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Posts posted by Princeton

  1. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):

    Kitten Raska

    Character Skillset:

    Undetermined, was going to advance these skills through RP teachings from other Kharajyr.

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Raska is new-born, Kha'Cheetrah, kitten. Raskas' fur is more lightly colored than most other Kha'Cheetahs, and he has dark brown fur spots all over pelt. His eye's are a strange pigment of gold and often entice people to look at him.


    Raska, as any normal kitten, will be extremely shy and tend to hide from unknown people. Raska will be extremely curious, attempting to obtain knowledge from all around him. He will be looking for a Munna or Peeta because nobody has agreed to take parental control over my kitten. As Raska ages, his whole personality will develop into a very complex individual. He is going to become obsessed with trying to obtain the title of Ri'. He will not care for much physical traits as most kharajyr do, but will attempt to become more of a spiritual and knowledgable member of the Kharajyr community. Raska will focus mainly to his studies with small amount of combat training depending on who takes my character in.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Raska was born from an unidentified mother, roaming the forest of that of Xer'Tlassu. Raska, being just a kitten, could not defend for himself. He would crawl hopelessly around, whining and whimpering for some sort of food. Extremely malnourished and unkempt, most Kharajyr mothers would take pity on the poor thing, feeding him with anything they could spare. Raska would be hopelessly doomed to a life of little importance if a mother didn't take him in.

    (( With the transition to 2.5, I was hoping that some sort of Kharajyr mother would consider taking my kitten for the ride, and hopefully develop some sort of bond with him on the way to 3.0. Although, I know the bio is lacking with much detail, but there isn't really much I can add considering we aren't even in Asulon, and we don't know how we are getting to 3.0. I truly believe that I can RP my kharajyr as well as anyone else can. If you do not have all 30 Kharajyr, please consider bringing Raska along, and I promise not to disappoint. My true passion for this server has always fell to the Kharajyr, and I almost always have a kharajyr character as my main. ))

    Character's ambitions:

    Raskas' ambitions lie under the roof of becoming a Ri' in the community. Raska would attempt to become spiritually connected with Metztli' and lead the kharajyr community within' connections with Metztli. Along with being a "priest," Raska would attempt to learn magic. Most Kharajyr fear magic as something not to be tampered with, but Raska see's it as a opportunity for him to protect his community because he isn't physically superior. Raskas' life will be surrounded with a constant fear of failing, so his personality may come off as "skittish" or "uneasy."

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    (( Teen Raska:)) Raska approaches the man intuitively, eyeing him down cautiously, wondering how he made it here. Raska asks quietly "Ho-w didda you make et here?" The humans replies "I w-as j-ust wandering." Raska, not believing the mans story, asks with a slight smirk on his face "Were you looking to find us, Ape?" The helpless human cries out "N-no, I s-wear!" Raska chuckles to himself, walking up to the beaten human, he would hit the mans kneecap with his wooden stick and watch him fall to the ground. Raska walks away, leaving the man there to starve or die of dehydration. Raska mutters "A sacrifice to Metzli."


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Raska shifts uncomfortably in his seat, pulling his travelers hood slightly over his head. As the man proceeds to drink more ale and become more drunk, Raska waits for the man to leave the tavern. Raska departs from the tavern swiftly, hiding behind a corner, waiting for the dwarf to leave. As the dwarf begins to walk home, Raska moves quickly from the corner and his the impaired dwarf in the head with his stick, watching the dwarf fall on the floor. Raska begins to plan a swift depart from the town.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Raska tilts his head, reciting the words "That isa against the laws of Metzli," almost in an eerily way. The friend, beginning to get nervous of Raskas' actions, attempts to leave his house. Raska quickly replies as he attempts to flee his house "Leave, and I'll calla for teh guards." The friend pauses immediately, knowing that if he called the guards, his life was over. "Pleasea, Raska, don't dopa this to me! It wassa da sugar, you knowa how we act around et." Raska chuckles "If your will is that weak, you don't deserve to live under the beautiful life our goddess, Metzli, bestowed upon you. Perhaps we can go to the temple and see if you can atone for your sins, weak one." Raska leads him out of the house, and as they enter the streets, Raska calls "We have a killer, guards!" The guards come almost immediately, and Raska whispers into his friends ear, almost methodically "This is the only way to atone for your sins." They begin the sacrifice ritual at the top of the temple stairs, offering the Kha' to Metzli.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Indeed, I do.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    Kitten Raska: nuFkf.png

  2. I think he would make an excellent GM. He has proved himself as a terrific RP'er with the "Perfectionist" and demonstrates ample amount of leadership by leading the Kharajyr. +1 from me and good luck, Geo.

