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Major Evers

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Status Updates posted by Major Evers

  1. "Not Authorized to connect" ...Hm. Halp? :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      XD I suppose Expect was more of a word than I should have used. I don't mean to come off as impatient, as much as I would Eager. I am excited to try Minecraft's RP. I'm quite new to the syle, and seeing it in action will be fun :D

    3. everblue2er101


      Um... well, it says Robin immplemented you/ Is the MCname in the app correct? If not you might want to PM him and say you can't connect.

    4. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      I put in the wrong one lol. I PM'd him.

  2. /blinkblink How do I get Minas lol? I know I can kill mobs, but I'm not seeing any. Where should I go from the starting off at the temple? x3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ever


      Also, you level up your skills by training. You won't have skill points straight off the bat as far as I'm aware.

    3. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      Is there a way I'm supposed to know which way to go to get to Alras, or wherever I choose to go? A map function, maybe?

    4. everblue2er101


      There are four roads leaving the Temple with signs saying where each goes. there's also a dynamicmap on the front page.

  3. Journeying to Alras!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      I made it pretty well, and got to allocate my points lol. Put 'em all in Swords XD

    3. shiftnative


      You'll make a bounty hunting then!

    4. Aislin



  4. Waiting for my App to be looked at :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      Thanks! What's the Address?

    3. Ever



    4. Major Evers

      Major Evers

      How come it says I'm not authorized to connect?

  5. Waiting to find out if Bran' is going to be in the Alrasian Military :D It'd rule to get some work in ^_^

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