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Posts posted by Lawrna

  1. Once Caelria descends further into the Tomb, music echoes up.


    In the main room where supplies and tools are strewn about, 3 High Elves stand in a row.

    All of them are wearing a... sombrero. These High Elves are Lelien, Delonna and Lucion.



    ((Picture coming soon))

  2. Lelien bursts out from the Tomb wearing a small party hat.
    She points at Ceru'berr.

    "Join the science, llir. The science, art and fun!"


    The door is left open for Ceru'berr to enter.


    Sofisticated, classical, and pompous music echoes out until the door is closed by Ceru'berr.



  3. Lelien recieves said letter and she sighs.


    She shows it to the rest of the council of the Conclave and they all sigh.




    A post is posted on the post that was not posted by the Conclave. (postpostpost)


    "Dear citizens of L(a)enniel,


    No, we do not want to take over your town.

    Please, do not believe signs that are simply placed there by random people who are clearly trying to start a riot.

    If we wanted to take over your tree town, we would tell the leaders in person.

    Kind regards,
    Council of the Conclave of Malin"

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