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Jake the Dog

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Posts posted by Jake the Dog

  1. #Nature of the bug: Nexus Enchanting
    #First occurrence: (Providing an exact time helps us locate the error messages, which can help in fixing the bug)
    Yesterday, I can do it again if you need to see exactly.
    # Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: 
    When you enchant a book, which is already enchanted and cancel it. It deletes the original enchant and the one you canceled. 
    # What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally : (in the event of a crash, please also provide the error log)
    Should be getting the enchanted book back, instead you get the plain one.
    # Frequency of occurrence:
    # Are you able to reproduce the bug:  I don't want to but yes.
  2. Jakir having turned up the day before, only to find the impending attack managed to help hold back the tide. Sword near broken and soaked in blood. He turned back to the crowd after they all together burned the dead of the drowners. "I think we each deserve a drink for this." he sits down, cleaning his blade. Looking over the aftermath

  3. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Jakir Axem, 46.


    Character’s Race:


    What magic/s did you learn?:

    War Cleric, then Clerical healing, then Clerical blessing.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

    Connected for War Cleric first by Siris (Lanader.) Then trained by Siris, Hosper, and sometimes Daniel (Hosper and dandan1350 respectively.) After 5 or so months of war clerical, I started with the healing side. Which mostly was taught by Hosper and Mandru, then self teaching by the later T4-5 area. Then once both had be mastered over around 11-12 months, I started with Clerical blessing with Hosper only, before disconnection after 416 days overall as a Cleric. As such, Jakir is unable to do said much, this is simply to lead on to a TA application for the first two arts. As he is still able to teach the art, just not make new clerics, or do the magic himself unless things changed. And if he was reconnected. He would be reverted all the way back to T1 for all the arts.(Better tbh, been out the game so long I need a refresh)


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    War Cleric:

    War clerical magic, is the offensive and more unstable form of Tahariae deity magic, it is powers designed to follow in pursuit of Tahariaes goal of purity. As such most of it's powers are focused on the removal of taint and the removing of dark beings and creatures. It starts off the same as Tahariae healing magic, only it is above the skin and then moved about via prayer. As it is the more deadly and offensive form of the magic, it can be used to harm both dark and neutral entities, but due to the nature of the patron. Using it to harm and kill innocent people will lead to disconnection, for one is breaking the balance of Tahariaes purity. Each one of the spells within the arsenal of the war cleric has its different purpose. But most are not designed to kill outright, mostly for defensive uses, for example, the orbs of light used are not going to puncture into someone’s skin like a arrow, it will be mostly blunt force pushing them back and most likely leaving a bruise at most.


    Clerical Healing.

    Clerical healing is the more stable, less likely to get you killed version of war cleric (unless you push yourself into comatose death, can happen.) as such the cleric in mind needs to focus purely on the task at hand due to it's complex nature, and overall skill needed, and power too. The wounded healed by this art depends on the cleric at hand, at first the user will barely be able to cut a paper cut before tiring, but later on they move upwards towards deeper cuts, bones. As well as other skills such as purifying water and air. The cleric needs to understand how the wound words before they can heal it, as such the cleric tends to be a rather proficient doctor without the aengul gifted power. Only now empowered by a god like being.


    Clerical Blessing.

    This is the hardest art form to learn of the clerical subtype, due to it's need for proficiency with the war clerical magic. As such this is the last thing a cleric can hope to learn, and the teachers left are even fewer. This allows the cleric to apply the power of tahariae onto an object of choice. Be it the divine flames to a blade, to smite undead, or a calming effect to a ring, to help in medical application. The different uses of blessing are limitless and up to the user, but it tends to be more limited then voidal evocation.



    Footnote: It has been awhile, since I actually tried anything to do with clericalism, and as such I might be a little out of touch, it may show in the app, and any comments (Hopefully not just insults or such) that could help me improve in this subject will be much thanked. Due to talks, this may actually turn into a full app, but that is still far off, but I am attempting to at least trying to improve and get better, and maybe one day rejoin all you crazy lot in the quest for evil killing., but we shall see one day. Until then, thanks for reading. (I prob fukt up something in the app, don't judge me! Also, going to be a ***** to get both Lanader, dandan, Hosper, and Mandru to confirm this app)

  4. Disconnecting Lyuin would probably make him the happiest man alive. As for me, Skale lost his Shade and started to nurse himself past the darkness. He gave up Ikuras and stopped practicing magic in general. Lyuin found Skale after he purged most of the darkness from his being, all because of the Shade being removed. So in terms of Skale, your logic/argument is invalid. I get you're upset about whatever happened back then, but this thread is not the place for it. Bring it to a private chat, the server doesn't need to read people arguing back and forth or bitching on a canon lore page.

