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  1. Once again, I was denied. It was so dumb this time. I can't apply for another four months because apparently this is my fifth application. However, this is only my fourth. I's messaging the person woh graded my fourth application about this.

    1. Auvreaeath


      Yes Messaging me indeed, as apparently you decided to add another month into your wait period, I've lowered your waiting period down to 24 Hours though as you have indeed posted 5 Applications.

      But, if you'd like to I can add it back to 5

  2. I just finished my fourth application. I think this is my best one, after spending 2 hours on it. I just hope it was worth it. :|

  3. I sent a message to the person who graded my third application. Some of his comments made no sense.

  4. I sent a message to the person who graded my third application. Some of his comments made no sense.

  5. I was denied on my third application as well

  6. I was denied on my third application as well

  7. I just updated my third application.

  8. I just updated my third application.

  9. I just updated my third application.

  10. I did better on my second application, but was still denied. I won't give up until I reach my fifth application, which apparently is the last try you get to apply. Wish me luck! :)

  11. I did better on my second application, but was still denied. I won't give up until I reach my fifth application, which apparently is the last try you get to apply. Wish me luck! :)

  12. I did better on my second application, but was still denied. I won't give up until I reach my fifth application, which apparently is the last try you get to apply. Wish me luck! :)

    1. Aislin


      Good luck. If you need help, don't feel discouraged to PM an App Team member.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      I wish you the best of luck!

  13. Just posted my second application. I hope I do better this time. Wish me luck! :)

  14. Just posted my second application. I hope I do better this time. Wish me luck! :)

  15. Just posted my second application. I hope I do better this time. Wish me luck! :)

    1. xFrozt


      Good luck!! :D

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