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Scarlet Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scarlet Kaiser

  1. Gosh has it been time since I last roamed here. Hey so Scarlet Kaiser here, an old veteran from the Asulon, Anthos, and Athera days.


    It has been nearly 5 years since I last signed in and was honestly surprised the server link still worked for me. To some of you here might recognize a few of my characters such as Arabella the Frost Witch (before she was thrown into pit of lava), Teagan Elendil (bit of weirdo that one), or my elf girl (can recall the name sadly... think is started with an ‘M’ maybe). Lord of the Craft was the my first online RP experience back in my late high school days and has been a bit influence on me back in 2012 until I fizzled out in 2015 but LotC has always been something I fondly looked back on. Both Minecraft and Lord of the Craft has changed much during all that time, with a many new faces about with some old names still around. Still I am glad to see this place still thriving and continues to be a source of rich RP as I recalled. Anyway, I suppose that is enough being sappy for now.

    I’ve been thinking about one day to rejoin the site and well... I guess now that day has come. Probably won’t be as active as I was in my heyday but I want to make a real effort to try. Having been away for so long... I honestly not sure what I should play as. So if anyone has suggestions or ideas feel free to send them my way! In the meantime I’m going to refamiliarize myself with the Lore and figure out how to join the Discord when I am more awake and alert.


    Hope to see some of you around, whether they be familiar faces or new friends in the making ^_^

  2. Name:

    Freya Nereus


    (MC Name):



    Are you at least half mali blood?:

    Yes, both parents are full blood elves


    Who will be living with you?:

    No one


    (Additional MC Names):


    (Town Pillar Citizen or Passport?):

     Town Pillar Citizen


    (Optional, add if you'd like to be in the nation chat - Skype Name): 

    No thanks.  Offer appreciated though.

  3. I am having an issue with opening unlocked doors.  I noticed that I was unable to enter the home where my character sleeps as the door I open immediately closes and it comes up with this message


    "Hey!  Sorry, but you can't use that here."


    Finding this odd, I assumed it had something to do with my perms to the door being broken so I tried to open the tavern door with do not have any sort of LWC locks on them.  Once again, similar result and the same message came up.


    I later meet another player, Mittosaurus, who I kindly asked to open the tavern doors to see if he had the same bug.  He however was able to open the doors without issue and believes that whatever issue I have with LOTC is client sided.  Still, this bug is something probably worth looking into and I hope that this be helpful as to what it might be.  If its an issue on with my client, let me know of any possible fixes.


    Screenshots of messages and doors I have tried:



    Art's Home in Cerulin, my character as permission to the door as she lives in the attic



    Rising Wood Tavern in Cerulin.  It should not have any LWC locks on it so I should have opened.  Had Mittosaurus try to open this door to which he could open and close it with no issue.



    Someone's locked home that I tested to see what will happen.  Standard "This Wooden Door is locked with a magical spell" messaged appeared.




    Okey so after the server restart and now I can open the doors as normal.  So no more issues here and I consider this bug to be fixed as of now.

  4. And putting this nice post on my favorite page list.  I remember seeing wiki page long ago but forgot about it until I saw this post.  I have character is is interested in all sorts of songs and poetry and its very nice to have something to refer to for material.  Much thanks SpaceOfAids!

  5. I always enjoy moments where RP takes unexpected directions, causing my character to evolve in ways I did not predict.  It is those experiences at the crossroad of destiny where a character has the opportunity to make a life changing choice or even the decision to decline it.  Those be the moments that make RP worthwhile for they be the moments I fondly reflect upon.  


    Also, I enjoy moments where it is all but quite, everyone wanting to be involved in RP but too impatient or unwilling to initiate anything.  Then finally someone says one line, whether it be me or someone other, often just a greeting.  And with that one benign gesture, suddenly everyone becomes involved.

  6. Hello Ever!  I just have to say it... you are probably one of the most dedicated (if not, the most dedicated) person on this server to LOTC and its community.  You truly have been though it all and you are one of theses rare individuals who was committed to their duties.  Longest serving AT member and always putting up trivia questions week by week for the past several years.  If I was in your shoes I would have just stopped with the trivia after a few months after exhausting all of my LOTC lore knowledge XD.  While I understand that you are not exactly leaving the server at the moment... its still sad to see someone like you resign from your post.  I of course understand that you just don't have the time and energy to continue but sad nevertheless. Staff members come and go but you... you I will always fondly remember as someone who cared for this server so much that they took the time to come up with fun questions to engage a community in both a fun and educational manner.  While we only interacted on occasion I still wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors Evers ^_^ 

  7. 7/10  


    A chivalrous knight your avatar is but doesn't have enough shoulder protection, gaudy decorations or spikes made of dragons teeth.


