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Status Updates posted by Z3r05t4r

  1. Volvo please fix the servur.

  2. https://gyazo.com/27d8dc1430cb5f41a9a40d0fbe9ad951

    Take it with a pinch of amusement, you got to give Tythus a break in between ;)

  3. That's a classic.

  4. I think this hits the mood.


    Nigerian Prince says hello:


    This song is rad as hell.


  6. Whoever is building the battleship at Courland, 10/10.

  7. Quite the slaughter. Amusing, with the boat falling apart at the end and everything on fire.

  8. I feel the need for another battlereport.

  9. I made a thing. Don't even know if it's accurate.



  10. Can someone make a political map?

  11. Good that this is back.

  12. Can we switch maps, like right now?

  13. Has anyone ever considered making a Age of Empires II HD scenario for LotC?

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