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Posts posted by dandan1350

  1. The sound of churning engines filled the streets as a plume of smoke trailed into the sky, a column of armour led up the street speeding towards the reported clash in the noble district, 2 repressors carrying two arbite shock squads, a third chimera in the middle between the two carrying the worrying PDF forces as they clung to their las-guns in fear, prayers and chants escaping them as they neared the destination. Suddenly a eerie static escaped the vox in the compartments before a voice blared out.


    "This is Marshal of the Court, Marcus Volinks, I am the Emperors justice and you are my hammer to slam down upon the bench as I pass judgement. Fear not these petty cults, leave none surviving. If they are wounded, execute them immediately for they are guilty of heresy."


    The vox intercom died out, static replacing it once more as the two repressors lit up with life in the form of chatter from the vox. The compartment was silent, no prayers, no small talk, not even looks passed as the arbites kept their heads bowed, shotguns resting on their laps.


    "Alfarius and Moncho, if the guardsmen flee, gun them down."


    No words were spoken to object his judgement, the silence his answer. 


    +-+ Noble District, outside Governers homing +-+


    The whirr of machines rattle the courtyard as the clash went on between the two cults, the Governers PDF lay slaughtered and scattered, pinned down by the fire from both sides as they clung to their menial cover. Suddenly a righteous ringing sounded out as the sentries left lifeless atop the districts housing roofs thundered out rounds into the cults down below, pinging off the stone walls and metal sheets as they ripped up both body and dirt below. 


    As the sentries guns began their holy descendant to the cults below the repressors pulled up the street as more gun fire rattle the area, a churning sound of a storm bolter as it let loose its bolts. Suddenly followed by that a multi laser as it poured more shots towards the clashing cults. As the three armored vehicles created a semi-circle to protect their drop off the squads broke out. The PDF scrambling for their weapons as they ran to cover behind their chimera, the odd pang of a las firing off into the area behind them as they blindly shot behind themselves.


    Chaos had yet to erupt however until the 20 arbites, a sight fearful to any peasant of this world would know, poured out into the streets. The ten wielding storm shields raising them in their ranked line to defend the retreat behind the repressors as the 10 behind prattled off their hellfire rounds from their shotguns over the shoulders of their shielding brethren.

  2. Ivanus swiflty reads over the letter in hand, crumpling it in large grip of his gauntleted hands. 


    "I warned them to gather their strength, they would not do so at Setherien, nor when I called upon them for other answers. They will not recieve anything from me until the sender comes to the bottom of my tower and pleas the custodians help." 


    He grunted, chucking the meshed up letter to the side, looking out over the vast fortress before him. 


    "They questioned my judgement for too long..."

  3. -+- Kyro mining world, Arbite Courthouse, precinct destination Alpha-Charlie -+-


    The never ending pounding of carapace boots against steel and whir of engines from the garages and drill courtyards down below echoed about his office, the pounding driving a rhythm into the man as he grumbled looking up to the fresh cadet in front of him.


    "Here sir." 


    Marcus nodded towards the cadet as he handed him the data-slate, sending him off with a flick of his hand in a waving gesture. The marshal stood from his chair looking down towards it as he took in the latest reports of the walls integrity, no security breaches that were felt to need immediate attention. Slipping his spare hand to his mouth he clutched the cigar protruding from his lips and held it idly in his hand as he left out a puff of smoke, slowly strolling over towards the large balcony of his office that looked over the courts of Courthouse Fortress. 


    "Tha' day there's a breach in these damned walls is the day I lose all faith in the Imperium..."


    He grunted, scowling as he slipped the cigar to his lips to take another puff of it.


    "Five squads I've sent out, five damned squads of these useless lasgun wielding fresh hat PDF forces...!"


    He scoffs, shaking his head as he tapped his finger onto the data-slate, addressing a few of the blaring runes on the screen as he slipped to read the daily from 'the Governor' himself only to be left shaking his head once again as he slipped to the next report. Something caught his eye as the cigar fell from his lips, hitting the cold stone beneath him.


    "C..Cadet..! Get me two patrol squads and one of them lazy ass PDF reservist squads now, lined up outside and fully geared with APC's!"


