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Status Updates posted by Ruonna/Cerafina

  1. Sometimes, I'm pretty sure my pc hates me.

  2. how did I end up at the shaman's temple in Strigzgoi? This surely cannot be good for my elf. >.

    1. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Tried to walk to Silva

      Ended up in Karik

    2. Goldd


      Tried to walk to Arethor.... Ended up in Solace... then Riven... then glenwood... then i gave up...

    3. TeaLulu


      Shouldn't've taken that right turn.

  3. If you don't mind, I'd like you to still make it for me.

  4. getting off LOTC to play dance central 2 :)

    1. Auvreaeath


      Have fun. :D

    2. Goldd


      I have that too.

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