    EDIT:  I kid you not, I refreshed just to make sure no one post... then posted a second later only to get ninjaed by a two guys peacefully looking in a gorge that I rank 7.2 out of 10.  Darn you Cjmate8!


    *shakes fist angerly

  8. Greetings!  Needed to take a break from my homework for a moment and saw that you needed a skin.  Reading your description I was reminded somewhat of Joshua Graham from the game Fallout New Vagas for inspiration.  Anyway I am using an older skin format since I haven't made a skin in so long and I can't bother to figure out how the new format works, at least at the moment.  It should work but It means that that the arms and legs look identical so both arms are bandaged.  I can fix this if you really want but you will have to give me a day or two to make any sort of changes.  





    Let me know what you like and/or what you don't like about the skin and I can see about making changes.  As fun as this was for me... I got homework to get back to ^_^;

  9. Aha!  I knew I recognized that name!  Good to see that you plan on coming back to RP on Lord of the Craft.  I myself recently came back after nearly a year and enjoying some RP whenever I can squeeze in the time.  Much has changed in the past two years but there are still the good, the bad, and the ugly present on the server.  But instead of focusing on the bad or ugly, try to find the good in the server for when it shines, it really does just shines.  Hope to see you about, maybe RP, maybe not.  Just find whatever makes Lord of the Craft special to your heart.



  10. To switch character cards, type the command "/card <insert character name here>".  To find out the list of character card names you have just type "/card" and it will bring up the character card names you have.


    You can find the VA format within the VA section.  You should be able to it by poking around but nevertheless I will include a link to make things easier on you.  Before applying for a VA though I recommend that your read ALL of the rule, including the change-list and updates sections at the bottom of the post.


    Link to VA rules and applications:



    The applications will be found near the end of the VA post.  The application formats will be the text within the white boxes.  Just copy and paste all of the text in the VA format to you VA application post.  Keep in mind that there are 3 types of VA's: Minor, Major, and Mini.  Minor VA's are designed to allow players to easily access rather "minor" evils such cannibalism, corruption and minor thievery.  Major VA's are designed to be more difficult to get and thus more effort and work is required when applying for one.  Major VA's include evils such as murder, lock-picking, and psychopathy.  Mini VA's are VA in which you are applying for additional changes to your current VA.  For example, if you wish to add murder and remove cannibalism to progress your RP experience, you should write a Mini VA.  Any evils can be added or subtracted when dealing with Mini VA's


    You do not need an additional application for any new characters you make.  If you want to make your second character an orc for example, go ahead.  Just note that you should read up on racial lore if your making your new character of a different race than your previous one.  If you wish to play your new character on a new Minecraft account you must fill out a Minor Application but you it doesn't seem that the Minor Application will apply to you since you will be switching character card.


    Also, as tip from a veteran player, keep in mind that living in the woods along is going to get rather boring rather fast as you likely not RP with many people.  And when you do, your just going to either kill them or scare them off which will your character quite lonely and your RP experience rather dull.  I will not tell you how to RP mind you, just give you something to think about.


    Anyway, I hope that you find everything in this post helpful, I wish you the best of luck.

  11. Why use coal when you they can just make charcoal out of the huge forests they have? As it stands Dwarves have the most valuable ores and the means to smelt it all at home. They hardly need to import much of anything.


    In the new update, you can combine 9 coal pieces into a block of coal.  While this block of coal can be used for a nifty decoration, a single coal block can smelt 80 items while 9 pieces of coal will smelt only 72.  Therefore coal (when compressed into a coal block) is more efficient.   Also blocks of coal are more convenient to store than coal or charcoal by itself.  Due note that you CAN'T use charcoal to make coal blocks.


    Still I must conceded, in overall practicality charcoal is is preferred as it is easily obtained by wood blocks which easily grow from trees.  For coal to be viable, I would have to recommend not only charcoal's use as a fuel nerfed but also wood products (stick, planks, wood block, wood stairs, ect) be nerfed as well.  Basically, all charcoal and wood products smelting capability be halved.  This way, one charcoal can smelt 4 items instead of 8, one wood block will smelt 0.75 items instead of 1.50, four planks will smelt 3 items instead of 6, eight wooden slabs smelt 3 items instead of 6, and eight sticks will smelt 2 items instead of 4.  This nerf will make coal a more desirable resource but charcoal still be of some importance thanks to its availability and ease of creating.  Without such a nerf, no one would bother to mine coal unless they happen to come some in an iron mine.