    He furrowed his brow, looking back down to the data-slate. The impending threat outside the wall was bad enough, mutations were hardly uncommon... But the report that sat before him screamed Gene-stealer cult to him. He took no chances.

  4. Forum Name: Ser Daniel Baelish


    Desired Race: Imperium


    Warband/Chapter/Regiment/Order etc: Adeptus Arbite


    Desired Army Size: 250


    Desired Units by Squad: 


    Arbite patrol squad Maximus - 6

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Corvo - 6

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Brevias - 6

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Silchen - 6

    - Mixture


    Arbite patrol squad Maris- 10

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Polont- 10

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Kerek- 10

    - Mixture

    Arbite patrol squad Emark- 10

    - Mixture


    Arbite shock troops Alfarius- 10

    - Shock mauls and shields

    Arbite shock troops Moncho - 10

    - Shock mauls and shields

    Arbite shock troops Capre - 10

    - Shock mauls and shields

    Arbite shock troops Anglez- 10

    - Shock mauls and shields


    Arbite Execution Team Delvrus - 10

    - 5 shotguns / 5 boltguns

    Arbite Execution Team Qart - 10

    - 5 shotguns / 5 boltguns

    Arbite Execution Team Maldronch - 10

    - Mixture

    Arbite Execution Team Celvirius - 10

    - Mixture


    ​Tarantula sentry gun Toronto- (2 crew)

    - Heavy bolters

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Michelles- (2 crew)

    - Heavy bolters

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Portius- (2 crew)

    - Heavy bolters

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Dralus- (2 crew)

    - Heavy bolters


    ​Tarantula sentry gun Vexius- (2 crew)

    - Twinned-Lascannon

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Balian - (2 crew)

    - Twinned-Lascannon

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Merek- (2 crew)

    - Twinned-Lascannon

    ​Tarantula sentry gun Urest- (2 crew)

    - Twinned-Lascannon


    ((Sentry guns also built in along the precints as in Arbite lore not included in list.))


    Local PDF squad Kiluk - 20

    Local PDF squad Oreg - 20

    Local PDF squad Filt - 20


    Judge Squad  - 5

    - Mixture

    Judge Squad - 5

    - Mixture

    Judge Squad - 5

    - Mixture

    Judge Squad - 5

    - Mixture


    Repressor APC - 5


    Imperium APC transport Chimera - 3


    Imperium standard landspeeders - 5


    ((Confirmed with Italian assasin that my high numbers are clear.))


    Commander Name: Marcus Volinks



    Commander Rank: Marshal of the Court


    Do they have an Honor Guard?: Yes


    What does the Honor Guard consist of?: 1 Judge, four enforcers


    Any special abilities? (Psyker, or replaced limbs etc): Only previous experience, each one has been commissioned by the Ordo Hereticus at least once and be granted the rank of Enforcer after leaving their service.


    Xatah, a floating fortress with four satellite-type objects floating from each side of the main area. Four towers sat upon each satellite, along with four beacons dimly lighting the sky above them which erupted forth from the centre of each tower. The flying fortress emits a light humming sound; truly -- an amazing creation, crystals located in random places across the flying object, along with the main being directly above the centre to act as a main control.




    Herun, and Daniel -- The two owners of said fortress glanced over to each other, before reverting their gaze back to those beside him, Herun being his most precious, Ryder. Daniel, glancing over to Isaac.


    “Let us commence the plans, Herun.”


    Daniel murmurs, drawing his gaze back to Herun before departing to the upper-levels. Herun gave a sharp nod, he too, departing to the top-level, too. The two come to a halt, Daniel’s right arm sluggishly elevates, palm pressing against the large, hovering crystal as he drew in a deep breath.


    “Blessed be his name, patron of purity, servant of the Creator. For much you have sacrificed in this world to be venerated by only a few, worshipped by some so zealous… I bring my words to your ears to day to ask of something from you. More than that you have already gifted I would ask for you, the white stag, wielder of the light, patron of purity and servant of the Creator for more of what you have already blessed me with… My form is not enough for what I seek to do, to cleanse this world that Xan has left for his well earned rest, the wyrm has met death however he has still left corruption and destruction in his path of which most would wish to sweep under the rug and ignore. But I, the servant of his servants cannot ignore, I ask for you to lend me the power beyond my grasp, to bestow upon me another blessing.. I for long have been your servant, for long have enacted your will and held your beliefs and codes to the letter that I was taught by those above me. I bring you to the bastion of our last hope, Xan’s final gift to us before he left I bring you to this to grant you your own gift for your service, your acceptance and your hard work as a loyal servant.”




