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Posts posted by Lawrna

  1. *In the library an eggwhite scroll is hung up with small, neat handwriting on it. It reads:*



    The Library Rules of Lin’evaral

    Written by Tilruir’Indor Lelien Aeléyèlsa and Indorir Evarir’Ayla


    1) One may not harm a book in any way shape or form, if this is done accidentally one must report this to the  Tilruir’Indor or Indorir.

    The consequences of breaking this rule will vary from the severity of harm done, from a fine of 25 minas to a task of gathering resources for the library.


    2) One may not consume any food or beverages in the library due to the chance of dirtying the books.

    The consequences of breaking this rule will be cleaning the library and labyrinth thoroughly.


    3) Children under the age of 15 are not to be permitted in the library without the guidance of an adult (+50).

    If this rule is broken, the child shall be banished until he/she is of age.

    If the child so wishes to be stubborn and enter the library even if he/she has been banished before, a fine shall be given of 25 minas and rises from there.


    4) No fraternizing in the library, it is afterall a public area. (See section 2, part 3 of the Mali'aheral Law)

    The punishment of breaking this law and rule shall be determined by the Okarir’tir.


    5) One shall not yell in the library, silence shall be had.

    The consequences of this action will be a 2 Elven day banishment from the library.


    6) No impures or lesser races are to be permitted in the library without the guidance or written consent of a trusted mali’aheral.

    If the impure or lesser breaks this rule he/she/it shall be removed from the city immediately.


    7) One shall not take a book from the library without the permission of the Tilruir’Indor or Indorir.

    The breaker of this rule must copy the books he/she stole and inform the Okarir’tir of his/her greedy crime.


    8) One may rent/borrow a book from the library, for this to be accomplished one must ask the Tilruir’Indor or Indorir for permission. He/she will assess if one is responsible enough to take the knowledge from the library.

    One must return the book(s) unmolested and in the set amount of days the Tilruir’Indor or Indorir.


    9) One may not fight or use magic in the library due to the chance of the books being damaged.

    If one were to break this rule he/she shall pay a fine of 50 minas. (Silvos is an exception of this rule, due to the lack of hands.)


    10)  No pets shall be permitted in the library.

    The first time one breaks this rule he/she will be fined 25 minas

    The second time, 50 minas shall be fined.

    The third time the pet shall be removed from city grounds or put down.


    These rules are subject to change by any city official.

  2. BladeCreep is an awesome RP'er.

    His magic roleplay is always ingenuitive and cunning.


    Silvos Sythaerin is certainly able of teaching others as he does Lelien in life.

    Even though his multiple personalities can be a pain sometimes he often stay calm and collected, like any other High Elf.


    Mr.Sythaerin for teacher!




    (Ik hou van je, Kareltjepoo! Niet heus... :p)

  3. Seventeenth Elven Day (25/6)

    That day she was collected by Lucion. She was no longer Arya Orchid, she was Mira.

    Lucion led her out of the cells, it was a small staircase up. Luckily it was night so her eyes didn't water as bad. Grass was the first thing she saw. In her two years of captivity she never thought that she would be so happy to see grass. Lucion helped her up the stairs to the bathhouse. Mira's legs almost gave out every few steps, making her stumble. Once in the bathhouse she washed herself and cut her matted hair, leaving her with short hair, barely reaching chin-length. New clothes were given to her, a blue dress. Everything she once owned was gone; her clothes, her whip, her hair, even her eye colour wasn't Arya's anymore.

    It was all Mira's.





    In order of appearance:

    Arya/Mira (a.k.a. Me, yeah I put myself in the credits, deal with it) - Eenhoornheid

    Lucion Sullas - Mithradites

    'Goatee' or Silvos Sythaerin - BladeCreep

    Robed man 1 or Cole - Cloakedsphere

    Robed man 2 or The Jester -Slic3man

    'Glasses' or Caelria Maehrindor - Caelria

    'The Messenger' or really creepy Lucion Sullas who should be in an insane asylum - Mithradites

    Delonna Aeléyèlsa - Dohvakin

    Kefi, The Seed Druid - Roxforbraynz

    Kalenz Uradir (Creds for the illusions on day 9) - SupremacyOps



    Lucion did it.

    Beware of the Mothradootles.

  4. Sixteenth Elven Day (24/6)




    Lucion entered the cell holding a small glowing rock.

    “Karin’ayla, Ms Arya.”


    Arya’s eyes followed him as he sat down in front of her.



    Lucion looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow.

    “Hm. Your … skin appears to have changed in your long entombment. A very admirable pale yellow. Implies a studious nature. Fitting, I suppose. Your studies re-begin today.”


    Arya stayed silent as she shifted to lean against the wall behind her.

