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Status Updates posted by Deverant

  1. *Best* argh spelling, sorry

  2. Bset wishes with your current app :)

  3. Can I just say that its well worth people going to look at the Asulon Healer Hall proposal. Its excellent (even though I say so when I had a tiny hand in it, most of it is Nimshae) the proposal is just stunning and really really is worth a look. So much work went into it!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deverant


      Thanks guys. Nimshae deserves all the credit and I do think its a stunning idea and stunning proposal. All support is welcomed and thanked for :)

    3. ek_knight


      It's great. Unfortunately I can't access the thread because of all the pictures but I really love the idea.

    4. Deverant


      The large amount of pictures does mean it takes a little while to load but it does load up eventually (if any picture resizing happens that slows it a little too). Thank you very much for saying you love the idea and if your pc can wait to see the pictures load, its worth seeing them I would say. Thanks again for the nice comments.

  4. Just want to say a huge thank you to all the staff and GMs who have helped in the construction of the healer hall. Thank you for all your patience, thanks for being ok when I got stuck on steps, and thanks for all your time. Great stuff. On with the RP :) Thanks!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deverant


      so continuing...study areas so that people can learn and study in-game to become a healer and there will be numerous levels of qualification at being a healer.

    3. Deverant


      So actually becoming a healer will need a lot of good fun RP going through the process.

      I would adise first reading through the event propoal as that has a lot of background info. Then keep your eyes open for Nimshaes new post of healer hall background and info.

    4. Deverant


      Then, once we open and find our feet, training in-game RP will likely start.

      Eventually it will be great to have trained good RP staff to keep the place running 24/7 for great general RP as well as the lareg number of RP events the healer hall can generate.

      Thanks for your interest (and sorry my original big comment was cut so short, thus these shortened added status updates)


  5. Really really enjoying the server so far. Great people and great roleplay!! Thanks for accepting me here.

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