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Posts posted by Tsuyose


    In Nomine Dei

    In the Name of God




    It is, that with this missive, we do declare ourselves of the most pious religion of the Canonist Faith, and we do implore that all those within our ducal realm and yonder to adhere to the standards and principles also. For GOD’s wrath knows no bounds, we shall house no heathen, and we shall uphold the faith, and long may we live. We are God fearing and we are religious, we do implore that the Canonist Church does do visit our most pious city when they see fit, and those of the faith will be housed and fed for the following morn. To those heathenous, we do scorn you, to those that lack faith, we implore you to believe; for there is everlasting peace in the Seven Skies, and may GOD guide us in our benevolent future.



    His Grace, Eddrick I Sigismund of the House of Lancaster, Duke of Briar, and Count of Normandy.

  2. I thoroughly support this applicant due to the sheer fact that the participant has showed a devoted sense of sound mind toward the community and its advancement. The past is, genuinely the past, and hearsay barely takes anyone anywhere @Aelsioln therefore I lend my support for Violino with a huge plus one, and I do believe that she will be capable of producing a myriad of events for the playerbase to enjoy.

  3. The immortality is unnecessary, in my honest opinion. I'd advise removing it, perhaps give them a long life, but immortality? Why? It's absolutely unnecessary and just clinks onto the 'immortality' cliche a lot of lore we have, holds nowadays. I also believe that it could incite more role-play, especially with elderly folk of these creatures; perhaps those who're on their deathbed due to old age. 'Immortality' is just such a stupid cliche now, I reckon there could be a lot more interesting aspects to the role-play if they weren't made immortal. Also, I noticed you added something about Satyr's and marriage with other Satyr's, but druids also? I assume that this means that they cannot FTB with druids, which would be the standard protocol.

  4. Trade to the Host of Brothers


    Notices are pinned around the expanse of Atlas, lining noticeboards and harked by trade sellers alike. Tales of a Host, seeking to spend their fortune on the iron trade, and purchase themselves a worthy supply of resources. Gossipers and merchants alike fawned at the mention of mina to satiate their greedy desires, and in their efforts to retrieve as much iron as they could, would one likely tell the tale.


    "I will purchase four crates of iron stacks for a large sum of seven thousand, five hundred mina.


    Signed, Pious."


    The notice would offer a means of reply, as would the merchant.


    (four stacks of iron blocks for 7,500 mina.)

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