    Lucion reached into his coat and removed a package draped in white cloth, similar to the previous one.

    “One finds pig-flesh both filling and focusing. Do not refrain from eating, Ms Orchid. It is important to your learning.”


    Arya slid the package over to the corner of the cell where the wrappings of her previous gift lay.

    Lucion pulled out yet another item from his coat, a book ‘Elven Dictionary’.

    Arya looked down to the book and back up to Lucion.


    “This will be important soon. But for now, let us speak of how you will return to your people, and exit this room...”


    Arya took a glance to the hallway behind Lucion, she shivered.

    “Out- outside?”


    Lucion followed her gaze.

    "Quite. You cannot remain in this room forever.”


    “People will know what he did to me.”


    “Your clothes are becoming a touch... too ragged and ‘revealing’. Furthermore, I have declined from saying, but... the room’s odeur is not entirely pleasant.”


    “You think I haven’t noticed? I’m the one sitting in it all day, every day.”


    Lucion cleared his throat and  patted down his coat quickly.
    “Yes. Most certainly. That will be your first destination you must take.”

    Arya pursed her lips and nodded once.


    “But first, as I said before, we must discuss your return to our society. Let us begin with the process.”


    Lucion straightened himself.

    “The first stage, is merely willingness to cast off your past of impurity, and acknowledge the things that have been done to be wrong. You must abandon your life-past, and re-emerge as mali’aheral. Everything -must- be abandoned. Including your name.”


    “My name?”


    “Arya Orchid is a name cursed, loathed, and belittled in this society. Your past, brought on by wrongdoing regardless, has attracted much anger. It is both for you safety, and your future purity, that you find a new one.”


    Arya frowned.

    “I suppose it is needed.”


    Lucion nodded his head slowly, and closed his eyes with a small sigh.



    “Did you have any in mind?”


    Lucion gestured towards the Elven dictionary in front of her.

    “That is your choice, and not mind, Ms Orchid. Hopefully, it will give you something to do in your solitude.”


    Arya slid the book over to the corner, still frowning.


    “Now... the second stage is far more difficult. You will need to approach the citizens of this city individually and you will need to inform them of what you have done.”


    “I didn’t do anything! It was him! He did this to me!”


    “Your ‘crime’ as it were -- having relations with a mali’ker, and bearing his children.

    I know, I know, Arya. It is not our of punishment that you must do it. It is to show you diligence -- your passion -- for the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. The work you do is the struggle for acceptance again by your people -- throw Rei’s cruelty back into his proverbial face.”


    Arya began to breathe in and out quickly, rubbing her hands together nervously.

    “It wasn’t my fault.”


    “I know, Arya. I know. But it must be done. It -has- to be done. Not to do so would not be pleasing in the eyes of Larihei, after all.”


    “But they will know, they can’t know. He did this. He hurt me. I didn’t mean for him to hurt anyone.”


    “Again, I know, Arya. You need not say his name. You still bore his children, and you were still married. You must garner acceptance from the people. I you do not, then it will come back around to break you in another time.”


    “People don’t like me here, all because he hurt them.”


    “Exactly. They felt betrayed. However, not many remember any more. Few that would have seen Rei still live. Amras, Kalenz, Seth, and Delonna. All the others are too young in our society.”


    “I-... I suppose it is needed. Yes. It is.”

    Arya nodded to herself as she rubbed her hands.


    Lucion nodded slowly with a mildly sad expression.

    “Through service to those in the city, you shall find purity. Each of those to whom you shall confess you must perform a task that they ask.”


    “Delonna is going to hurt me again, I know it. He did it before, why won’t he do it again?”


    “Worry not of Delonna. Due to your... past... I will allow you to skip over him.”


    “Thank you.”


    “Should he cause you any trouble, see me. And I will take care of it. Now... after these tasks are complete there is the third step.”


    “A third?”


    “There are five in total. Within the third step you will be assigned a teacher, to whom you shall learn the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. You will be guided, and taught, while doing any other tasks the citizenry ask of you.”


    Arya sighed and slumped down.


    “Now... the fourth task truly not a task outright. The citizens will gather, and they will judge you. Should they all be satisfied with your works, your guile, your acceptance of our way, and your passion, they shall vote you as pure, and you may return as one of our own.”


    “But there is a fifth step?”


    “Ah... yes... the fifth is a difficult one. Should you complete it, all past wrongs shall be forgotten, and rendered redundant. The events would, from a standpoint of the law, never have happened. You would have to... marry... a mali’aheral. A pure citizen and then produce a child from the coupling.”

    Arya blinked.



    “If you do so, you wrongs would be forgiven, now and forever. Forgotten, and laid to rest until the end of your life. To say that you truly did perform those actions that deemed you impure after the fifth step would be legally slander.”