    Ivanus’ fingers curled around the hollowed wave of light that shimmered along the surface of the large crystal before him. His fingers slipping through and grasping the air in its place. A small sigh escaping his lips as he withdrew his gauntleted hand placing it by his side once again, shaking his head slowly he took a graceful step back and gave a small seemingly random nod. The Itharel soon fell to a knee before the crystal, his head bowing as he gauntleted hand curled into a fist slamming it down into the waving light that was the floor beneath him. Chants began to escape the depths of his hood, first inaudible before finally picking up in volume till they soon became bellowing shouts that echoed across the fortress. His eyes slowly closing as the emerald hue was shut out from the shadows of his hood.


    “And on this final day I do kneel before you, my pleas not absent of meaning, my words not hollow. I beseech upon you my patron, my guide to give me the strength to wield one last spell, to give life to one last thing on this realm! I, Daniel Baelish, knight of old and new Oren, sworn blade to the patrons, Itharel of Judgement once dubbed Ivanus do shout my final prayer, rest down my sword.. do chant my final verse!


    He who is wise, he who provides light in the darkest corners shall prevail and be honored, he who would seek out the impure and risk his own gift of life for others to hold theirs still without fear is a true servant of the patrons. Blessed be his name who would wield light in the face of others who would doubt him and dub him a heretic, he who would draw blade against a man who meddles with ones life through the dark arts, he..! He who would condemn his own life to risk the spread of impurity is a true warrior of the light! Not one that would sit in a chapel and preach, not one that would wear robes and call himself your priest, not one who would sit idly by while death swallows those around him. He who is not idle is not impure, he who does not worry himself with menial tasks but instead strives to only better those around him. A true warrior, a true paladin, a knight of the patrons, a man who I wish.. I was, but never will be no matter how hard I try… I am no knight, no warrior, no true servant.. I ask forgiveness for not my lies, my slander that I have caused your name.. For I am one who would betray my emotions, sacrifice my past body gifted to me by Creator for more power… “


    The kneeled Itharel seemingly without warning, simply combusted into what one could call a silver flame. His form taken over by the holy fire that consumed him but dealt no harm. The silver flame reared outwards, licking out with its cackling tongues to cling onto something else. The man now protecting by the barrier of silver flame. He opened his eyes slowly, his shadowed hood roaring alive with a replaced silver hue from his eyes. Taking in a deep breath he shouted out once more towards the small audience around him.


    “And I, the divine agent of the patrons, guardian of Xatah and watcher of the light do give my life, my power for this final task!”


    The surrounding towers upon Xatah’s holy floors erupted a new light, four silver beacons piercing into the sky from the red mountains, visible to all. The shimmering crystals around the fortress began to flare out in a bright and dazzling light as they were brought to life once more with renewed passion.


    “Tahariae I give to you Xan’s last gifts left to us, I give you two new pupils to guide..!”


    With that the Itharel slammed down his fist into the light lined floor once again, a rippling wave of holy light escaping his gauntleted hand and washing out along the air in a dazzling, rippling wave of light. A faint drone a voice sounded out, Isaac calling out to him was droned out by his dazed focus as he ignored his pleas’ for him to stop.


    “My last gift… To the people of this world…”


    “Forgive my failure..”


    The Itharel mumbled, the flames of light once consuming him died out, awould view something quite easily missed however still a sight to behold. A faint shimmer of silver light danced across the sky before fading off into the distancbandoning the shell of armour as the golden giant slumped to the floor below, collapsed as the Silver hue in his hood slowly died out, as if a light on its last flicker of battery before finally ceasing. Herun stood wide-eyed, withheld in awe before the flamed man before him not with worry as the man collapsed. Rushing to his side to lift him from the floor, clutching onto the hallowed suit of armour tightly as he whispered assurances to the air. Slowly the hood of the Itharel caved in, no head to hold it in its previous shape as all that was left was Daniels true form, a hollow suit of armour, a shell of his past self…


    Soon after the four beacons that had erupted so brightly and pierced the sky were reduced to three, the hollow suit of armour that once held the Itharel was laid to rest in that very same tower. A flicker of life erupted from the pillar as the pillar of light momentarily failed before finally dying out, signalling his rest. To eyes that would prey the sky that star filled night they would see a faint shimmer of silver light dance across the skies..




