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Posts posted by CraftPrime

  1. *A Sparrow flies towards the Delver base. Aiming to land on the shoulder of whoever seems it notices. Once you look at it closely, it carries a message on its leg. Once unfolded you see...


    To whomever this letter reaches to...


    Firstly, I know this is something unprofessional for me to say, but currently I am lost...


    I do not know the whereabouts of the Arcane Delvers, a fact that has burdened me for quite a while now. I plead the reader to send me the directions to where the Delvers are currently situated. And I hope that this time, I actually make it there...


    From fellow Arcane Delver, Smoke.

  2. "Yes Malinor is not exactly easy to navigate. In any case I arrived in the city, but could find no "hut" either, I did reunite with Kalenz, but he was far from hospitable..."

    "Also considering that there is a district high up in the city where one is needs 'notice' in order to enter..."


    Polgrath, if you continue to read this, then I am happy to inform you that a new 'delver' has decided to join us. I met him in Malinor and we decided to discuss things in a respectful manner. He is, like I, searching for the area to which where the delvers are currently situated to confirm his position.

  3. *gets the respone and smiles. He decided to write again.

    It writes...

    "Thank you, it feels good to be back. However, it appears that things have gone a bit awry. I managed to climb my way to Malinor, but could not find the city. I've happened to stumble upon the high Mali District and find Kalenz and Ambros, but to no avail could I reach them.

    I'm going to have to ask for specifics on the location on this "hut" of yours. It most certainly does not stick out in the city of the elves...

  4. *Sends a message using a dove to reach Polgrath.

    Inside is written...

    Polgrath, I've made it to the new lands and am... Quite currently lost. I have means to ask where the new location of the guild is currently situated, for I have no knowledge to which or what kingdom it resides in.

    Yours sincerely,


  5. The Chronicle Druid sits still near the bank side of the Elandriel grove, sitting with his back beside a tree's trunk. He overhears a conversation going about near his location, and sighs. He slowly stands with aid from his wooden stave on his left hand helping him up after picking it up. Whilst standing, he closes the book that was on his right hand with a snap. After a moment of stretching and a bit of exhaling he decides to join the gathering, and walks up to the group with a smile on his face.

    "'ello there, fellas. What be the word 'a this fine day, hm?" says Morek whilst adjusting his spectacles.

  6. For those of you that say that religion is filthy, disgusting and pointless, sure it is, humans created it and humans are filthy, disgusting and pointless creatures. Garbage in, garbage out. The churches will be among the first to burn when it all goes down and whatever gods may be will be laughing all the while.

    It is actually rare to see a regularly evolved human being take to atheism. Regularly evolved human beings cling to religion. It's what they are socialized to do. If humans did not develop a system of beliefs by which to control one another, they would be killing, raping and mutilating one another like cave men. Thanks to religion, now we kill, rape and mutilate one another like gentlemen. It's a very natural path for man to take.

    By talking down on religion, you are actually taking a very cynical stance on your own atheist beliefs, as religion is and always will be an essential element in mankind's evolution. The success or failure of humanity will be defined by how well we balance our stupid beliefs with science.

    Balance is key.

  7. *Smoke is seen strolling through town, heading for the center of Solace. He tilts his head around and spots the noticeboard. Curious to what's new in town Smoke shrugs and walks toward it. He lifts his head to the sign and reads the information. Smoke spots the 'Dragon's Inn' post and finds interest in it. He turns from the noticeboard and walks away but is also heard muttering.

    "Finally, a new place to hang out has opened. I just hope it doesn't end up like the last one..."

  8. Why is it so hard for people to believe in God? Why do they deny the existence of a God who is loving, caring, merciful, trustworthy, graceful. I don't understand the outright denial of God. Is it because of science...? Is it because they honestly don't care...? Is it lack of faith; a sure belief that because I cannot physically see something that therefore it must not exist? Why are people so insistent on the belief that God doesn't exist, never has, and never will...? ((or that he no longer exists or cares; different discussion))

    Probably because of the fact that logic and society grow to ask questions difficult for even religious people to answer. This causes people to find logical and supported solutions to discover the truth about what they find could not be answered in the past. Like for e.g the Sun.