    Arya’s shoulders slumped and her brows furrowed.

    “But who would want to marry -me-, a used woman.”


    Lucion raised his hands and closed his eyes.

    “The future is made by our own hands, and minds. Who know what the future will bring. Never fear, Ms Arya.”


    Arya nodded.

    “I’ll do my best.”



    Lucion gestured towards the book.

    “Take this next Elven day to find your new name. I shall collect you, and you will ascend.”


    Ascend. The word echoed in her mind as Lucion left and returned with a cot for her sleep her final nights on.


    A new name. A new beginning.

  5. I, Lelien Aeleyelsa, have scribed this citizen application for Bartholomew Fortinbras due to his inability to read or write. A teacher will need to be appointed if he is accepted into elcihi.

    I have read him the laws of elcihi and he has promised me to abide to them.

    ~ Lelien



    Bartholomew Fortinbras



    Origins of your birth, and your place of living:

    He was born at sea and before Lin’evaral he lived off of the wilds.

    How can you declare you are Mali'thill?

    Through heritage he is proven to be a Mali’thill. Appearance seconds this.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of our cihi?

    To broaden his knowledge and be together with his kin.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race?

    He wishes for us to further our intelligence and bring order to the lessers of Anthos.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you?

    Nothing as of yet due to lack of education.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why:

    Nothing. (See previous answer question.)

    What is the subject of the first book you may submit to the college?

    Multiple books varying from life at sea to the effects of various blades on flesh.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the Anthos Highway together?

    He would avoid the group and memorize the mali’aheral’s identity to later recognise him or her as impure.

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the mali’aheral?


  6. Lelien comes to a slow stop in front of the collection of posts. She sighs and begins to read



    That is all she could say.


    Lelien rubs her forehead, groaning quietly.
    "Both of them are being idiots."


    She walks off, going to put on her red dress to talk to Silvos.

  7. Eleventh Elven Day (19/6)



    The door swung open. Arya’s eyes flicked up to meet Lucion’s, they narrowed. He was holding a small package under his arm. A small smile then spread across Arya’s face.


    “One had noticed you were not eating as well as you could have been. A few articles of reasonable sustenance for you. They will keep you for now.”


    Arya looked down at the package once Lucion placed it on the ground. She looked back up.

    “Why would you care?”


    Lucion straightened his back and pulled out his notebook. He spoke plainly, as if he had not heard Arya’s question.

    “The question for today: What was your relationship with Mr Ereinion?”


    Arya’s eyes fell to Lucion’s chest.

    “There was none.”


    Lucion furrowed his brow, he looks up to Arya with a tilted head.

    “I... beg your pardon?”


    “He took me away. Stole me.”

    Arya rubbed her arm where the bruises once were.

    “He hit me.”


    Lucion blinked several times and looked down to his notes immediately, flicking through them madly for a moment. His eyes narrowed.


    “There is… There is no record of this reponse.

    This is, in fact… utterly… positive…”


    “He hurt you too, I remember, I think…”


    Lucion clenched his jaw, and nodded slowly.

    “Yes. Yes, he did.”


    “I’m… sorry? Yes, I am.”

    Arya nodded to herself.

    “Yes, I am sorry.”


    Lucion furrowed her brow and looked to Arya with a puzzled expression.

    “You are what…?”


    “That he hurt you, I’m sorry.”


    Lucion blinked many times and responded stammering after a short pause.

    “Oh… I erm… Thank you.”


    Lucion tapped the pencil on his notebook a few times.

    “If I… may just confirm…

    You had –no- relationship with Mr Ereinion? It was… forced upon you?

    Is that what I am meant to take from this conversation?”


    Arya nodded slowly.

    “Delonna, he betrayed me too.”

    She scowled.


    “I see.”

    Lucion tapped his pencil slower on the page.

    “Well… would you, therefore, be willing to take the trials of the mali’aheral, and return to purity as your ancestors would have desired?”


    “Ye-… What are they exactly?”


    “I will run you through it, if you are willing… such is my duty to the mali’aheral.”


    “I suppose I am.”


    Lucion stared at the thin and shaking High Elf in the corner. He replied without without blinking.

    “Do you regret what was done to you, and do you fervently desire to return to the ways of your people?


    “How can I regret doing something that was forced upon me?”


    “Yes… good… right…

    Well, erm…

    Remain here for a little longer, I think… enjoy the food I brought you… we will begin lessons soon.”


    Arya whispered a response.

    “Thank you.”


    Lucion turned around slowly, walking out of the cell. He shook his head slightly.

    He closed the door.

    Arya crawled over to the package and unwrapped it. It contained two reasonably sized pieces of salted beef, and several large carrots.