    So all in all, move the **** on.

    EDIT: Lyuin wasn't trying to **** Skale and Hosper wasn't trying to **** all the Shades. If Jakir had control of his ****, he may of remained a War Cleric. Just saying.

    As a user of dark magic if lynxs logic is correct then lyuin should of just killed you over and over without mercy. I don't wish to remain quiet about it anymore, I don't care if the whole server hates me by the end. And I still don't understand where the talk of Jakir trying to sleep with came from, the best thing is that he was not, people always comment and gossip about it but it never acutally happed. Have any of you seen me acutally rp doing such? Not just joking about it ooc or ic?

  5. You were disconnected by Hosper, while I was the first at the scene. You knew they were a dark arts user and moved to not rid them rather flirt and try to engage in a relationship with them, the one that alerted us only did so after hearing about you doing similar things before. Your job as a war-cleric is to purge those that use evil magics, not to nurse them back to good.

    Ok so the cleric shade truce in anthos. Made by Hosper. Skale the ikuras cult higher up, now a cleric under huw. If disconnects are with trying to convince a low level soul puppeteer to convert and give up there ways by making friends, while also getting cult info out of them (which I did) then you best go disconnect both Lyuin and Hosper.

  6. Given the fact I was disconnected for interrogating, flirting. And then trying to convert a low level soul puppeteer to make them go good, I honestly had not broken any tenants. Only then was I emoted loosing all clerical ability. Since I was deemed guilty of my crime of trying to save a life breaking all laws Then to which I noticed quiet a few xan paladins suddenly turn up with an never seen before cleric whom had disconnecting power from years ago. They had all heard of tahariaes condemming within only about 2 mins of my supposed tenant breaking and were waiting ready before the condemnation emote even fully ended. This is why I have been salty over clerical activities. Because mine ended with such an ooc set up that I was just left angry and upset.

    Ps its 5:27am I have had 16 glasses of coke at a wedding the night before and I just don't give a damn anymore

    Had to see this damn post and bloody trigger the anger and depression on that day

    416 days as the second ever war cleric before healing student. Master of both subtypes and half way into blessing

  7. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: JaketheDog115




    What is your ingame Character Name?: Jakir Axem




    What is your Character’s Race?: Human




    Have you read and familiarized with all server rules and the villain rules?: Yes, I have.




    Links to any previous villain applications (for reference, these can be from previous characters, or previously denied applications to show how you’ve improved): None!




    What VA are you applying for? (Lesser Evils, Greater Evils [Greater includes Lesser by default, you don't need two applications if you apply for greater first]):  Lockpicking, Jailbreaking, Murder with provocation, murder without provocation, torture, psychopathy, insanity.




    Why is your character the way he/she is?  What has led them to a path requiring a Villain Application?: Jakir has been through a lot during his time alive, from the loss of his friends and family, loved ones and more he has slowly loss the compassion he once had, although cheery on the outside, he is a dark man on the inside, he sees torture as a means to an end, and willing to do it if his friends or family are at risk, same with murder, with or without reason. But with his many years of war, death and bloodshed he has come to enjoy it, he likes to kill. As simple as that, he does to know why he does. Lockpicking however is simply a tool for him to use should he need to access somewhere without much noise, most likely to carry out one of his other motives, and as for jailbreaking. He has done so before to rescue one of his captured friends. Many things have counted towards the mental instability of Jakir, some being physical, some mental. The things he had seen as a War Cleric showed him what people really could be like, and then his disconnect broke the only thing keeping him together.




    What are his/her motives?  What do you plan to gain from this?: Jakir's motives are simply to protect those he cares about, through any means needed, if he has to torture someone for hitting his daughter, he will do so. OOCly I plan to add depth to Jakir in both the insanity part, and the more physical combative parts. although not often so it's not over done, but just to add spice to RP. 




    What moral boundaries does your character have, if any?: No children, his time as a servant of Tahariae showed the most evil people would stoop to such level, and he never could. No one innocent, or as innocent in his mind, if he knows they are a good person, he will not hurt them unless they tried to do so first.




    What general kind of Villain will you be? (Bandit, Pirate, Raider, Madman, Cultist, Antihero, Destroyer Of Worlds, etc etc…): Most likely Anti hero. He is honestly just a ageing man who has just seen life for what it is, he does not wish to start a fight. But he will do what it takes to end one. 





    Open Response - Answer at least two of the open ended scenarios below. Do not powergame, metagame, or do anything else rulebreaking or unrealistic. Each scenario is designed with no particular objective in mind and is open ended deliberately. Assume your character is in each position, regardless of their normal situations:



    -An elderly man with a walking stick(possibly a staff), a middle aged woman in a flowing dress, and a teenage boy with a sword hanging on his belt are walking down the road, with no others in sight that you can tell...