    Lastly, I noticed that glowstone was NOT listed on the nation mine.  Since glowstone is a is the main material used in glowstone blocks and glowstone lamps (both aesthetically pleasing light sources), as well as being an enhancer for potions in vanilla MC and being a useful prop item for RP, I suggest that a glowstone mine also be added.  Seeing that the elves have only coal and emeralds (both of which are consider "mostly useless" by the community as of now), I suggest that the elves have a nation glowstone mine.  It can be another unique material found only in elven lands and brings the number of minerals found in the Elvish lands up to 3 like the other "core" races.  Of course there may be other plans with glowstone that I am currently unaware of but nevertheless I think it should be something that the administration should consider.

  12. The basic Idea I had is that if a team fails to kill the monster, the monster doesn't go /anywhere/. In fact, it becomes bigger, wiser, and harder to kill. Eventually? They'll become legendary beasts, that possibly even 10 (or, god forbid, 15) people will have to fight to take down.

    Follow-up events like city attacks sounds fantastic of course. ETs love to go on fun rampages, it is known. I would leave that up to the Actor in question.

    This is a scary question, and truly there is no easy answer. What I would suggest is two things:

    First, Hunter registrations. Groups of 5 players can apply for a hunter permit. These groups of 5 will be headed by 1 leader, who will decide who will be on the team itself, in the case of absences.

    Second, a spreadsheet, recording the activity of hunting groups. Newer groups will be given preference on easier hunts. Older and more successful groups will be given preference on harder hunts. Who will hunt will be decided on by the ET ultimately, though it will be encouraged that they give preference to active groups who were denied a hunts in the past.

    As for the amount of hunting groups that can be accepted, I think it would be acceptable to never let it raise beyond 5 groups of 5. If there is more than that, the bounty board will look quite empty indeed! If any group is inactive for more than, say, a month, I'll remove their registration.


    A really well thought out response.  This makes me more comfortable.  Perhaps have that the spreadsheet be made public just so that way the community knows that there is no fowl play with one group being chosen over another should that approach be taken.

  13. I have to say... I love this idea.  I always thought that you would have to make an event for any sort of monster hunting activity but this works just as well.  My only concern is how distribute some events and how people get a contract accepted.  Is it first come first serve?  Are groups and/or individuals who wish to participate chosen at random?  Just some things to consider as we want to distribute these events evenly, not have one person and/or group laying claim to the monster contracts again and again. 


    Also, I think it is important to consider the potential consequences when a group hunts a monster.  When the players win (i.e. killing the monster or driving it off) it is rather straightforward, you get the reward and loot the body.  However if the players fail, what becomes of the monster?   It could lead up to follow up events that can effect environment.  For example, a group of ill prepared adventurers go to hunt a drake in a nearby cave but are easily driven back.  A potential follow up event could be that the angered drake attacks Kingson and damages the plaza area before flying off from once it came.  Of course it could just go back to sleep as if nothing happened but I think adverse effects because of failure should play some sort of role when monster hunting.


    Anyway, I overall love the idea and hope it is implemented in some form or another (maybe have a bounty board under the Economy section?).

  14. Happy to help!


    I reread your edited lore and I am much happier about all of the changes that you made that help control its population-size and it overall has improved.  I noticed that you didn't address all the things I said but you tackled the more urgent things like the creatures speed and creatures breeding capabilities.


    The only new suggestion that I have is to change the morphing age from 60 to 50 since you reduced the creatures lifespan.  I feel 50 would be more appropriate at it would increase the chances for player to RP with a morph variety of nethermare.  Living to the age of 60 is already extremely difficult for most real-life animals (particularly the small ones)  and even 50 is stretch for most.  Its just a recommendation so that morphs are not too common yet not too rare.

  15. An interesting creature but this is creature that needs an overhaul to make it more workable. 


    These creatures are long-lived, breed yearly, and can live anywhere as long as it doesn't snow.  This is creature that sounds to be as common as you average rat is about the same size as one as well.  It would help to know the average litter a female can breed per year.  You should reconsider things like its lifespan and/or breeding frequency as something that breeds that quickly is going to overrun most of Anthos.  Also consider predator and prey relationships.  What would hunt nethermanes to keep its population in check and what does it hunt to sustain itself?  Insects and other small animals or does it bite the ankles off of large animals?


