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Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

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Status Replies posted by Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

  1. Just need to get one grade up and i can get back to LOTC!

  2. Any halflings feel like getting on?

    1. Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      I'll be on later around 6:00 EST for the Festival. Anyone else going?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. About the playing multiple characters thing. Is it acceptable to play one of your characters until friends are on?

  4. May have to take a break from lotc for a while... :( too much schoolwork these days.

  5. I have an alt account now. What race should I be?

  6. Halfling RP > Everything. I agree, my dear Milo.

    1. Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      I have to also agree. Batman. Is awesome. Did you know I have Batman's last name? Spelled the exact same way?!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. 999 POSTS, What should my 1,000th be?

  8. Any Halflings mind PMing me what happened after I had to leave? I'd appreciate it. :)

    1. Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Me and Tibb were stuck on the island, and still are =/

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well, that was easy... I'll be able to get Skype on my mom's iPad! Huzzah!

  10. Nice job on the little Halfling "Ghost" event, guys! :D Hope you enjoyed it!

    1. Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)

      Great job on it last night Soda! (even though I missed half of it. :( )

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. So, 3 people have been converted into Halflings this week. BOOGLE BOGGLE BOOGLE BOGGLE, ONE OF US, ONE OF US.

  12. Alright, it's decided! I'm going to be making an Application Team App!

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