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Posts posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. I can confirm that the charcater is ready. Having been involved with the magic since its inception and having the knowledge/ability available to them ICly they can begin their own journey into Celestialism. 


    I can coach them OOCly. I volunteer as tribute! 

  2. Spellblades currently run the server imo.


    This doesn't disallow it but rather makes the true masters of a magic actually mages whereas a spellblade could stay at tier 3-4 but still choose to wear armor.


    I don't agree with brittle bones at all. People will abuse/PG it. Having additional weight cause stress to a spellcaster makes sense but don't make it some weird vitamin deficiency. 

  3. 4 hours ago, CaptainSheepy said:

    After a read through I thought I'd have a wee poke at this ol' artefact submission. Auras have always been something truly unique to each descendant - being both "natural" yet mystical and entwined closely with each individual's distinctive soul. As said in Hugo's lore post on The States of Mana:


    "Aura colour does not change under typical circumstances, however, and is a constant throughout one's life unless great change happens to them or their soul (such as becoming a Shade or binding one's soul to a soul tree)."


    MArt's do only allow (or should only allow..) slight bending of magic lore and seeing as the above is pretty core lore to practitioners of all branches of magic I feel like this is a bit much. Allowing:


    a) changing the colour of one's aura
    (something generally determined by one's nature)
    b) the power / sensation it issues
    (personally I think this is a natural trade-off with auras. If you're an accomplished magic user with a big mana pool, you can't hide it. It's not something you can control, it's the price one pays)

    c) the ability to "mask" one's aura


    is a bit more than a slight change for something that's pretty fundamental to each person. I'd argue that the core principles of mana and aura shouldn't be something up for slight bending of lore (at least not in this manner) as they are pretty much the foundation for everything magic related. If we start messing with this then it kicks off a shaky precedent with red-lines/lore becoming blurred which just leads to confusion. It seems to be a kind of a red-line of Hugo's lore post, where the only circumstance where it may change is if a person experiences a life-changing event or experiences something which has an affect on their soul (e.g become a Shade or Celestial Arcanist). Celestial Arcanists currently have the ability to take upon another character's aura colour during melding so this also sort of falls under that area. 


    I'm aware this 'Spell Forge' "may only work around voidal energies and mana", and seeing as aura is neither Passive or Active mana, rather the afterburn of both, I don't think it could accomplish this.



    4 hours ago, CaptainSheepy said:

    After a read through I thought I'd have a wee poke at this ol' artefact submission. Auras have always been something truly unique to each descendant - being both "natural" yet mystical and entwined closely with each individual's distinctive soul. As said in Hugo's lore post on The States of Mana:


    "Aura colour does not change under typical circumstances, however, and is a constant throughout one's life unless great change happens to them or their soul (such as becoming a Shade or binding one's soul to a soul tree)."


    MArt's do only allow (or should only allow..) slight bending of magic lore and seeing as the above is pretty core lore to practitioners of all branches of magic I feel like this is a bit much. Allowing:


    a) changing the colour of one's aura
    (something generally determined by one's nature)
    b) the power / sensation it issues
    (personally I think this is a natural trade-off with auras. If you're an accomplished magic user with a big mana pool, you can't hide it. It's not something you can control, it's the price one pays)

    c) the ability to "mask" one's aura


    is a bit more than a slight change for something that's pretty fundamental to each person. I'd argue that the core principles of mana and aura shouldn't be something up for slight bending of lore (at least not in this manner) as they are pretty much the foundation for everything magic related. If we start messing with this then it kicks off a shaky precedent with red-lines/lore becoming blurred which just leads to confusion. It seems to be a kind of a red-line of Hugo's lore post, where the only circumstance where it may change is if a person experiences a life-changing event or experiences something which has an affect on their soul (e.g become a Shade or Celestial Arcanist). Celestial Arcanists currently have the ability to take upon another character's aura colour during melding so this also sort of falls under that area. 


    I'm aware this 'Spell Forge' "may only work around voidal energies and mana", and seeing as aura is neither Passive or Active mana, rather the afterburn of both, I don't think it could accomplish this.