    Arya took a bite out of the meat, humming in pleasure.


    Outside of the cell Lucion stood there grinning. He put a hand over his mouth as he muffles a loud chortle. He cleared his throat and returned back to his balanced, blank expression.

  8. Lelien hears the wail from her perch in the library. She lifts her head and decideds to go look for the source.

    Once she has found Evarir'ayla sobbing over the books, she sighs rather annoyed.


    "Evarir'ayla, what is this mess?! Pull yourself together and clean this up. We won't get anywhere with these silly tears."


    She goes to pick up the books, sliding them back in place as she notices the glowing inscription on the floor.

    All she does is smirk as she continues to rearrange the books.


  9. Ninth Elven Day (17/6)



    After an Elven day of no voices or disturbances Arya was excited to hear the sliding of the hatch. Light streamed into the cell, brighter than a torch. Arya stood up, leaning against the wall for support on her thin legs. Through the hatch a scene unfolded. It was Lucion standing on the bridge outside of Haelun’or in Asulon. Lucion slowly half-turned.



    The hatch slid back to its original position quickly.


    Arya took a step back.



    The door opened with a creak. Lucion marched in with a notebook in hand, quickly scribbling down things. Arya sighed and slumped back in the corner.


    “Ker’ayla, Ms Orchid. Another interview for you, I think...”




    “Correct. I believe this would be our fourth, now or was it third? Never mind”

    The door slowly shut behind Lucion.

    “Simple questions.

    One. Why did you protect Mr Ereinion after your kidnapping? This was established after your first interview.”


    Suddenly the scene flashed back to Lucion standing on the bridge. It faded away quickly.


    Arya shook her head, trying to hold back the visions.

    “I- I don’t remember, I think.”


    Lucion raised his eyebrow and nodded slowly.

    “Odd. Once again you feign responsibility.”


    A cackle of laughter echoed about the cell before falling silent.


    “A curious thing… in the first interview you seemed so… certain.”


    Arya slinked away into the corner more. Lucion looked up from his notebook, tilting his head.


    “Is something… bothering you, Ms Arya?”


    The bridge returned for three seconds, now Arya could see Haelun’or, her old home. Her eyes stayed fixed on the scene until it vanished.

    “I-… No nothing.”


    Lucion furrowed his brow slowly, and wrote a short note.

    “I… see…

    That will do for now, then.”


    The door opened as Lucion walked out backwards. The door closed once more.



    Arya squeaked.

    “What did Rei do to me?”

    Arya curled up, hugging her legs as tears streamed down her cheeks.


    A light began to shimmer in the corner of Arya’s cell. A figure came into focus, Delonna in full armor.

    Arya smiled softly, wiping away her tears.

    “Delonna, llir.”


    Upon Arya’s arms and legs bruises seemed to form, stinging lightly. Arya glanced down with wide eyes, once she looked back up Delonna was holding a metal rod.


    "You know Rei hates to be kept waiting…”


    “Wha- What do you mean, Delonna?”


    In the other corner of the room another figure came into focus once Delonna vanished, it was Ereinion.


    Rei vanished like Delonna did.


    Arya shifted in her pile of hay, shaking like a leaf. Nothing happened for, what seemed, the longest time.

    Rei appeared from the shadows once more and slowly stepped closer to Arya. He placed his hand on her head, running his fingers through her tangled hair.

    “Remember all the time I spent courting you? The farms?”


    Arya stared up at him with wide eyes.



    A slow, metallic tapping began at the door, accompanied by a soft hissing laughter.

    “Her dark steed that would lead her astray...”


    Rei’s existence flickered. One moment he simply stared at Arya, the other he was holding a metal rod.


    “Did she not suspect there would be foul-play~?”


    The figure of Rei with the metal-rod lingered. He swung it down towards Arya, a moment before it touched her he fades into a fine purple mist.

    The room became pitch black. A wild cackling echoed through the cell as Arya hid her head under her arms, yelling.

    “Stop it! Stop!”


    The hissing laughter at the door continued.

    “The Wilting Orchid cannot recall~

    The last time she left the silver walls~.”


    Arya went to scratch at the wall with her nailless fingers, whining like an injured dog.


    “Oh no... oh my...

    It sounds like she remembers~.

    Welcome home, Arya~.”

    The Messenger’s voice faded away into nothing, leaving Arya behind in the darkness.

  10. Seventh Elven Day (15/6)



    Dull footsteps could be heard outside of the confines of Arya’s small and bleak cell.

    Arya’s ears perked, glad to finally hear something other than her breathing and heartbeat. She opened her eyes and sat up on the hay bedding.