  3. Hello Kharajyr Community,

    I would like a make another Kharajyr character that is a kitten and is in the actual Kharajyr community. I really have no preferences on which sub-culture you are, only that there is a mother and father, and that you are active on a daily basis. I have played a few kharajyr kittens, so I know how to properly play them. If you are interested in having me in your pride, post below so I know what you want me to be, and I will get to making a proper application. I would prefer to be a male.


  4. I've been playing an Ape'Kha since the beginning of my time on the server. You may argue with me that it is against lore, but the fact of the matter is when Tiazar disbanded the Kha after the leaving of Haelun'or, we were left to go on our own separate ways. I, myself, was attempting to gradually introduce the Kha into regular society. I find that my time as a Kha was most enjoyable when I Rp'ed with humans because Kha are so different. You bring a completely different aspect of role-play when you walk in as a giant cat. I was scolded almost every time a kha saw my character because I didn't live with the pride, but the truth was Tiazar left us, and we had a right to wander the mainland. I think all Kha should be able to be an active player-base in regular Asulon and 3.0.

  5. I like every part about this idea except for the 500 mina part. I believe that the cost of a shop should be even more. In real life, when a person opens a shop, risk is a very large contributing factor in a shopkeepers worries. If you made the price higher, people would actually have to consider making the shop and maintaining it, rather then seeing a bunch of abandoned tents and people that wouldn't actually be able to afford a shop with their character.

  6. Conquest:

    Conquest is the act of military subjugation of an enemy by force of arms. In other words it is the de jure incorporation of some territory into another geo-political entity (either adjacent or non-contiguous). Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being annexed is the smaller, more peripheral, and weaker of the two merging entities, barring physical size.

    Opposing Faction: Aelor and his supporters.

    Defending Faction: Small village of River Bend (Abandoned since mid-august, confirmed by GM.)

    Name of the battle: Conquering of River Bend.

    Location: must be the specific region/biome you wish to conquer: Location is the village of River Bend, right off the orcish road.

    Time, (at least 5 days warning): October 7th. 10 PM EST.

    Terms: Null ~

    Rewards: region/biome swaps ownership, all chests and materials go to me.

    *Aelor scouts the seeming abandoned town, thinking it would be nice to start up a base of operations here. He scans around and waits for any sign of life, nothing seems to come. He decides he will call this town his own.

    (( Sorry for the lack of RP behind this, but there isn't much to go off of for an abandoned village. ))

  7. Aelor strolls into the seemingly empty city, a small grin begins to curdle around his mouth. The teenager sighs, his face hidden behind his mask, welded onto his face. He begins to walk around the city checking for any signs of life. Aelor mutters "River Bend" under his breath, waiting for a soul to walk into the village.

    (( Basically, I stumbled upon a small halfling village called "River Bend." I don't know if it is deserted or not, but I will probably post a war-claim if this is not responded too accordingly.

  8. MC Name: Princetonlax21

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Honeybee

    Concepts: I would really just like to help you get rid of any blotch spots on the terrian, I don't think any pictures are necessary. Adding trees and adding blocks to make things look smoother.

    Other works: I did build the Kings Gate on a ASOIF build server and the concept house for Flea Bottom.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) Indeed, I also have a mic.

  9. Hello #LOTC,

    I am here today to ask anyone if they require anyone to RP a child of there family. I would prefer there to be both a mother and father. I don't really have a preference for race, although I do not wish to play an orc. If you would like me to RP your child, just tell me your race, ages, and occupations. I would also like to know my age and gender. Thanks!


  10. Hello #LOTC,

    I come here today concerning my lack of roleplay and what I wish to do about it. I have become slightly inactive over the past month or so mainly because most types of roleplay have become dull for me. I have tried creating different characters of different races but nothing seems to work. I really do not wish to leave LoTC because I really was enjoying it and the community is so amazing. Any suggestions would be awesome!


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