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Posts posted by Princeton

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I was just wondering wether you guys think I should RP a dark elf child or another Kha kitten.


    (( This is a OOC post, but I thought since it's going to be role-play then I thought it best falls here. ))

  2. *A Kharajyr Female stand in the Cloud Temple, yelling about her land and it's worth*

    "Gather all! I have an offer for you," screams Desmeres.

    "I, Desmeres, am selling my beautiful mountain valley village. I will be starting the auction at 10,000 minas!"

    *Marks the coords on a map "-2300, -5113"





  3. *A note is neatly pinned upon the wall in the Cloud Temple Sanctuary.*

    Hello Everyone,

    I have question regarding this fascinating stone that glows an eyrie white and has some holes in it. If anyone knows about this stone or it's purpose, post a note here, or send me a bird (( Princetonlax21 ))


  4. *A kharajyr merchant stands behind her stand in Ildon, grinning.*

    I have a group of fifteen diamonds for sale! The group will be sold together, no exceptions. I will start the bidding at 6,225 minas!

    *Waits for other offers to be called.*

  5. Ny reasoning is I'm just bores with this map. We are too spread out and beyond the point to fix it without making many people unhappy.

    I personally, agree with Hiebe. The community just isn't a tight niche anymore. Everyone would rather create a town then live in one, and I'm not an exception to that. I think the mods need to find a way to stop that.

  6. MC Username: Princetonlax21

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): Desmeres ( No prefix because of no proper home. )

    Character Skillset: Desmeres is an extrmely talented swordsman. She is quick and nimble, but lacks much strength. Desmeres is also intelligent, her studies ranging from advanced arithmetic to rhetoric. She is talented when it comes to commerce and coin.

    ((Swords: 103.))

    ((Mining: 50. ))

    ((Blacksmithing: 25.))

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): Desmeres is a 16 year old Kha'Leparda. She is simply beautiful in Kharajyr standards. She has a light coat of silky fur and large eyes that lure people into her. She is 5'4 and 110 pounds and is still growing.

    Personality: Desmeres is out-going and generally nice person. She has a certain warmth about her that attracts many people. She is not as racist as most Kha, growing up in disbanded environment. She never seems to be able to stay in one spot or with one person. People that think they know her, barely know her truly at all. Men have a fatal attraction to Desmeres, an attraction she can never seem to return. When a man gets too familiar with her, she will often leave town quickly and silently.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Desmeres was always a quick witted child, eager to please and learn. She was enrolled into a university at a young age until her parents heard the Kha race was disbanded. Desmeres was attending an elven university because she wanted to learn proper common. While at the university, Desmeres was well versed in the art of arithmetic and rhetoric. Desmeres was completely joyed by the decision of disbanding, giving her the chance to meet different species and practice the art of swordsplay without having to hide from other Kha. One night while out practicing swords, she heard a faint scream from her house. Desmeres rushed home quickly only to find nothing. Her parents and all of her belongings were out of her house. Desmeres still has not a clue of what happened to her parents that night.

    After the tragic events, Desmeres ventured out in the wilds. She found an abandoned village, and has been rebuilding it since. She practices swords-play and occasionally reads when she can buy a book from a caravan. People are generally startled at a young girl of her age living in the wilderness, and thriving. She awaits the time when she can return to the Kha and the good graces of Metztli.

    Character's ambitions: Desmeres wishes to re-build her village into a habitable place for all races, but mainly Kha. She wishes to prove her remarkable swordsmanship skills to the rest of the Kha race.

    [u]_---Situational Rp Questions---_

    1. As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Desmeres recognizes the man as a merchant that had sold her a book one time.

    Desmeres smiles "Hello, friend, are you coming to sell me anything?"

    The man returns the smile politely "Yes, I actually have a book for sale."

    Desmeres tries to keep the desperateness out of her voice "For how much?"

    The man responds "150 minas, but for you, 100."

    Desmeres lets out a sigh of relief "I shall take it, thank you."

    2. As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak?:

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?: Desmeres slowly backs out the door deciding making a scene in public is unwise.

    The dwarf, being extremely intoxicated, follows her to a ally next to the inn.

    Desmeres watches the dwarf clumsily turn the corner when she strikes with her claws into his face

    Desmeres leaves four clean strikes down his face and leaves him unconscious.

    Desmeres leaves before people notice his absence.

    3. One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?: Desmeres looks at her close friend with dismayed eyes "You did what?!" Desmeres exclaims.

    "I killah teh ottah Kha, he woud nattah givameh da cake!"

    Desmerey draws her golden blade and screams "Leave, if you were not my friend I would cut you to pieces you scum. May Metztli curse your soul!"

    The friend runs out of the room silently.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Indeed, I do.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin: Skin is being made currently. I will not RP my Kha until it's finished.

  7. *As the sun slowly threatens to approach the sky, you see a shape moving slowly on the horizon. The shape is moving slowly almost resembling a crawl, upon further inspection you see it is a tiny wolf pup. The pup seems to be frightened of almost everyone and thing.

    (( With the death of my kitten, Dezar, I have decided it's time for a new animal-character. I have been approved from SuperSodaPop and Gaius Marius. He is a orphan currently. )) Update: The pup was born in the forest outside Haelun'or. All RP findings of me shall begin there, and ultimately an In-game meeting of everyone later.))


  8. Your Minecraft Username: Princetonlax21

    Your Monk's Name: Quothe

    Have you read and agree to follow the rules?: Yes, I most definitely agree to uphold the rules.

