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The Wise Master Drunk

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  1. Man, it's been a while. Can't wait to get reaccepted!

  2. Waaah.. I was accepted three hours ago.. And I still don't have access T_T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Seriously, the wait is more than worth it.

    3. 0000


      You must wait to be implemented, a GM will post on your app saying "Implemented" soon.

    4. steelersfan1221


      My Alternate's application has been there for 1.5 days now :3

  3. Just cruising the forums until somebody can Whitelist me.

    1. The Wise Master Drunk

      The Wise Master Drunk

      .. Uh. The_Drunk, if you guys were wondering..

    2. K33MST4R


      I accepted dat app

    3. The Wise Master Drunk

      The Wise Master Drunk

      I know, G. Homie Dawg. McDiggggity with cheeze. I meant like.. For the actual server..

  4. . . . Resisting the urge to chase down a GM. . . I can't sleep until I know the answer!

  5. I feel pretty smart.. Minecraft was running at about 2FPS for a few months.. Then I found out it was cause I hadn't updated Java..

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