    The door opened and light from a torch streamed into the cell, making Arya’s eyes water. She slunk back in the corner.


    “Karin’ayla, Ms Orchid.”

    Arya recognised the voice, but she didn’t remember from where until she wiped the excess moisture from her eyes. It was Lucion Sullas.




    Lucion scribbled something on some papers he had with him, grunting softly

    “My apologies for not beginning our second interview a tad earlier. Unfortunately complications with your interment seemed to have occurred over the past Elven week or so, and we needed to know  you were safe from further complications.”


    “I-… What did he do?”


    Lucion remained fixed on his papers and cleared his throat.

    “Any and all unscrupulous wanderers were ejected from the city. As per article two of the ‘Obvious Laws’.

    Now. Let us begin with the first question—why did you choose to defend your former spouse and kidnapper from our investigations in the past century?”


    Arya looked down to the dirty floor of her cell, conflicted by the information she had been receiving over the Elven week.

    “I’m not sure.”


    Lucion began to scribble something on his paper and then stopped. His eyes flicked up to her.

    “You… don’t know? This is not your usual answer.”


    “Well… I don’t know.”


    “Not because you ‘loved him’ or that he was a ‘better person than anyone in our city’?”


    Arya shook her head weakly.

    Lucion slowly raised his eyebrow, something that is often seen by others but not by Arya, and tilted his head to the left.

    “That is a rather… positive change.

    Ms Arya… at least, from my perspective…

    What lead to this sudden change in outlook?”


    Arya stared at the ground intently.

    “I received a message.”


    “A ‘message’? A message from whom?”


    Lucion scowled slightly at the unresponsiveness of Arya.

    “Very well. Your mentality is noted. This interview is terminated.”


    Lucion stepped out of the room, and quickly flicked the switch upwards.




    A small smile began to creep across Lucion’s face. He whispered something.

    “Doubt in the darkness, little Orchid. Your mind is now mine to mould.”

  11. Sixth Elven Day (14/6)



    A small loaf of bread dropped into the cell. As Arya ate it greedily, the laughter of The Messenger returned.

    “You’re back.”


    “My word, wilting orchid... you almost sound glad~!

    To think you were so afraid of my messages before...~”


    “I still am. I-... I just want to know the truth.”


    The Messenger hissed a short, hacking laugh, and the sound of scratches began to move along the wall. The scratches stopped at the wall of the right of the door.

    “You wish to know the truth...~? Have I not told you that you already know...?”


    “I-... I’m not sure what is the truth. Anything could be real or fake.”


    “Wrong, little Orchid... wrong wrong wrong...~ There is a truth... it is so very locked away in your tiny, little head... you simply need to be open to them again~ The Dark Steed had locked them out, but now they are starting to come back, aren’t they...~? Have you heard them...?”


    “I had a dream. It... There was someone who came to save me from my cell. Not Rei, no.”


    “Dreams are dreams, little Orchid...~ So childish~ So simplistic~.”


    “It was Lucion who saved me.”


    The Messenger began to laugh, a soft sigh at the end.

    “It is beginning to get through to you, little Orchid...~. Was it truly a dream...? Or was it a memory...? How do you know what is real...? Did you not say you did not know~?”


    “I’m not even sure if this is real. Maybe Delonna was never real, or Haelun’or.”


    “There is a way to find truth...~”




    “You  say you cannot find an answer, yes...? Cannot know what is real, or what isn’t...? You must take a side, Arya... you must decided what is true, and what isn’t.”


    “I want the side that hurts the least.”


    “You must open your mind... to total doubt... Everything that you remember during your ride with the Dark Steed~ You must accept it all to be untrue... as it truly is...~”


    “How can you know it was a lie... or not?”


    The scratching began again. It started to travel around the around the sides of the wall to the one directly opposite of the door.

    "I know because I remember, wilting Orchid...~."


    Arya’s head follows the sound.

    “Who are you?”


    “Little old me~? You wish to know about me? But Arya! You know who I am! We have known one another for a long time…”


    “How long?”


    The scratching continued again, working its way around the wall and to the left of the door.

    “Since the moment the Dark Steed began to covet you~. When his honeyed words… his beatings… his cruelty passed upon you… I have been there.

    I am…



    The Messenger began its hissing laughter, and small taps could be heard on the wall outside.

    Arya stared at the wall with wide eyes. In shock, in fright, bemusement or otherwise anger.


    “I am the piece of you that remembers… Your ‘Messenger’. Your ‘memory’. The part you discarded when it became too painful to remember. I am your shame. Your fear. Your hate. I am everything you lost, and must regain~. As you have scratched your fingers to blooded nibs, I have been scratching on the outside as well… I want you to remember, Arya… I was to be a part of you again.~”


    “I- How did I forget? I don’t forget things… I never.”