    What I was tryin to tell ya but written nicely instead of "boooo"





    Minecraft Account Names: BrandNewKitten, Stag


    Skype: andytheshrew


    How long have you played on LotC?: Since March 16th, 2012. 


    Time zone and availability: PST. I am available everyday unless I have prior plans for the that day (Social gatherings, events, etc). I tend to be awake later in the PST timezone which seems to coincide with aussie timezones. 


    What subgenre are you versed in most?: High Elves, some world Lore, most magic lore.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC: I had the duties of GM for two or so years as well as being on and off the ET since a couple months after I joined back in 2012. I was also on the old developer team that was established towards the end of Anthos and for awhile I was on the MAT. This year I was already accepted as an LT but my time was cut short due to a forced move. My priorities shifted but things have settled and I have gotten over the hump for the year and I believe I am once again ready to take up my duties as LT.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?: I have written quite a bit over my years spent on LoTC. My style of lore has a tendency to revolve around magic but quite a fair amount has been devoted to world-building, creature listings and event happenings. I will always be writing lore for the roleplay I involve myself in and I am sure many will recognize me solely for those pieces but I would like to think I am capable of writing in just about any other category.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?: I haven't yet and I don't plan to either. 

    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?: I can be blunt, I will play devil's advocate, and I most certainly can get defensive but I am also capable of compromise and I enjoy collaborative writing so if I don't get along with someone on the Lore Team I don't believe it would be animosity coming from me. I can't say I have anything against any of the current LT members. 


    This is a reposting of my application. Not much has changed other than me now having time to devote to the team again. Perrin said he would allow me back on when I got settled back down but due to his absence I re-applying for the new manager, Caleb (sorry Caleb).

  5. It's the birthday of this thread so I am "selfie"ishly posting.

    My skin is breaking out, I am out  of shape & haven't slept much this week but enjoy my milky slavic complexion anyways #whatistanning





    Happy Birthday, Selfie-page.

  6. Transfigs setting up void cages is weird.


    Bloodmages summon horrors. These seem to be an actual creature.


    The void is basically white-noise. So much information that it becomes null. Are you saying these creatures can eat things stored there? 


    Why not involve translocationists and shifters more directly? Their magic lore much more closely ties in. 


    Can they be warded? Can they be altered? 

  7. 7 hours ago, VioletPepsi said:

    wait what



    So if it takes (I don't remember off the top off my head) 1 month to go from tier 1 to tier 2 in a single subtype you double the time if you learn two magics at once (because you are splitting your time and focus in half RPly) and since you are learning 3 I guesstimated 4 months per tier.

  8. Okarir'mali:

    • Cinh'llytn [ ] 
    • Tennallar Ilmoriel [ ]
    • Abstain [XX]



    • Cinh'llytn [ ] 
    • Tennallar Ilmoriel [ ]
    • Abstain [XX]



    • Varen'thal Ilmoriel [ ] 
    • Vuln'llyt Fi'talareh [ ] 
    • ((The Nameless One)) [ ]
    • Abstain [XX]



    • Cenwall Glaeus [ ] 
    • Abstain [XX]


    -Iatrilemar Elervathar

  9. 1 hour ago, Swgrclan said:

    as usual i am left uncredited for writing the very thing that inspired this mess of godforsaken anti-aspectist gibbering. i have been failed for the last time


    Same. Perhaps unintentionally taking some themes from my Arbiter lore but it matters not. This fills the weirhent void I have been dreaming of!!

  10. You should go through a test run of choosing a single event space/event line for the team. Everyone works on it no exceptions.


    That or try accepting people to work on specific events instead of having a continuos team. Have people work when work is required & help teach normal players to run their own events. 

  11. There is already nothing stopping Shamanism being spread just like other racial magics are spread. None are racial locked and new groups taking new approaches to things should be encouraged. This is similar to Thulean druidism in a way yet it seeks to offer a lot of RP to a group that has been trying to define itself.


    Two Shamanism groups being ran in different ways means you have two chances at a time to make a successful RP group. 


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