    The fact they tend to be solitary is also an odd choice.  You should elaborate more what would happen if these creatures happen to each other and they are not part of a family group.  For example, if two solitary nethermanes meet each other... what will happen?  Will they fight to the death or will the larger one scare off the smaller one? 


    Also, the nethermane has too much going for it.  Not only are they small, nimble but they can run at a greater speed of the fastest Olympic sprinter, your average household rat can at best scurry at 2 miles per hour which is quite fast given its size.  To get an idea of how fast 25 mph is relative to the creatures size, watch this video of an RC car that roughly of similar size of a nethrmane going 25 mph




    They can also sport a durable protective shell when that can shrug off a direct blow by an iron blade (something that is difficult to do give the size of the nethermane), a poisonous tail that can kill a man if untreated (and what would a proper treatment be if poisoned?), or additional legs that can help climb walls once this deadly thing reach the ripe old age of 60?  The nethermane is already dangerous with its sharp teeth and incredible speed... the additional morphs are unneeded as you already something dangerous at that speed.


    To make this creature more balanced and better suited for the community, I suggest you nerf the speed to a more reasonable 2-5 mph max speed (this is still quite fast relative to the creature's size), shorten its life-span somewhere between 5- 10 years, and either do away with morphs or have the morphs be a harden carapace and/or additional legs.  Poisonous tails are overkill I think.


    Also I recommend you include more information about its predator/prey relationship (what hunts it and what does it eat), go a bit more in-depth with their social interactions (like how solitary individuals interact with each other), go over how many nethermanes per litter and maybe discuss their preferred habitat?  I understand that they have a wide range but perhaps they are more likely found in old abandoned homes and ruins than out in the meadows.  Also, do they have any notable weaknesses?  I noticed that they breed only in the fall (may have to edit that to be winter as according to the votes on the calendar system there is only summer and winter) because of the shorter daylight hours which suggest that they might have an aversion to light.  If this is true, then you should discuss how sunlight effects them (e.i. does it burn them or just blind them?).


    I know I might come off as a bit tough in my criticisms but I just trying to offer suggestions to help improve this lore in order to not make the nethermare come off as an overpowered land-piranha.  I hope you find these suggestions useful and I wish you the best of luck with your lore.

  16. Large sea animals tend to have world-wide (or at least ocean-wide) distribution.  However, perhaps the Pleskana follows a migratory route in which they gather near the the Yamamoto and Funestock shores during the winters months to feed on large fish.  During the summer they will head north along the montainious coastlines east of Abersi to feed on the thriving fish populations that gather during the summer.  While they can technically range anywhere, the largest concentrations will likely be along the coastlines of eastern Oren, particularly off of Yamamoto and Furnstock in the winter and mountainous coastline near Abersi in the summer.

  17. My inner paleo-fanboy is screaming "OMG PLESIOSAURS ACCEPT NOW!" while at the same time yelling "ITS A MARINE REPTILE!  NOT A DINOSAUR YOU IMBECILES!".


    Anyway, now that I have recomposed myself... I would like to put in my input.  Overall I like this lore, I find the fact they give birth to live young a nice touch.  There is evidence that ancient sea reptiles gave birth to young.


    The ability to envenom their prey is an interesting one for a large sea creature.  Venomous teeth however are hallow and weak, not something that I would think an active predator like pleskana should not have as its more vital to have solid, strong, grabbing teeth that can be used to hold on to its large slippery prey.  Seeing that their preferred prey are things like sharks, its useful to have teeth that will not snap off in during the struggle, even with venom to slow them down, as a broken tooth is a useless tooth (which is why sharks evolved many rows of teeth).  That is just my thoughts on this, no need to change it but this is what I think when i see venomous teeth.


    I also find being an omnivore is unnecessary, why have poisonous teeth perfect for nabbing fish when you can live on seaweed?  I suggest making it purely a fish-eater as there is no reason for a large sea creature to specialize to be an omnivore and there are going to be no plants when you are in the middle of the ocean... or rather there are basically no plants at all aside from seaweed.  And kelp is not a plant, its a type of algae. 


    That will be all, hopefully you find my input useful.  While there are certainly many creatures being proposed as of late... I nevertheless wish you the best of luck. 

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