    “The Dark Steed broke you…~ You kept denying his ‘truth’. Did you not say yourself you preferred to believe what was least painful? Where do you suspect where that came from~? Your Dark Steed… your ‘beloved’ Dark Elf that threatened,  beat, and drove you to deny reality~.”


    “He wouldn’t… Rei wasn’t like that.”


    “Not after you accepted his truth… He dominated you… He hit you over and over again~.”


    Arya hugged her legs as she racked her muddled brain for answers.

    “Why? I loved him.”


    “He –told- you to love him… It was less painful to love him.. And your mind denied me. It left me in the cold and so I festered.”


    “Why did you only come now?”


    “Because you had time~. All this time to sit along with your thoughts. No children to ‘love’, no food to cook, no steed to please~. You had all the time to listen… And now I have spoken.”


    “Why did he pick me?”


    “He wanted a High Elf… He told you… And you were all along in the city, too ashamed to speak out. You thought you were strong enough to force him away, but you were not~. Too weak at the time… Still so young. Of course, you could have forced him away, if not for someone aiding the Dark Steed~.”


    Arya blinked. Her brow furrowed deeply.



    “The other High Elf he subjugated, though this one was not unwilling. He could have saved you, but he did not. He liked the Dark Steed~.”


    “Who was he?!”

    Arya yelled, but she already knew. She should have known.


    The Messenger laughed once more, the scratching finally made its way back to the iron door.

    “You will know soon, but first you must open your mind… to doubt.”


    Arya heard the smile in The Messenger’s voice, desperately she followed its voice.

    “Please, tell me.”


    “Throw off his chains, wilting orchid~. You will remember soon.”


    “I-… I shall.”


    “Good… Good… And when you do, you will not need my voice anymore~.”


    “Don’t leave. Please.”


    “I will always be with you, wilting orchid. I am part of you, the part that demands vengeance.

    Sleep, wilting orchid, and doubt your ‘love’. Soon… Soon… Then I will return to you.”


    Arya curled up on her small pile of hay in the corner, staying silent.

    A small tapping noise began upon the iron door. It tapped quickly, then slowly. The noise stopped, and silence overtook the cell.

    Arya exhaled shakily as she closed her eyes.

    “I want to know…”


    ((MIffy made me post this earlier. Blame him for any mistakes.))

  12. Fifth Elven Day (13/6)




    Arya felt it coming. She heard the voices coming: Lucion and Kalenz.

    They were real, very real. They came into her cell.

    All Arya remembered was a very bright light and the contours of someone in the doorway, a saviour she thought.

    It was Lucion.

    A snap was heard and Arya was unconscious.

    Where they were taking her, she had no clue.

    She felt Lucion carrying her, and after a while putting her down on a small pile of hay.


    Lucion brushed a lock of hair out of her face.

    ‘Yes.. this will be considerably more private for my work... no more interruptions...’


    Arya woke up in a new cell. Darker than the last, yet now she could hear the rain above.

  13. Fourth Elven Day (12/6)


    Something changed.

    A new smell, a new sound.

    It smelled of trees and soil and there was a rustle in the cell to her left.

    It was Kefi, the Seed Druid.

    One of the Fallen, the outcasts of society, came to betray Vallel.


    She hummed, she sang. She was annoying.

    ‘You should be happy! We get good food!’

    Arya scowled.


    When Kefi was sleeping the hatch on her door groaned open. Arya heard a low whisper from the other side. Once she neared the door she could finally hear what the person was saying. It was Lucion, but the voice seemed younger.


    'I am surprised you managed to find her. Where is she now, Arthane...?

    I would hope not... Right... I shall try to speak to her directly this time.'


    The voice of Lucion cleared its throat before it continued.


    'Ms Arya! How are you today? I would have thought it to be more difficult to... "extract you" from that camp.'


    'Wh-what are you talking about?'


    'The camp, Ms Arya... The one we took you from...? The Warhawke captors...?’


    ‘You didn’t do that. You took me from Malinor, didn’t you?’


    ‘Malinor...? Erm... never mind. let us begin this interview. Before we took you, you had spent nearly three months in the Warhawke camp, had you not?'


    ‘N-no? I was here, I think.'


    ‘No.. no no... we theorise you were in the Warhawke camp the last three months. Your captors held you there, did they not? Rei was not there, Ms Arya. Where is his location?’


    ‘Rei died, he died 20 years ago.’


    A fist thumped against the door.

    ‘This is a -lie-, Ms Arya. It is a lie and you know it. You have been -enslaved- there for months! What was the mali’ker doing with you? Why are you protecting him?’


    Arya stumbled back.