    Jakir would make his way over to the old man. Looking him up and down. "You alright there old fella? Where you going?" to which the old man mostlikely would look up to Jakir, smiling slightly. "Just up the road." he old man hoarses out. Jakir would nod. "Ah, well good luck... has been raining. Don't want to slip you know." and with that Jakir makes his way off.



    -You are about to head out of your house when someone starts pounding on your door frantically.  You open the door to see a human woman, dress half torn, a gash across her cheek bleeding, fear in her eyes as she begs you for help. Someone has just attacked her and her sister, killing the sister, and the girl barely getting away and losing him...

    Jakir would motion for the girl to come inside, moving to gently hold her shoulder and ask her whats wrong, and after she explaining. He would nod slowly. "I'll take care of it." Jakir makes his way out towards the bandit if she told him where she was attacked, once there he would start to search. Finding the sisters dead body, he moves to close her eyes. "Rest well. I'll find the man who did this." Jakir gets up looking around before moving on with his search, with a light rustle of the leaves nearby Jakir makes his way over to the noise, looking into the bush for a moment before spotting a pair of eyes within. Jakir stares dumbly for a moment, before moving the grab the man and drag him from the bush, forcing the less armoured man to the floor hard. "Stop stop mercy!" the bandit calls out, panic clearly shown as the plated man holds him down. "What about the that girl hmm? Did you show her mercy?" the bandit starts to cry softly, begging for his life over and over. But Jakir just draws his dagger, cutting this lowlifes throat. "Willing to take a life willing to loose it." he gets up slowly, taking the dead sisters body back home, opening the door and stepping inside. He looks to the girl. "It's over, lets bury her." He would let her stay aslong as she liked or needed.



    -Sitting in a bakery, you hear two men talking in hushed voices upstairs. Sneaking up the stairs, you see a figure robed in black and a Guard. The robed figure is revealing plans to the Guard about an upcoming rebellion.  You can’t tell if the robed man is betraying the rebels, or if it is the Guard betraying the town... ((Jakir tends to wear armour, sneaking would prove rather hard with full plate



    -There is a knocking on your door, and when you open it there is an angry-looking man standing there, and a Olog standing behind him, eyeing you coldly.  The man tells you that you owe 1000 minas in taxes to the local Royals, and had best pay up... Jakir would nod slowly, moving inside motioning for the man to follow, the olog clearly too big for the home. Jakir opens a chest, pulling out a large bag, turning around holding for this man to take. As the man does so, Jakir would drag the dagger from his belt, moving to stab it into the mans neck as he is busy holding the mina. Jakir holds the man close, shushing him gently as the blood would spill out, over the floor. He then moves over, reaching the grab one of his many crossbows, loading it slowly as the olog would keep trying to smash down the wall, or door. What ever is in his way at the time. Jakir preping the bow slowly due to the draw weight. Before finally cocking the string. He then places the bolt in, moving to the window. Looking up at the olog. "Hey, over here!" he calls out, aiming the crossbow at the close distance olog, firing it as he looks over. After, he would move to hide the two bodies. The olog proving much harder, and as another guard came. Jakir would say the olog demanded tribute, and he had to deal with it. Hopefully the guard would help.




    -Two Guards are trying to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two Humans. Your friend slays one of the Guards as he approaches, causing the other Guard as well as the Humans to pull out their weapons...

  8. Minecraft Name: JaketheDog115




    Roleplay Name: Jakir Axem




    Have you read and familiarized yourself with all the server rules, war rules, and villain rules?: Just read all the villain rules, and I read both server and war rules before.




    Links to any previous villain applications (for reference, these can be from previous characters, or previously denied applications to show how you’ve improved): Making them soon!




    Having read through the above rules do you swear to uphold them during any conduct you do within a raid-like setting? Yes, if i'm in a raid I shall follow the rules.




    Secondly, do you swear to conduct yourself in a respectful Out-Of-Character manner during any armed occupation or raids toward the other party? Yes, I do.




    Lastly, do you acknowledge failing to uphold any of the above promises will result in your Raid Pass being revoked on top of potentially worse punishment such as revoking of Villain Applications, Blacklisting, and potential bans? Accepted that risk before the need for a pass, so now I just have an official version of it. 

  9. The armoured man leans forward, muttering something quietly to his robed elven friend. He leans back after, gently rest his left hand by his side, the leather stretching slightly as his hand balls up. He just focuses upon the other people within the room. Deep breaths echoing out from the steel helm. But his eyes do flicker from both the necromancer and Neopolitana.

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