    Your Monk's Personality: Quothe is a generally out-going person to those who respect him. He has a quick tongue to the ignorant, but does not believe in any type of racism. Quothe believes that all should be treated fairly. Quothe is exceptionally intelligent, even as a very young teen. He is quick-witted, sharp-tongued and clever, and a talented musician.

    A Very Brief Bio (Just a basic bio, not nearly as long as the one you used when applying for the server): Quothe was born into a respected traveling troupe among Asulon. He education was spotty, but wide ranging, his teachers being troupers and travelers. He appears to be very young, but his intelligence is remarkable for a person of his age. Quothe is quick to make friends, but he also has many enemies because of his troupers anger. He is always willing to help if you respect him.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?: Lord Keldrith- God of Sun.

    Lady Rellenia- Goddess of the Moon.

    Lord Tarie- God of the Stars.

    Lost traveler come to the Sanctuary and asks, "Monk, where am I and how might I find my way?" How do you respond?:

    *Quothe looks up from the Lute he was playing and studies the Traveler intently and speaks after a long pause "You, sir, are in the Wilven Sancutary. A place of peace and reflection."

    *The traveler looks at Quothe strangely and asks "Aren't you a little young to be a monk, boy?

    *Quothe takes another long pause and tries to keep his temper in check. He speaks with a rye smile "Some would say, but age isn't everything, my friend."

    *The traveler seems to sense the wiseness in the young mans voice and asks sternly "Where should I go to begin my journey?"

    *Quothe ponders the question carefully "Where you choose your path in life is your choice, my friend, but I believe a man like yourself should follow an honest path of integrity. *Quothe notices the mans High elven appearence and suggests "Maybe you should try the Silver City, it is right outside Malinor."

    *Quothe points to the yellow side and says "There is a ship to Malinor over there."

    *The traveler bows in thanks and continues to the boat.[

    (( Any constructive criticism would be great if I need to expand. Thank you for reading. I currently do not have a monk skin because it would be an embarrassment if I tried, but if I am accepted I will ask to see if it is acceptable.))

  9. MC Username: Princetonlax21

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): Dezar

    Character Skillset: Dezar has fallen in love with the dagger at a young age. He isn't particularly good with it yet because he is such a young kitten, but he loves to practice with it when nobody is around. (( I shall rp a sword as a dagger )) Most people can tell he will be very talented with it because he is so agile and swift. (( my old char is 103 swords. ))

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): Dezar is a eight year old Kha'Pantera. He has the typical Kha'Pantera look with pure black fur and bright green eyes.

    Personality: Dezar is very shy because of his very young age. He tends to stay away from the other children because he is afraid of embarrasing himself in front of the other kittens. He tends to watch them play from afar, observing moments and tendencies between the kittens. Dezar wishes to one day impress everyone, but he is far too shy to try. He knows he possess the abilities, but he can't seem to come up with the motivation to try. Dezar is a very observant Kha'Pantera even though for his young age.

    Dezar takes a very special interest in the Apes. He doesn't necessarily like them, but he finds something interesting about them. He likes to study them, but he would never talk to one because of all the negativity towards the apes. He doesn't understand why everyone fears them, but he goes along with it because he doesn't want to be skinned.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life: Dezar was born into a very loving family with both a mother and a father. His parents taught him all the manners a kitten should know. One day while he and his parents were walking, a group of of orcs somehow stumbled upon his parents and Dezar. His parents told Dezar to run, so Dezar followed his parents orders. He waiting in his house for O so long until eventually he couldn't take it anymore. Being the kitten he was, went of the see where his parents were. He found his parents with axe slashes in them and there whole fur skinned off. He ran back to his town thinking "Why would anyone do this?!" After the incident, Dezar became very shy and almost made no contact with the outside world. He was terrified of everything that moved. Eventually, A fellow Kha came and found him and nurtured Dezar back into some stability. He is still very shy though.

    Dezar has a terrible fear of the green monsters now. If a orc attempts to speak to him he will cower in fear or run off. Even though of his unfortunate past, Dezar still loves to explore. He wants to understand more of the world around him and will do almost anything to get his hands on a book. He likes to walk around and see all the different places of the world has to offer him. Particularly shy, Dezar still wishes to find companionship with another Kha.

    Character's ambitions: Dezar's ambitions is to find companionship with another Kha. He also hopes to become a scholar Kha because of his interest in knowledge. He believes words are a weapon just as his dagger. He also wishes to become a master with the dagger eventually.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?: Dezar observes the man because of his interest in other life. He is pretty scared of the man and has fears that he may cause harm. Dezar, being a quick Pantera, decided the run into the forest after noticing the knife on the mans left hip. The man then walks back to his friends and says "Damn, we almost caught the furball." Dezar smiles to himself and think "That was close."


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?: Dezar is very frightened by the mans harsh words. He starts to back up to the door and trips. He starts to shake and barely can stand when he notices some orcs coming down the road. He thinks "No, not like my parents!" Dezar focuses himself and runs to the next town and hides.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response? Dezar looks very serious "You killed someone over a slice of cake?!" Dezar brushes past the man and runs to the nearest authority. He begins tell the man what his friend told him in very broken language because of his fright. "H-he..kill-kiled..him." He eventually gets the whole story out to the authority figure. Dezar thinks to himself "I have to be more careful with my friends."

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred? Yes. I swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law. I swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred. I do not wish to ruin the first player-made race.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

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