    ‘I-I don’t understand. He -died-. I was with him!'


    ‘He cannot be dead, Arya. It is an impossibility! I saw him but a week ago in Seventis! End your lies immediately! What reason have you to protect him?! Tell me!'


    Arya stayed quiet.


    'The interview is terminated for now. Take her to the d- wait... what is tha- oh no... He’s... he’s here...’


    Arya’s eyes widened and she rushed towards the door.

    ‘No! Rei! Help me!’

    She banged against the door.

    A loud metallic thump can be heard outside of the door.

    Arya’s ears rang as she wailed.



    All was quiet. The ringing in her ears subsided.

    The hissing laughter from before came back.


    ‘Oh dear me... the wilting flower... trapped in a hole

    Where is your dark steed, dishevelled orchid...?

    Poor, poor Arya... she cannot recall...

    The very last time she left the silver walls...~’


    Arya whimpered, tears came to her eyes.

    ‘I just want my babes back.’


    ‘You do~...? Shouldn’t you hate them...~?’


    ‘I will always love my children. You can’t do anything against that, demon.’


    ‘Demon...? -Demon-?!’

    The voice laughed its hissing laugh, the tapping continued.

    ‘Demons don’t speak to mortals, Lonely Orchid. I am not such thing...’


    ‘What -are- you?!’


    ‘I am but a... messenger... entirely non-devine, I assure you. Oh, poor little Arya..~’


    ‘If you are a messenger, why don’t you tell me your message?’


    ‘I have been~.

    Did you not hear...?

    I bring what once was back to your ear~!

    Poor Arya cannot recall...

    The last time she left the silver walls!’


    ‘If you say I don’t remember, why don’t you tell it to me completely?’


    ‘Why do you need me to? It’s locked away in that bud of yours, Lonely Orchid! You remembered that last little conversation, did you not...~?


    ‘I-I was taken by Rei?’


    ‘For the second time, in that instance... quite the dreadful scene that was...




    And your captors revelling in every last bit...’


    ‘I-... He didn’t take me.’


    ‘Not in the second instance! Not the second one! Oh no!

    You walked next to your captor with pride!

    The bruises had not healed, but you embraced him regardless...~

    The first time... my my... that was not so pleasant...

    You sqwarked! Like a.. like a pheasant!’


    ‘I don’t understand! He never took me! I came with him, I loved him!'


    ‘Yes! Yes! Repeat what he told you! Repeat it until you die of your own starvation! Let his words enter you once more!

    “You love me, don’t you, pale-face...? You will give my children to blight your city! You will have my children! I will have your people!”


    ‘Why would he lie? He never lied to me. Would you?’

    Arya turned to the the cot behind her.


    ‘He would drink from a bottle of Subadai grog, and smack you across the cheek. He would hit you, and tell you of how he courted you for years!

    Poor, poor Arya, she cannot recall..

    The first time she left the silver walls...’

    The Messenger continued to laugh and laugh, until it suddenly stopped.


    Silence returned as Arya yelled at her hallucinated Rei.

  14. Third Elven Day (11/6)



    Arya lay there, day in day out in her newly acquired cot. A meek attempt to give Arya comfort.


    First came the tapping then the voices , now whispering to her.





    Poor Arya... Poor, little Arya... she cannot remember, can she, love?

    Poor Arya cannot recall...

    The very last time she left the silver walls...’


    Your darkened steed stealing you away’

    Could it be there was foul-play?’


    ‘Rei died and you know it.’ Arya hissed at the voice.


    The voice performs a hissing laughter.

    ‘You speak of this as if it were bad...

    Though wouldn’t you be glad~?’


    ‘He was my Chieftain, my husband.’


    ‘Yessss... the beautiful, blond Elven lilly

    A shame you married unwillingly~.’


    Arya growled at the voice. She scratched against the wall as she stepped back, hunched over.

    ‘I was the one to beg for his hand.’


    The voice laughed again. Its hiss echoing through the cell.

    ‘Poor, poor Arya..

    She cannot recall...

    The very last time...

    She left the silver walls~!’

    The voice was gone. Arya yelled for hours, it seemed, until her voice was hoarse and she fell asleep.


    Delonna came to her afterwards.

    Her babe wasn’t dead. Layla needed her.

    Delonna, her old friend, needed her to stay strong for Layla.

    For her daughter.

  15. ((This shall be updated every 2 days))





    Down in the dungeons of Lin’evaral sits a lonely woman, Arya Orchid. The walls of her cell are adorned with scratch marks, put there in her tantrums of rage and despair. When Arya entered the cell she looked like a healthy High Elf. Now she is gaunt and tired, her once vibrant blue eyes have become pale blue ringed with dark circles. This is the story of the captivity of Arya, the mali’ker lover, the mother and the mali’ata.


