late..." Rasped Sade who offered little more than a tut, turning herself toward the lab now. "I'm sorry... This place is like a MAZE!" Exclaimed her student, prompting a gentle smile from the alchemist. 


    Set in the middle of the room was an alchemical processing station, along with a selection of herbs and secondary ingredients, to which Sade motioned her student toward. "You will begin by identifying and extracting the symbols necessary for a luminosity potion..." To which the girl obliged quickly, hurrying towards the table to set about her task. "I should hope you completed the readings I set for you... They should be instrumental to this process." Added Sade in the background, watching over her young student like a hawk. Though it took far longer than what could be expected of an adept chemist, the girl successfully obtained the required symbols-- her inquisitive gaze then turned to Sade in anticipation of further guidance.


    With a flourished hand the woman directed her student over towards the beaker of boiling water that she had set earlier. "Now... You must remove the water from the heat, and add in your counts of light, endurance and swiftness-- be sure to mix them well... No clumps this time, hm?" Sade peered upon the girl with an almost motherly glare, though it was clear she only wanted to see her full potential. "Oui, madame.." Retorted the student as she obliged Sade's teachings, mixing in each symbol to the water and making sure to combine them well. "Now we wait for it to cool..." Remarked the woman, lifting up the beaker to give it a gentle swirl before depositing it into a vial and topping it off with a cork. 


    Near half an hour passed and the mixture had adequately cooled, "Come, look ma cherie- the fruits of your labour!" Proclaimed Sade proudly, hoisting up her student's potion to the space between them-- with a firm shake, the contents of the bottle began to glow brightly, illuminating the gleeful expressions displayed by both teacher and student.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    With a feat as varied as alchemy, there is always bound to be potential for mistakes or indeed deliberate acts of powergaming. Should a potential student make a mistake it would be important to explain to them why or how they went wrong in an effort to prevent such from happening again, though should a student deliberately attempt to powergame or bend the redlines then they would be dropped from the TA and ST contacted depending on the severity of the situation.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. What is thy name? Celiael Maeyr'onn

    [OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Bones#1037

    What is thy race? Mali'thill

    From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Maeyr'onn

    Art thou pure? Ti.

    If not, do thou wish to be? N/A

    What is thou age? 143

    Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti

  6. 1 hour ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    I haven't seen Necro used much, a few I know are inactive/gone from LOTC altogether. It's a good magic, just that it's players seem to rather keep it to smaller interactions, rather than big ones, which is understandable (i.e. large assaults, arsonry). Metagaming is a nightmare to deal /w <img src=">

    BIG AGREE. 100%. I would love to see large scale antagonising of settlements that isn't just bandits showing up, causing a city to lock its gates for an eternity. Unfortunately, navigating the red tape surrounding property damage within settlements, coupled with the fact that the perpetrators would likely be subjected to pvp default makes it near impossible to do.

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             OOC oversight


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kazimir Nikolai


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             OOC oversight


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  9. A young redheaded raevir sat within the dreary pub of Dobrov, alongside a certain flamboyant bard. The relentless chattering of whom seemed melded into nought but noise as the youth stared blankly upon the half-drunk cup of ale that sat in front of him. Only when he reached for it, bringing it to parched lips, did the sing-song voice of his companion finally break through his daze and return him to the reality had sought escape from. "Yes, yes. . . He will be missed." Kazimir muttered as his friend once more returned to the blurred peripheral of his cerulean gaze, it then affixing to the looming portrait of Ostromir that hung above upon the wall- as it did in every residence of Dobrov.

  10. Seated in a land far off, word finally reaches the now aged Haeseni man. The notice offered to him by the courier was scanned over with an eager gaze-- it had been an age, or at least it felt like it, since he had heard from his firstborn. Though this was not a letter he had been hoping for, nor indeed expected. With a heart so heavy it felled the man back into the seat of his study, the missive held betwixt a crushing grasp-- his cerulean gaze glossed over and then turned out over a small bay. His chest rose up and down as finally, the barriers to his sorrow broke back to deliver a torrent of tears down his pale cheeks. "Rest well, little dove. . . You are free now."

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