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Jake the Dog

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Posts posted by Jake the Dog

  1. -OOC-

    • Minecraft UserName: jakesassy40
    • Do you have Skype / TS: Yes
    • How many hours a week are you on: Too many for my own good


    -Employee Application (RP)-

    • Name: Jakir Axem
    • Age: 37
    • Race: Human
    • Employee Type (Independent or Nation): Independent
    • Job Applying for: Lumberjack
    • What makes you good at the job your applying for: I been doing it since I was seven. I think I know which woods I can cut and what they are good at. (And I got 36k XP)
    • Why do you wish to join the company: So for once I can get paid for doing this job I have since I was a child
  2. The plague had hit hard and fast, many a person was infected with this deadly disease. But some were lucky to live, others. Even more rare, able to fight it. One such man was A Cleric. of Tahariae holy purity. who over the years did his best to help others. But in this time of blight. He was needed too much.

    Wave upon wave of people came for him, asking for his divine power to quell the darkness inside of them, and The Cleric for a time did just that. But the days drew on. And even the strongest of people grow tired. 


    The Cleric had cured another in the name of Tahariae. Feeling the sickly painful effects of constant use and strain on the body. The Cleric looked to take a break and time to rest with his beautiful rose and growing daisy.  but alas he could not. For others knew of him. Who he was, what he could do. To The Cleric. It seems everyone knew about him, which he displeased very much. Offerings of money for help, along with wealth and title.

    He did not want this, he wished only to do what he had done before the plague struck. But it seems.

    In times of desperation, people will look to the smallest ray of light.


    So The Cleric could only hope, that his strength holds in this time of need. And that someone could find another way to save people. No longer needing his help all the time for this task, but a somewhat less taxing task. But, in-till the day. The Cleric shall do his best. To save the people he loves, and the people he can.



    ((Holy **** people, stop fecking trying to bribe me.))

  3. Letting out a heavy sigh, after he threw the Soul Eye. After all that had happened, he knew the souls were free. But after all they went threw. Watching the man die by vines, using the key he gave Jakir. Finding the beast of darkness. Knowing that his own light of Tahariae would follow through, slaying the beast. The Ember had promised they would have everything here, but for him. She did not, the two he loved kept him going on and fighting. And in the end, he knew what he has done was right. But, the question now upon his mind was if he would ever face this woman again.



    ((Amazing Event. Even though by the end my emotes got a bit sloppy (Was 01:30am) but damn I had fun.))

  4. *Eyes open with a deep breath. Jakir having been lucky by being inside when the vision struck. Quickly gets up and moves to his desk. Many thoughts and feelings running threw his mind before he calms them down.*


    "Guess the darkness won't give the light a break. Time to gather my brothers and sisters to deal with this problem. Tahariae protect us in this time of darkness."


    *He arises to seek out his fellow Clerics to try and work out a plan.*

  5. Character Name

    Name: Jakir Axem
    Nicknames: None that I know of

    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Status: Alive

    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 205lb
    Body Type: Bulky
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: Slight tan
    Markings/Tattoos: None
    Health: Fit and healthy
    Personality: Loyal and always up for a laugh.

    Has a chain hidden under his outfit On said chain is a small crescent moon made of sapphire.
    Further Details: I'll think of something.

    Life Style
    Alignment*: Lawful Good
    Deity*: Tahariae
    Religion: Tahariae
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Home in Alras
    Job/Class: Master Cleric

    Part time Lumberjack
    Title(s): High Paladin

    Profession(s): Combat. Lumber-jacking. 
    Special Skill(s): None
    Flaw(s): Not fond of crowds.

    Current Status: Active.
    Arch-type: Holy
    Sub-Type: War Cleric, Cleric Healing.
    Rank: T5, T5.
    Weakness(es): Draining if overused
    Strength(s): Very effective on said Evil things.
    Current Spell(s): Look at the lore people.

    Fighting Style: Very defensive.
    Trained Weapon[s]: Single handed swords.

    Single and Two handed Axes.


    Favoured Weapon: One handed Axes.
    Archery: Basic skills with a bow and crossbow.

    Parents: David and Alice Axem.
    Siblings: None
    Children: None
    Extended Family: None
    Pet(s): None

    I'll do it later.

  6. ((MC Name)): 




    Jakir Axem





    If you're married, your spouse's name:



    Where you are living: 

    Looking for a home in the Conclave





    Any notable health concerns:



    Military position, if any:









    Any other notes:

    I have a magic license. But not a home yet.

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