    First Elven Day: (9/6)


    Why am I here?

    Where am I?

    The first two thoughts that entered her mind once she woke up from Lucion’s sedation.


    Arya began to scratch at the walls, trying to recall how she got in this 3 by 4 metre cell.

    Each time footsteps came to give her food, she scowled, growled and hissed at them. She pushed asides the food, reluctant to eat it which resulted in a large pile of half-eaten bread in the corner of her cell. The first few nights she wailed at the walls, at the door. She cursed the High Elves, she cursed herself.


    One night, 'Goatee' came to visit to bring her food. Arya was growling at him like an animal, hissing to him that people would come and save her, Cole or Caln, her friends, her lovers.


    ‘Why, they have already tried to save you, Arya. I didn’t know a dark elf could make such a sound. Now, he is simply a pile of ash in front of the gates.’


    ‘You liar! He can’t be dead!’ She screamed at him, it was a miracle no one could hear her up above. 'Goatee' simply laughed.


    She was alone.


    They came to her at night, or that is what she thought. The men in the robes came to save her.


    Second Elven Day: (10/6)


    Her hair was singed. ‘Glasses’ burnt her and captured one of the robed men. The other one escaped, but barely. The Jester, or so she called him, escaped and left her behind.


    The voices came to her. They whispered about Rei, her Chieftain. One of the voices was Lucion's.


    ‘They just disappeared outside of the gates, I’m not sure how. We saw them off by the docks. I’ve sent seekers to Normandor, but I doubt they will come up with anything so close to the city.’


    Confusion overtook Arya completely, her mind reeled with the lack of any distractions. She scratched the walls for hours on end until her fingers became bloodied and the carvings became red.


    How long has it been? Where is my Kamari?


    Sleep, scratch, eat. All she did was sleep, scratch and eat.

  16. In Lelien's search for ferrets for her study she comes across the book in Darkhaven.

    The High Elf's eyes scan over the pages.

    Slowly her mouth falls open and her eyes widen as she progresses.




    Her right eye twitches.


    "Absolutely disgusting in every way, grammar and content."


    A shudder runs down her spine before she walks away with her frown on her face, her skin paler than usual.

  17. Name: Lelien Aeléyèlsa

    ((MC Name)): Eenhoornheid

    Age: 31 years of age

    Magic Forms Known: I am in the progress of learning Electrical Evocation from Lucion Sullas.

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? I was born and raised in Haelun'or, one should know this.

    How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Since its creation.

    Is one associated with any other guilds? Not at all.

    Will you follow the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in the pursuit of arcane knowledge? Absolutely! What a silly question.

    What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? I would like to mast Electrical Evocation and, if possible, Water Evocation

  18. As a young Mali'aheral girl returns to her magnificent city from a small adventure looking for ferrets that clearly took longer than she expected.

    A smile spreads over her lips.




    Her finger runs along the cut off surface of the stump.

    She winces, inhaling sharply as a sliver of wood pricks her finger. A bead of blood rests on the wound.


    "Still a danger even when they are gone."


    The Mali'aheral disappears behind one of the tree trunks.



    Lelien lies next to the sweetly sleeping Acaele. Yet sleep doesn’t seem to grasp her in its tendrils of dreams. She snuggles up to her Cae, thinking of the news of the day.

    Ayla. Lulu will be sul’leyun. Yes, no? Yes. Certainly. Kally aswell, he’ll do the right
    th-. Throw out maln. Or not? I couldn’t. Could I?



    She looks up to Acaele. His expression soft and unworried.


    My mayilu. Would he know what to do? I don-…We have to stay. Together. Talar.  




    Lelien smiles softly as Acaele shifts in his sleep.

    Maln isn’t…thill. Thill. We need thill. Kally will do it. Evidence. Seth migh-. No.
    Untrustworthy. Silvos believes. It should have been him.  Not Delonna. Ulln. Rotten.




    The young Mali’aheral leaves the warmth of Acaele and the bed and strolls downstairs to the balcony where she sits down to look over the sleeping city in the cold drizzle.

    My cihi. It has to be safe. Must. Necessary.



  20. Lelien walks into the library with a large smile on her face. She looks around for a certain book about mice or rodents, running her thin finger along the spines of the books. Humming a soft tune, she glances over to the referendum.

    Lelien raises an eyebrow.

    She takes a few steps towards it, tilting her head to the right slightly.

    As the young Mali'aheral reads the referendum her face reddens, becoming as red as her dress and the rose in her hair.

    Her right eye twitches every so often.

    Her mouth falls open as she reads the response of Tamarien.


    Her cry echos through the library.

    Lelien turns and rushes out.

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