    Rationalism then increases, and with more things being discovered day by day, it gives people the thought that with all these truths there actually is no deity.

    Although, not all scientists are thought to be sterotypically thought to be solely Athiests, for there are some famous scientists of the old days who some believed in some divine presence or something that could pull all the fabrics of space, time, and being together. Some never called it a deity, however.

  9. I believe that Creation and Evolution go hand in hand. Evolution is the fingerprint or byproduct of creation, in which life as we know it is manipulated over time by free will.

    God transcends the passing of time and all earthly measurement systems created by man. One cannot expect to accurately carbon copy the leavings of a divine creator. Thousands of years ago, some old men got together and wrote a book and said it took six days to create the world and everything in it. Whether this was to be taken literally or figuratively, we may never know. Perhaps God performed millions of years worth of labor within six human days, or perhaps the labor took six million years and the old men writing the book were merely instructed to tell the story as having taken six days for the sake of simplicity. The point is, time is irrelevant to God and he has existed long before the carbon copy and the numeric system. There are no weights and measure when dealing with divine and supernatural entities. He has the power to do whatever he wills and have it take as long as he pleases.

    Deities and aliens are simply names that man has given to things he does not understand in order to give himself the illusion of control. Same goes for angels, demons and gods. For all we know they are all a part of the same machine. The machine may exist or it may not. If it exists, we have no idea who built it or what it does. If it doesn't exist, we can't prove it.

    Just remember that free-will and the knowledge of good and evil are pretty much humanity's punishment for disobedience. Fire and brimstone is quick and painless, but living a mortal life with unanswered questions and the threat of eternal damnation is what really drives men to madness.



  10. I believe that God, (Not the almighty, powerful one that some religions exaggerate) created the universe through the use of the Big Bang. It's quite the combination of both beliefs but reading through both sides, they don't really add up.

    There is no evidence that a deity exists, that is for sure, therefore religion cannot back up their beliefs.

    Although, there is ALSO no evidence that God doesn't exist, so in ways neither have an answer yet.

    Until then, I'm going to have to combine the knowledge and wisdom of science and religion until one side finally trumps the other fully.

    By this, which most of my Christian friends will even state is naught but a morality story, Eve bore Adam only sons. Due to this, either the rest of the people popped out of the ground or something, or the sons reproduced with Eve. So, we're all the incestuous bastards of sinners who defied the Abrahamic God?

    You saying this kind of reminded me of...

  11. *A small note hangs from the noticeboards of the Delver's hall. The winds blow the paper in a fast-paced strike. As the winds stop, the paper reveals the writings as it slowly comes to be.*

    "Brothers and sisters, I will not be around for a while. Forgive me for the sudden news, but I have no choice but to return to my home to run some important errands. Polgrath and the others, do not worry. I will be back soon. Although, do not expect me to be roaming around for a while"

  12. *A man in a slender build and White attire enters the Delver's Cabin and notices the room filled with MageShields, he then takes his chance to speak.*

    "Brothers, it appears that the rumours around the region are proved true. The Wandering Wizard has returned in all his glory, but along with him comes a warning. I am not sure what these "Drake attacks" could mean, but I feel I needed to tell each of you. Some of you may know, however."

    *The man nods as he continues to walk through the Delver area.*

  13. *A man in white attire, alongside a white mask and hood, slowly walks past the notice board before turning to it and gaining a closer look.

    His eyes gleaming down the words, he turns back to the direction he was facing an heads on, muttering to himself...*

    "The Wandering Wizard has come back. It was about time, but I guess I should start calling him White Wizard now. If the legends are indeed true, then his power is mightier than I expect it to be. This, however, does not solve an important question...

    Why did that Drake attack Kal'Dwain? I'm over-thinking again... But for Drakes to unleash destruction in the realms? Heh. They'd have to get through all of us first..."

    *The man continues to walk to his supposed direction, as the wind continues to descend.

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