    As the body was laid to rest, the lone man spoke out across the empty halls to no one in particular, a statement that would have brought great pride to Daniel had he heard these words sooner.


    “Tis in times like this we truly realise how lost we all are. Daniel was a light, a figure whom guided us through the darkest of nights, yet with him gone we must navigate this treacherous road blindly, not knowing what lays before us.” - Isaac Baelish




    The man’s eyes slowly opened, a new dawn had approached it seems as what he presumed would be daylight that pierced his eyes so harshly. He slowly lifted an arm to block out and provide some shade from the light, a groggy groan escaping him as he looked about the white halls.  


    “Where… Where am I…?” He muttered, blinking a few times as he attempted to haul himself to his feet, slowly rising he moved to take a step forward only to stumbled, his legs numb and shaken.




    He called out to the echoing halls as it carried his voice down the vast white rows of pillars, he raised a brow slowly lowering his arm, looking about to where he was until a faint whisper skimmed across him.




    It trailed, echoing, almost hissed towards him which caused him to turn to the source only to find vast space before him.


    “Who’s there!?”


    He replied, a hand reaching for a non-existant blade by his side on instinct.


    “Rest easy, my servant… I merely come to tell you your time is not yet up.”


    Daniels eyes widened as he heard the words, looking round for the source only to be left unamused as the space was still empty.


    “Why.. Why am I here…?”


    “You funneled too much of my own energy into you, you slipped from this world but you are soon to return. Your forgiveness is not granted, you must do action to be redeemed of your sin.”


      “What do you mean…?”  


    He mumbled, confusion and curiosity taking over him as the light began to darken, slowly the halls became unclear, murky and distorted as his vision faded.


    “In dear time, Ivanus… In dear time…”



    ((Thanks to Joe for helping me with the intro and Huwbert for attending this mini-event ^.^ Feel free to reply if you see fit. Sorry about the writing, never been very good with these kinda posts >.<))

  6. I only say such as you were once removed from the order for worshiping the Kha deity and imagined he fact you've recently been flicking through a few aenguls to receive magic like clerics.. It links up quite nicely.


    I quite honestly just saw this magic to be something as a swift way to get about not having to go through our own trials to get said magic. Honestly you don't even need holy magic to take an offensive towards spirits and ghosts when it comes to it, it would be quite easy to simply make a guild of spirit hunters or combine efforts with the clerics rather then making a rival patron against Tahariae giving it blue energy instead of light and then saying 'we're not like clerics'. From simply what I've gathered in this entire post it was just a way to get around the system and introduce a new way to get cleric like magic. Apologies. I just didn't at first see the point of creating an jealous aengul who would attempt to steal Tahariaes evil spirit hunting business is all, as if the aenguls are lacking in things to be focusing on.



    My first question it, what is Tension the patron of exactly? Prayer it seems? Once I confirm this I'll be able to provide some constructing criticism.

  7. Pretty much all my posts are in varying degrees of flux for a few minutes after they're posted. That's why it's always wise to quote 'em. Always wise to quote any post you directly reply to, come to think of it.

    Anyway, I'm sure one of the Clerical experts will turn up soon enough to clear up what happens to clerical powers when they kill, what they can kill and under what circumstances they can kill it.

    Clerics are physically capable of killing, the question is how it affects their powers.


    Upon striking down with the magic given to a cleric for use against impure its considered the greatest crime within the clerical order to use such magic against the mortal man. As Wardog worded it we're divine agents and should not use the aenguls power to kill, doing such stops all immediate progressing of your magic and Tahariae will most likely speak out to the prophet or an Itharel about the actions of said cleric which will resort to them being stripped off their magic and their soul scarred permanently. 


    Using no magic to kill while frowned upon is apparently allowed by Tahariae. However the doctrine taught by myself as an Itharel does not allow anyone to slay people unless it is the final choice that is possible. Killing someone if another cleric gets wind of it will against resort to a long boring trial, bla, bla, bla, if found guilty power stripped. 


    Basically what happens to magic if you kill with it - Stops progressing


    Kill with mortal means - Stays on.

  8. Aenguls cant pull the plug on their follower's powers anyway, so if you kill someone accidentally just plead it to the people who can excommunicate you, it's up to them if they strip your powers or not. Clerics should actively hunt down 'killer clerics' just like Druids hunt down deviants of their own order.


    That we do, if we catch wind of a rouge cleric they are hunted down by the few of us strong enough and drag them off to the Itharel council chambers for a long and very drawn out trial so as not to be so rushed when disconnecting someone permanently from their magic. They go through several questions, a mental mage if one can be found would be called upon. Also the witnesses of the events brought to it.

  9. You are a priest. You shouldn't be killing even if you are attacked. You say it is hard to protect yourselves when you are being attacked. But Killing really is a last resort thing. You don't /need/ to kill someone to save yourself. You can badly injure them, or knock them out. Instead.


    Shall comment here, while I may not be a priest healer and a war cleric. Even when one of my own is under attack my answer is to draw as little blood as possible. I play a very hard role in Oren as a cleric and one who cannot kill/harm innocent. I am not only a knight so I must do as someone would order me but also a commander of a guard force. Never once have I had to /EVER/ kill someone in that role besides a harbinger and a man trying to summon some sort of demon creatures. Even in the defense of my characters sworn lord or his family has he ever killed a man? No. He sticks to his belief and makes the man incapable of fighting if its possible in such. Knocking out being the main reason. Even in war and PVP my character would always in RP knock out his targets during the middle of a battle. Booklight up her has it spot on. 

  10. Ser Daniel Baelish strided through the stables dressed in his green and gold tabard representing him as a knight of Stafyr, nodding to the few men of the levies as they mounted up and prepared their saddles and straps to secure their steeds. He took the reigns from the struggling stable boy as they were offered out to him, returning yet another nod of appreciation to the young lad and moving to haul himself up onto his steed, swinging his leg around and taking hold of the reins tightly within his grip.



    He called out, the anxious stable boy quickly handing him the banner stapled spear, a small flagged crest of Baelish drapping from it its shaft.


    “Long have I missed combat, it is a shame I will not be allowed to spill blood as a priest of Tahariae..”


    He shrugs slightly, ignoring the fact of having to knockout his foes within battle. He took hold of the offered spear, looking down to his shield buckled by his side and giving a steady nod as he used his free hand to snap down on the reign and drive the horse off and out of the stables. Quickly yanking back to halt the horse as he exited to face the small rallying levies of Stafyr outside in the vast plains of Huntshill.


    “Riders, form rank, form rank!”


    He called out as the bustling men kicked from their hearty discussions and began to take up as best a rank as cavalry can do. He smiled faintly, nodding to the front line of spearmen, banners gliding happily from the rolling winds that swept over the open plains.


    To war we ride, men of Stafyr. Not as marauders, nor raiders. We ride to defend those who will not withstand oppression, we ride to defend those truly with honor that would stand up against such a large foe. We stand by the side of the man who would face a giant! In the face of battle, hold fast, do not show fear to those. For we charge with our spears lowered and shields raised. Our lines will be met with a wave of red, we will not obliterate the enemy… But if they dare face our charge we shall damn well show them you do not cross the riders of Almannir!  This curse of mortality you may suffer shall not be used in vain. Instead show them the virtues replaced within your heart, show them your courage not even dwarves could muster, show more honor then the orcs ever could display! Show a reforge soul, built in the flames of the nether and washed through the creators holy light, show them your mortality is no curse!”


    Ser Baelish kicked his heels into his steeds side, stirring it and guiding it to face out towards the direction they would march, joining up with the small front convoy of Stafyr men. Placing on his helm slowly he looked back.


    “Archers, stay behind the wall, the rest box them.”


    He then slammed down his visor, nodding to the Stafyr men as he joined them shrugging off a remark of how over the top his speech was.

    “Even the smallest of foes could leave to one of these men’s lives lost, I would see fit they die with courage and high morale than fear.”




    ((Im prety proud of that speech I:))

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